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 Primary use

Sine Bar
 Positioning precision angles
 For mill, grinder, stenciling
 4 steps
 Locate tools:
 Sine Bar : Cabinet 5
 Gage Blocks : Cabinet 5
 Calculate which gage block to use
 Sine Bar is 5 inches center to center
 Using calc take 5 * Sin ( θ ) this is the
gage block or blocks that will be used.
 Create triangle
 Use Sine Bar as Hypotenuse
 Using gauge blocks as height
 Construct a 90º triangle
 Set-up machines
 Using sine bar as a parallel bar set
work piece in mill clamps then remove
sine bar and continue
 Use sine bar set-up as a stencil on
your work piece
 Use sine bar as a plane for your work
piece on the grinder




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