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Change Management

• Change management is an approach to

shifting or transitioning individuals, teams &
organizations from a current state to a
desired future state.
• Change management is the process, tools
& techniques to manage the people-side of change to
achieve the required business outcome(s)
Change Management Process
• The change management process is the sequence of
steps or activities that a change management team or
project leader would follow to apply change
management to a project or change.
• Change management processes contain the following
three phases:
• Phase 1 - Preparing for change
• Phase 2 - Managing change
• Phase 3 - Reinforcing change
Change Management Process
 Preparing for change (Assessment)
 Identifying the problem: Opportunity that necessitates
change (symptoms)
 Data collection: Gathering structural, technological and
people information and effects of these elements on the
 Data analysis: Summarizing the data ( advantages, dis-
advantages, risks, and consequences)
 Strategic determination: Identifying possible solutions,
barriers, strategies
 Decide if the change is necessary.
 Make others aware of the need for the change.
 Swat analysis and basic 4 forces models: (environmental
Change Management Process (Contd.)
• 2) Managing change (Planning and
• Implementation)
• State goal and specific measurable objectives and also
the time allotted.
• Establishing the who, how, what, and when of change.
• Allocating resources, budget and evaluation methods.
• Plan for resistance management.
• Identify areas of support & resistance.
• Include every one in the planning that will be affected.
• Establish target dates for implementation.
• Develop appropriate strategy for alteration.
• Be available to support others through the process.
• Evaluate the change then modify if necessary.
Change Management Process

• 3) Reinforcing change (Evaluation)

Determining effectiveness of change.
• Achieved objectives and benefits - qualitative as well as
financial and the documented evidences of being achieved.
• Stabilize the change: - taking measures to
reinforce and maintain the change.
Steps For Successful Change
• Increase urgency : inspire people to move
• Build the guiding team : the right people
• Get the vision right : simple vision and strategy
• Empower action : Remove obstacles
• Create short-term wins : Set aims that are easy to
• Don't let up : highlight achieved and future
• Make change stick : Weave change into culture
Types of Change
• There are two types of change in an
- Planned change and
- “Emergent” change
• Planned change - refers to initiatives that are
driven “top-down” in an organization.
• Emergent” change - refers to a situation in
change can originate from any level in the
Areas of Change in an
• Strategic
• Structural
• Process-oriented
• People-centered
• Facing increased competition
• Smarter and more demanding customers
• Less brand loyal
• Improvements in operations can
simultaneously lower costs and improve
customer satisfaction.
• Improving operations often dependent on
advances in technology
Challenges in Change Management
• Planning
• Without step-by-step planning, change in an organization
is likely to fall apart or cause more problems than benefits.
• One need to understand exactly what changes will take
place and how those changes will occur.
• One need to know if the new system is compatible with the
old system.
• One also need to assign roles to individuals who are
responsible for the change so all duties are covered.
• The time line for the change is also a key component.
• One need to plan for downtime or difficulties in
completing regular work tasks while the change occurs.
Challenges in Change
• Communication
• Failing to communicate with all employees invites rumours
and fear into the workplace.
• Employees want to know what's going on, whether it is positive
or negative news.
• The feeling of uncertainty, when management doesn't
communicate, disrupts work and makes employees feel as if
they aren't a part of the decision.
• Management should keep employees updated regularly about
the plans & progress toward the change implementation.
• Management should involve all employees as much as possible
through meetings or brainstorming sessions to help during the
planning phase.
Challenges in Change
• Employee Resistance
• In some cases, employees resist change.
• They become comfortable with the way the business is
• They know the expectations and their role within the
• When a major change disrupts their familiarity, some
employees become upset.
• They don't want to relearn their jobs or change the
way they do things.
Causes for Resistance to Change
o Lack of trust
o Perception that change is not necessary
o Perception that change is not possible
o Relatively high cost
o Fear of personal failure
o Loss of status or power
o Threats to values and ideas
o Social, cultural or organizational disagreements
o Resentment of interference
Handling Resistance to Change
 Supporting employees and providing training for
 new responsibilities
 Leadership Commitment
 Knowledge of Change
 Effective Communication
 Active Participation
 Building the Requisite Technical Capacity
 force
 cooperation
Benefits of Successful Change
 Enhances institutional best practices
 Projects the organization as progressive, forward
 looking and proactive
 Ensures quality service delivery
 Earns the institution public goodwill and support
 Creates an enabling work environment
 Increases employee morale, attitudes and effectiveness

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