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Al Al 1, Arfita Yuana Dewi2, Joko Adesaputra3
1 Teknik Eleltro, ITP Padang, Jl. Gajahmada Kandis Nanggalo ,
Padang, 25143, Indonesia
2Teknik Eleltro, ITP Padang, Jl. Gajahmada Kandis Nanggalo ,

Padang, 25143, Indonesia
3PT. Semen Padang, Jl. Indarung, Padang, 25237, Indonesia
Quadcopter under testing
 This research proposes the development of a quadcopter prototype
control, to support the location survey of the addition of a low voltage
power system network.
 The addition of a residential location in an area will lead to increased
demand for new power lines. In addition to the one million-house
program launched by the Republic of Indonesia's current government,
of course, will further increase the demand for additional new
electrical connections.
 One of the preliminary work to do the addition of power grid is
location survey. Location survey is done by direct measurement with a
meter of a wheel or by using GPS. The use of the meter and GPS
requires the surveyor to search directly for each location path to which
new network connections will be installed. This will increase the cost of
planning and spend a longer time.
 the coordinates and aerial photographs.
 Utilizing quadcopter as a measuring instrument and depiction of new
network location path will facilitate surveyor in drawing location map
and situation picture. To keep track of maps and pictures of new
network situations and old network replacements can be done with
the help of quadcopter.
 The problem is that by using a professional quad copter the price is
still very high and if using the usual quadcopter limited ability such as
easily hit by the building or trees in addition to the limitation of the
tracking and coordinates the shooting of the aerial photographs.
 For this reason, this study developed the control of a quadcopter into
a quadcopter specific that is capable of tracking
Result & discussion
 The aircraft developed its capability with the help of ultrasonic sensors
to avoid impacts on the walls of buildings or other trees, GPS
placement to track the coordinates and placement of cameras to
take aerial photographs.
 It is expected that this aircraft can be marketed with change no more
than ten million rupiahs or under 750 US dollars. Such a price is
expected to be reached by local service provider contractors to own
the aircraft.
 To set the coordination of the quadcopter work on location mapping
it needs to be represented by a specific control system algorithm so
that the results of this plane tracking can be stored directly on a
computer or laptop system.
To know the applied voltage
when the quadcopter is
moving with the condition
move up, forward, right, left,
rotate right and rotate left,
then the measurement of
voltage. The test results are
presented in Table 5.
( VOLT )
1 2 3
GO-UP 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53
FOREWARD 3.01 3.00 3.53 3.53
BACKWARD 3.52 3.53 3.10 3.12
RIGHT 3.52 3.03 3.02 3.53
LEFT 3.2 3.53 3.52 3.2
TURN RIGHT 3.52 3.0 3.53 3.03
TURN LEFT 3.20 3.53 3.21 3.53
The ability of quadcopter to stabilize the position is strongly influence by
Ardupilot in maintaining the position or stabilizes the position of the
aircraft. RC is using to control the aircraft working on a frequency of
2.4 GHz using 5 channels with a distance of 400 meters without a
barrier and 300 meters with a barrier. With the ability of aircraft
equipped with Ardupilot system, the appropriate quadcopter is using
to track the location of the coordinates and aerial photographs in
order to plan the addition of low voltage power lines.

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