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Sri Setiyarini
Subag. Kep.

Pada ruang khusus seperti ICU UGD,

NICU, kamar operasi, kebidanan dll,
memiiki kekhususan dalam pelayanan
keperawatan & kebutuhan perawatan
pasiennya maka umumnya format
pengkajian pada ruangan tersebut
memiliki spesifikasi data tersendiri
Pengkajian meliputi
• terapi yang diberikan untuk
• alasan dirawat kondisi yang sama
• keadaan yang • alergi
menyebabkan masalah
kesehatan sekarang • waktu terakhir makan dan
jenis makanan yg masuk
• berat badan, tinggi
badan, tanda vital, • waktu dan jenis obat yg
status kardiorespirasi dikonsumsi 24 jm terakhir
• anastesi, reaksi anastesi • gigi palsu, kontaks lens yang
• operasi akhir-akhir ini
yang telah dijalani • hasil laboratorium
• rontgen thoraks,rontgen
lainnya, dll
• Documentation in ICU is carried out for a number of
reasons. It ensures continuity of care and provides
up-to-date patient status. It fulfils hospital policies
which furnish the legal aspects of 'duty of care'.
• Bavin (1988: 387) and Fracassi (1987: 66) both argue
that the intensive care nurse has to be highly skilled
today due to technological advances and complex
care of the critically ill patients. Also the
documentation and care required are complex and
time consuming.
flow sheets
• Fracassi (1987) comments, flow sheets are
useful because they increase efficiency, use of
time and enhance legibility and accuracy.
Kleiber and Chase (1989) stated that a flow
chart system saved time, made it easier to find
information and cut down on the number of
forms nurses had to use.
flow sheet in ICU
 involves numerous and separate charts.
 The most common charts in use are:
– Vital signs: respiratory observation
– neurological observation
– specific observation chart
– stool chart
– pain chart
– nursing management chart
– daily fluid balance
– progressive fluid balance
– problem sheet
– ECG collection
– biochemistry/haematology
Others used occasionally are
– peritoneal dialysis chart
– shunt observation chart
– pain relief chart
– Swan Ganz chart
– intercostal catheter chart
– lung function chart
These charts are all used for specific observations or
treatments. They are arranged in bundles on a
clipboard into four groups, observations; fluids;
medications and management.
Follow these rules for charting
chart everything
– include observations,
– nursing actions,
– patient’s response to therapy and treatment,
– any unusual incidents or omitted treatments
– safety precautions you took to protect the patient
– your attempts to reach the doctor
– any reservations you have about a doctor’s orders
– the date and time of each entry
– the patient’s name and identification number off the chart
– your signature on each entry (when in doubt chart
– leaving blanks or omitting documentation could have
disastrous results in a lawsuit
Emergency Department
o Efficient, complete and legible ED nursing
documentation is critical for patient care, legal
protection and proper reimbursement.
o The implications of hurried, incomplete or inaccurate
documentation are significant. Malpractice claims,
EMTALA violations and lost revenue all can result
from poor nursing documentation the Emergency
Dokumen di Emergency
• Gambaran komprehensif kondisi medis pasien
saat ini dan lalu
• Informasi meliputi:
– Diagnosa masuk
– Diagnosa lain yg dialami terkait terapi
– Inisial assesstment
– Med history
– Pengkajian fisik
– Observasi: tanda vital, dll
– Hasil konsultasi dng bagian
– Alasan masuk/ dirawat dan
dilakukanya terapi
– Progress note
– Discharge instruction
– dll
Ambulance (Air or Ground)

• Documentation should not be stapled or paper-

clipped. You may use binder clips to secure records
and tabs or colored paper to separate sections.
• Physician written order for transport (if non-
emergency physician ordered)
• Any further documentation that supports medical
necessity of air and/or ground ambulance transport
(i.e. emergency room report)
Ambulance (Air or Ground)

• Trip record Berisi:

– Pernyataan scr detil ttg KONDISI selama di ambulan
– Point of origin (identifikasi TEMPAT & ALAMAT dng
– Dokumentasi scr Detail kondisi selama transfer
– Point of destination (nama rumah sakit/tempat yg dituju,
fasilitas, alamat lengkap)
– Jauhnya perjalanan yg ditempuh/biaya per mil/ dll
– Persetujuan dr Pasien jika dirawat/ masuk RS
– Adanya surat keterangan beserta alasanya jika pasien
ditransfer bukan karena kondisi emergensi

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