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About the Company

• Infosys Limited (formerly Infosys Technologies Limited) is

an Indian multinational corporation that provides
business consulting, information technology and
outsourcing services with its headquarters in Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India.
• Infosys had 41 sales and marketing offices and 16
development centers across the world with major
presence in India, United States, China, Australia, Japan,
Middle East and Europe.
Past Performance
Infosys has been in a business relationship with PFS for last
5 years.
The performance of our company over the past five years
on its portfolio of PFS management projects can be
evaluated on performance indicators
• Quality
• Timeliness
• Reliability
During each of the past five years, Infosys has exceeded PFS
targets by a wide margin.
Average Performance Metrics on Maintenance Projects Over the past five years
Performance Dimension PFS Target Infosys result
 Requests delivered with zero defects 90.0% 97.1%
 Delivered defects per 1000 person hours 4.9 3.2

 Requests delivered on time 91.0% 99.6%
 Effort estimation accuracy 83.0% 98.1%

 Uptime on Infosys maintained systems 94.0% 99.9%
 Abend ratio access Infosys maintained systems 1.8% 2%
Value Added

• Ability to diagnose problems and write subroutines to correct

Helped reduce the average number of corruption incidents per
year from 24 to 0.
The reduced corruption helped saved reconstituting cost of $5280
[(45*4*24)+(40*24)] and employee cost of $5,04,000
(42*125*4*24) totaling to $509,280 (Rs 2,34,26,880) per annum.

• Reduction in disability claims reserves

Helped to reduce the cash reserve that PFS must have in-hand at all
times to pay disability claims by $14 million. At a cost of capital at
around 10%, PFS achieved significant savings.
• Reengineered project assignments-
Redesigned five major maintenance projects.

Focus on improving employee productivity rather than just gaining labor savings from moving
people offshore.

Reengineering project processes and employee tasks are key competencies of the Infosys HRD.

• Ongoing Ariba e-procurement projects-

Have been entrusted to put in place similar end-to-end Ariba e-procurement system project for 2
retailers and 1 healthcare organization.
• Team Support-
Our senior management would assist the PFS account management team by assigning a program manager,
three business analysts, a technical specialist on Ariba Programming, a product specialist familiar with e-
procurement software, a development analyst, a technical analyst and a technical specialist from Ariba.

• Smart Hiring-
Our company has been hiring well-seasoned people from the top consulting firms as well as from the top
MBA programs worldwide.

• Learning Curve-
Being an in-vendor, we will
be farther down the
‘learning curve’ at the
beginning of the project
which may result in better
work more quickly yielding
significant cost savings for
• Knowledge
Transfer Time-
Our involvement in the project
from day-1 will help us forgo
the “knowledge transfer time”
required to bring the
programmers up-to-speed on
technical details for
maintenance. This would help
us detect any problem from
the word “Go” and save us
$96,000, the benefits of which
would naturally be transferred
to you.

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