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Univariate/Bi variate

Working with data.
• Accessing columns.
• D has our data in it…. But you can’t see it directly.
• To select a column use D$column.
Working with data.
• Subsetting data.
• Use a logical operator to do this.
• ==, >, <, <=, >=, <> are all logical operators.
• Note that the “equals” logical operator is two = signs.
• Example:
• D[D$Gender == “M”,]
• This will return the rows of D where Gender is “M”.
• Remember R is case sensitive!
• This code does nothing to the original dataset.
• D.M <- D[D$Gender == “M”,] gives a dataset with
the appropriate rows.
Basic Graphics
• Histogram
• hist(D$wg)
Basic Graphics
• Add a title…
• The “main” statement will
give the plot an overall
• hist(D$wg ,
main=‘Weight Gain’)
Basic Graphics
• Adding axis labels…
• Use “xlab” and “ylab” to
label the X and Y axes,
• hist(D$wg , main=‘Weight
Gain’, ylab
Basic Graphics
• Changing colors…
• Use the col statement.
• ?colors will give you help
on the colors.
• Common colors may
simply put in using the
• hist(D$wg,
Gain”, ylab
Basic Graphics – Colors
Basic Plots
• Box Plots
• boxplot(D$wg)
• Change it!
• boxplot(D$wg,main='Weigh
t Gain',ylab='Weight
Gain (lbs)')
Box-Plots - Groupings
• What if we want several box plots side by side to be
able to compare them.
• First Subset the Data into separate variables.
• wg.m <- D[D$Gender=="M",]
• wg.f <- D[D$Gender=="F",]
• Then Create the box plot.
• boxplot(wg.m$wg,wg.f$wg)
Boxplots – Groupings
Boxplots - Groupings

boxplot(wg.m$wg, wg.f$wg, main='Weight Gain (lbs)',

ylab='Weight Gain', names = c('Male','Female'))
Boxplot Groupings
• Do it by shift
• wg.7a <- D[D$Shift=="7am",]
• wg.8a <- D[D$Shift=="8am",]
• wg.9a <- D[D$Shift=="9am",]
• wg.10a <- D[D$Shift=="10am",]
• wg.11a <- D[D$Shift=="11am",]
• wg.12p <- D[D$Shift=="12pm",]
• boxplot(wg.7a$wg, wg.8a$wg, wg.9a$wg,
wg.10a$wg, wg.11a$wg, wg.12p$wg, main='Weight
Gain', ylab='Weight Gain (lbs)', xlab='Shift',
names =
Boxplots Groupings
Scatter Plots
• Suppose we have two variables and we wish to see
the relationship between them.
• A scatter plot works very well.
• R code:
• plot(x,y)
• Example
• plot(D$metmin,D$wg)

plot(D$metmin,D$wg,main='Met Minutes vs. Weight Gain',

xlab='Mets (min)',ylab='Weight Gain (lbs)')

plot(D$metmin,D$wg,main='Met Minutes vs. Weight Gain',

xlab='Mets (min)',ylab='Weight Gain (lbs)',pch=2)
Line Plots
• Often data comes through time.
• Consider Dell stock
• D2 <- read.csv("H:\\Dell.csv",header=TRUE)
• t1 <- 1:nrow(D2)
• plot(t1,D2$DELL)
Line Plots
Line Plots

Line Plots

plot(t1,D2$DELL,type="l",main='Dell Closing Stock Price',

xlab='Time',ylab='Price $'))
Overlaying Plots
• Often we have more than one variable measured
against the same predictor (X).
• plot(t1,D2$DELL,type="l",main='Dell Closing
Stock Price',xlab='Time',ylab='Price $'))
• lines(t1,D2$Intel)
Overlaying Graphs
Overlaying Graphs

Overlaying Graphs
Adding a Legend
• Adding a legend is a bit tricky in R.
• Syntax
• legend( x, y, names, line types)

Y Names of Corresponding
series in line types
Adding a Legend

Paneling Graphics
• Suppose we want more than one graphic on a
• We can partition the graphics panel to give us a
framework in which to panel our plots.
• par(mfrow = c( nrow, ncol))

Number of Number of columns

Paneling Graphics
• Consider the following
• par(mfrow=c(2,2))
• hist(D$wg, main='Histogram',xlab='Weight Gain',
ylab ='Frequency', col=heat.colors(14))
• boxplot(wg.7a$wg, wg.8a$wg, wg.9a$wg, wg.10a$wg,
wg.11a$wg, wg.12p$wg, main='Weight Gain',
ylab='Weight Gain (lbs)',
• xlab='Shift', names =
• plot(D$metmin,D$wg,main='Met Minutes vs. Weight
Gain', xlab='Mets (min)',ylab='Weight Gain
• plot(t1,D2$Intel,type="l",main='Closing Stock
Prices',xlab='Time',ylab='Price $')
• lines(t1,D2$DELL,lty=2)
Paneling Graphics

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