Meeting II

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Turn Right Belok kanan
Turn Left Belok kiri
Go straight
Jalan lurus

Go down Turun
Turn back Berbalik

Intersection Persimpangan
T-junction Pertigaan
Lindra : Where can I buy the hat as yours?

Yongki : It is in Mr. Joko’s shop

Lindra : But I don’t know where it is, can you give me a


Yongki : Okay, can you remind it well? From here, you will see
the intersection, then you have to turn left.You will pass the
Rinda’s cake and bakery. Go straight , then follow the
Begawan street until you see the Joko’s shop hat and jacket. It
is in front of elementary school Begawan

Lindra : Thank you

1. Excuse me, I am trying the West Bank.
2. This is market street. So, if you go down this street until
you come Mc Donalds
3. Then, you turn right
4. There you go two more blocks, you’ll find a bar at the end
of the blocks
5. Do you have any idea of what the Bar looks like?
6. Where do I have to go then?
7. Not far. The West Bank is just around the corner to the
right. Opposite the post office.
8. You are very helpful
9. Do not mention it.
 Make a short dialogue or conversation about asking direction
with your friends
 Present it in front of your friends
 20 minutes
we would like to present about asking direction
We think that’s all

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