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Continents and

Countries of the World

What is a Continent?

Continents are understood to be large,

continuous, discrete masses of land,
ideally separated by expanses of
• The largest continent with a total area of 43,810,582 km² (30% of Earth’s land,
8.66% of Earth’s surface)

• Divided into six regions, and lies mostly in the northern hemisphere which have
similar seasons except for the south and southeast region which differs slightly
because of the monsoons.

• The most populated continent containing 60% of the world’s population with a
growth rate of 2%

• Has the highest point in the world, Mount Everest (8,848m) of the Himalayas, a
region in Tibet and the third longest river in the world, Yangtze (6,211km) in China
Countries in Asia
Azerbaijan Japan Pakistan
Armenia Jordan Philippines
Bahrain Kazakhstan Qatar
Bangladesh Kuwait Saudi Arabia
Bhutan Kyrgyzstan Singapore
Brunei Laos South Korea
Burma Lebanon Sri Lanka
Cambodia Malaysia Syria
China Maldives Taiwan
East Timor Mongolia Tajikistan
India Nepal Thailand
Indonesia North Korea Turkey
Iran Oman United Arab Emirates
Iraq Pakistan Uzbekistan
Israel Philippines Vietnam
Qatar Yemen
• Africa is the second largest continent with a total area of 29,648,481 (20% of
land area and 6% of its surface) comprised of 55 separate countries and nine
territories, and two de facto states that are basically their own entities with no
special rights or recognition.
• it has a growth rate of 3%/year where it is most concentrated in the north, south
and Gulf of Guinea, while the least populated areas are in the desert.
• Divided into five regions ( Northern, Western, Eastern, Central, Southern and
Indian Ocean Islands) where the north and south have clear defined seasons while
those of the western, central and eastern are not because these regions lie
between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
• It has the longest river in the world, the Nile (6,695km) and the largest desert, the
Sahara (9,000, which covered 25% of the continent.
North America
• The third largest continent with total area of 24,709,000, covering 16.5% of
Earth’s land area and 4.8% of its total surface. It is considered a sub-continent of
the Americas.

• It ranks fourth behind Asia, Africa and Europe in population of 529 M people. It
has strong European influence in the northern part and African influence in the
south, both due to its history of colonialism.

• It is divided into four main geographic regions: the Great Plains, the Canadian
Shield, East and West.

• It has the largest economy in the world. It also has the man-made Panama Canal
that is a faster route between Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Countries in North America
Antigua and Barbuda Haiti
Bahamas Honduras
Barbados Jamaica
Belize Mexico
Canada Nicaragua
Costa Rica Panama
Cuba Saint Kitts and Nevis
Dominica Saint Lucia
Dominican Republic Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
El Salvador Trinidad and Tobago
Grenada United States of America (USA)
South America
• The fourth largest continent with a total area of 17,840,000 or one-eighth of
the land surface of the earth.
• It has the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall, (Angel Falls) the largest river by
volume, (The Amazon River) the longest mountain range, (the Andes) and the
largest rainforest (the Amazon Rainforest)
• It has a really hot and humid climate in the rainforest and savannah and there is no
dry season in the Amazon, while in the central part it is more milder and humid,
and along the mountains it is colder as there are ice caps and tundra on the
mountains and the southern tip of the continent.
• One of the most biodiverse continents on earth, and it is divided into three
regions: The Andean States, the Guianas, and the Southern Cone. Brazil separately
is the largest country and covers about half of the land area and population of the
Countries in South America
Argentina Guyana

Bolivia Paraguay

Brasil Perú

Chile Surinamés

Colombia Uruguay

Ecuador Venezuela
• Earth’s southernmost continent covering an area of 5.5million located
mostly in the South pole, entirely south of the Antarctic Circle.

• The coldest, driest and windiest continent with the highest elevation of all, a
desert with a precipitation of only 8 in or less inland. The continental ice sheet
contains about 7 million cubic miles of ice, about 90% of the world’s total.

• About 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year, mostly from the research
stations. It is noted to be the last region discovered in recorded history (1820), but
was neglected throughout the 19th century due to its hostile environment.

• The Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959 by 12 nations preserves the continent for
nonmilitary scientific pursuits.
• Europe is the world’s second smallest continent with a total area of
10,180,000 and a population of 738,849,000 and is divided
into 47 countries and three regions (Western, Central and Eastern)
• The most historically relevant of all the continents and the
birthplace of the western civilization (Greece). It is the most
economically developed continent with the European Union as the
biggest economic and political union in the world.
• The climate can be divided into five type: Deciduous forest (four
seasons), Coniferous forest ( Taiga, cold and dry, snowy winters and
warmer summers), Mediterranean (warm to high temp with rainfall
in autumn and winter), Grassland (hot summers and cold winters),
and Tundra (a layer of permafrost or frozen soil for at least two
years, cold winters and warm summer.)
• Known for its architectural structures like the castles (which were a
European innovation), cathedrals, coliseums and palaces
Countries in Europe
Albania Estonia Lithuania San Marino
Andorra Finland Luxemburg Serbia
Armenia France Macedonia Slovakia
Austria Georgia Malta Slovenia
Azerbaijan Germany Moldova Spain
Belarus Greece Monaco Sweden
Belgium Hungary Montenegro Switzerland
Bosnia and Herzegovina Iceland Netherland Turkey
Bulgaria Ireland Norway Ukraine
Croatia Italy Poland United Kingdom (UK)
Cyprus Kosovo Portugal Vatican City (Holy See)
Czech Republic Latvia Romania
Denmark Liechtenstein Russia

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