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Wherever you find something

extraordinary, you’ll find the

fingerprints of a great teacher.”
–Arne Duncan
“Teachers can change lives with
just the right mix of chalk and
challenges.” –Joyce Meyer
“It is the supreme art of the
teacher to awaken joy in
creative expression and
knowledge.” –Albert Einstein
“A good teacher can inspire
hope, ignite the imagination,
and instill a love of learning.”
–Brad Henry
“Education is the key to
success in life, and teachers
make a lasting impact in the
lives of their students.” –
Solomon Ortiz
“Technology is just a tool. In
terms of getting the kids
working together and
motivating them, the teacher
is the most important.” –Bill
“A good teacher is like a
candle – it consumes itself to
light the way for others.” –
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
“If you have to put someone
on a pedestal, put teachers.
They are society’s heroes. –
Guy Kawasaki
When you study great

teachers… you will learn

much more from their caring
and hard work than from
their style.” –William Glasser
“The dream begins with a
teacher who believes in you,
who tugs and pushes and
leads you to the next plateau,
sometimes poking you with a
sharp stick called ‘truth’.” –
Dan Rather
Good teachers know how to

bring out the best in

students.” –Charles Kuralt
“They inspire you, they
entertain you, and you end
up learning a ton even when
you don’t know it” –Nicholas
Sparks, Dear John
“I am indebted to my father
for living, but to my teacher
for living well.” –Alexander
the Great
“The Master said, A true
teacher is one who, keeping
the past alive, is also able to
understand the present.”
(Analects 2.11)” –Confucius
“The art of teaching is the art
of assisting discovery.” –Mark
Van Doren
“The best teachers are those
who show you where to look,
but don’t tell you what to see.”
–Alexandra K.Trenfor
“A teacher affects eternity; he
can never tell where his
influence stops.” –Henry
“The task of the modern educator
is not to cut down jungles, but to
irrigate deserts.” –C.S. Lewis
“Only one person in a million
becomes enlightened without a
teacher’s help.” –Bodhidharma
If you don’t have a teacher you

can’t have a disciple.” –Dallas

“Teach love, generosity, good
manners and some of that will
drift from the classroom to the
home and who knows, the
children will be educating the
parents.” –Roger Moore
“It’s the teacher that makes the
difference, not the classroom.”
–Michael Morpurgo
“The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains. The
superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.” –
William Arthur Ward
“I think the teaching profession
contributes more to the future
of our society than any other
single profession.” –John
“I touch the future. I teach.” –
Christa McAuliffe
“Every great leader is a great
teacher, and the greatest
leaders seize every opportunity
to teach well.” –Albert Mohler
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me
and I remember. Involve me and
I learn. ” –Benjamin Franklin
Your best teacher is the person

offering you your greatest

challenge.” –Cheryl Richardson
“Let my teaching fall like rain
and my words descend like
dew, like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender
plants.” –Deuteronomy 32:2
“Give instruction to a wise man, and
he will be still wiser; teach a righteous
man, and he will increase in
learning.” –Proverbs 9:9
“Those that know, do. Those that
understand, teach.” –Aristotle
“The one exclusive sign of thorough
knowledge is the power of teaching.”
“Teaching is only demonstrating
that it is possible. Learning is
making it possible for yourself.” –
Paulo Coelho
“A good teacher, like a good
entertainer first must hold his
audience’s attention, then he
can teach his lesson.” –John
Henrik Clarke
“Great teachers emanate out of
knowledge, passion and compassion.”
–A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
“Teaching kids to count is fine,
but teaching them what counts
is best.” –Bob Talbert.
“A teacher is never too smart to
learn from his pupils.” –Bill
“So what does a good teacher do?
Create tension – but just the right
amount.” –Donald Norman
“A good teacher is like a good
artist. They go right to the most
difficult part of whatever’s
going on.” –Bruce Nauman
“A good teacher who can take the
zero pay and help kids develop
physically, emotionally, socially,
is literally an angel.” –Eva
“What the teacher is, is more
important than what he teaches.”
–Karl A. Menninger
“The older I got, the smarter my
teachers became.” –Ally Carter
“Good teaching is one-fourth
preparation and three-fourths
pure theatre.” –Gail Godwin
“The average teacher explains
complexity; the gifted teacher
reveals simplicity.” –Robert Brault
“Education is what survives when
what has been learned has been
forgotten.” –B. F. Skinner
“It is a greater work to educate a
child, in the true and larger sense
of the word, than to rule a state”.
–Dr. William Ellery Channing
“Teaching is the essential profession,
the one that makes all other
professions possible.” –David
“The true teacher defends his
pupils against his own personal
influence. He inspires self-trust.
He guides their eyes from
himself to the spirit that
quickens him. He will have no
disciples.” –Amos Bronson
“The teacher who is indeed wise
does not bid you to enter the
house of his wisdom but rather
leads you to the threshold of
your mind.” –Khalil Gibran
“The test of a good teacher is not
how many questions he can ask
his pupils that they will answer
readily, but how many
questions he inspires them to
ask him which he finds it hard
to answer.”–Alice Wellington
“We must become what we wish
to teach.” –Nathaniel Branden
“Teaching is the greatest act
of optimism.” –Colleen Wilcox
“Education is not the filling of
a pail but the lighting of a fire.”
–William Butler Yeats
“Most of us end up with no
more than five or six people
who remember us. Teachers
have thousands of people who
remember them for the rest of
their lives.”–Andy Rooney
“Ideal teachers are those who use
themselves as bridges over which
they invite their students to
cross, then having facilitated
their crossing, joyfully collapse,
encouraging them to create
bridges of their own.” –Nikos
“Teachers have three loves: love of
learning, love of learners, and the
love of bringing the first two
loves together.” –Scott Hayden
“Teaching is the highest art; before
the doctor, there was a teacher.” –
Steve Perry
“The greatest sign of success for
a teacher… is to be able to say,
‘The children are now working
as if I did not exist.’” –Maria

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