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Chapter 9

Understanding Group and Team

Communication Principles

Appropriately Be aware of
adapt your your
message to communication

Listen and Effectively use

respond and
thoughtfully to interpret verbal
others messages
Effectively use
Understanding Group and Team
 Groups and Teams Defined

 Types of Groups and Teams

 Group and Team Dynamics

 Group and Team Phases of Development

 Diversity in Groups and Teams: Adapting to

Groups and Teams Defined

 Communicating In Small Groups

 consists of a small number of people
 common purpose
 sense of belonging
 members exert influence on others in the group

 Small group communication is the transactive

process of creating meaning among 3 to 15 people
who share a common purpose, who feel a sense of
belonging, and who exert influence on each other.
Groups and Teams Defined
 Communicating In Teams
 A team is a coordinated group of people
organized to work together to achieve a
specific, common goal.
Groups and Teams Defined

 Distinctions Between Groups and Teams

 Teams develop clearly defined responsibilities for

team members.

 Teams have clearly defined rules for team


 Teams develop clear goals.

 Teams develop a way of coordinating their efforts.

Characteristics of Effective Team
 Experience

 Problem-Solving

 Openness

 Supportiveness

 Action Oriented

 Positive Personal Style

Understanding Types of Groups and Teams

 Primary Groups
 exist to fulfill the basic human need of
associating with others

 Study Groups
 meet to learn new ideas

 Therapy Groups
 exist to provide treatment for the personal
problems that group members may have
Understanding Types of Groups and Teams

 Problem Solving Groups

 exist to resolve an issue or overcome an
unsatisfactory situation or obstacle to achieve
a goal

 Focus Groups
 small groups of people who are asked to
discuss a particular topic or issue

 Social Groups
 exist just for the joy of socializing with others
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 Roles
 consistent ways you communicate with others
in a group

 Types of Roles
 task
 social
 individual
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 Rules
 team ground rules

 Norms
 standards that determine what is
appropriate and inappropriate
behavior in a group

 Status
 an individual’s importance and
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication

Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 Power
 the ability to influence others’ behavior

 Types of Power

 legitimate (respect for position)

 referent (based on attraction)
 expert (influence from a person’s knowledge)
 reward (ability to satisfy needs)
 coercive (sanctions and punishment)
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 Cohesiveness

 degree of attraction
that members of a
group feel toward
one another and the
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

Cohesive Groups Uncohesive Groups

Emphasize “we” rather than “I” Emphasize individual contributions
Reinforce good attendance Less emphasis on attendance
Establish group traditions Less effort to develop traditions
Set clear goals Avoid setting goals
Encourage participation Limit participation
Celebrate accomplishing goals Discourage group celebration
Stress teamwork and collaboration Stress individual accomplishment
Chapter 9: Understanding Group and Team Communication
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 Communication Interaction Patterns

 a pattern of communication that identifies the
frequency of who talks to whom

 Networks of Communication
 all-channel
 chain
 wheel
Understanding Group and Team Dynamics

 All-Channel Network
 everyone talks to everyone else
Understanding Group and Team

 Chain Network
 people convey a message through one person
at a time
Understanding Group and Team
 Wheel Network
 one person receives most of the messages
Understanding Group and Team Phases of
 Orientation
 primary tension

 Conflict
 secondary tension

 Emergence
 conflict is reduced

 Reinforcement
 group develops a sense of “we”

 Process Nature of Group Phases

Understanding Diversity in Groups and
 Differences in Working Collectively or
 individualism and collectivism

 Differences in the Use of Time

 monochronic/polychronic

 Differences in the Use of Personal Space

 high-contact/low-contact

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