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“Fire Safety Training”

Suthanthira Selvan

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

The employer should implement a written
fire safety policy which requires the
immediate and total evacuation of employees
from the workplace …and which includes an
emergency action plan and fire prevention

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

The employer should provided portable
fire extinguishers… the employer shall
provide an educational program to
familiarize employees with general
principles of fire extinguisher use and the
hazards involved with incipient stage fire

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Where Fire Can Start ?
• Transformer
• Air conditioners
• Server Room
• Battery Charger Room
• Plant Room
• Pantry
• Office
• Car Parking
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
Causes of Fire
• Faulty Electrical Equipments /Wiring
• Poor House Keeping
• Overloaded Electrical Systems
• Over Heating of Equipment / Servers
• Careless Handling of Fire Like disposal
Cigarettes, Naked flames, Inflammable
Materials etc.
• Spontaneous Combustion (Sun / Direct Heat)

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Fire Detection

• Manual - Use of senses

(Sight, Hearing, Smell)

• Systems - Smoke Detectors, Heat


Suthanthira Selvan, HRM


• Beating
• Blanketing
• Use of Sand
• Use of Water
• Foam
• Carbon Di-Oxide
• Dry Chemical Powder

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

“Ordinary” combustibles
Paper, wood, rubber, plastics and

“Flammable liquids”
Oil, gasoline, solvents

“Energized circuits”
Electrical equipment
and computers

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Latest Classification of Fire
• TYPE ‘A’ (Solids) Paper, Wood, Fabric etc.

• TYPE ‘B’ (Liquids) Petroleum Products, Paint, Oil


• TYPE ‘C’ (Gases) LPG, CNG, Hydrogen,

Acetylenes, Electricity Cables,
Wires, Etc.

• TYPE ‘D’ (Metals) Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium


Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

• Don’t Use the Water to extinguish electricity
cables fire, because Electrical Shock may
pass through water.

• Don’t Use the Water to extinguish Oil fire

because water will go down and Oil will
comes up.

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

After this training you should be able to:

• IDENTIFY common classes of fires

• SELECT the proper type of extinguisher
• EVALUATE when it is safe to fight an “early-stage” fire, and;
• APPLY the “P.A.S.S. method to operate a portable extinguisher.

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Cannot use a fire extinguisher safely
because they are:

• UNABLE to evaluate a fire

• UNAWARE of DANGER due to...
– Safe and correct use of, and
– Limitations of portable extinguishers
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
Can’t use a fire extinguisher safely

• Don’t know about the proper
type of extinguisher
• Don’t know how to make a
“Fight or Flight” analysis
• Unfamiliar with the
“P.A.S.S. method”

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Portable Fire
• Capacity - 1.5 to 25 lbs. of extinguishing

• Range - Typically 3 to 15 feet

• Duration - Discharge their contents in only 5 to
30 seconds!

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Common features
• Locking pin
• Carrying handle / operating lever
• Pressure gauge
• Label :
– Type (Water, C02, Dry Chemical)
– Classification (A, B, C)
– NFPA capacity Rating
– Instructions
• Discharge nozzle or horn

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Remember P.A.S.S.
1) Keep your back to a
clear escape route,
2) Stand back 6 to 8
feet from the fire,
3) Then >>: Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
PULL the pin

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Aim the base of the fire

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

the lever

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

from side to side

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Use a portable extinguisher
ONLY if the:
• Building is being evacuated (Fire alarm has been pulled)
• Fire Department has been called (Dial 101)
• Fire is NOT spreading (small and contained)
• EXIT IS CLEAR (fight fire with your back to an exit )
• Proper extinguisher is at hand, and...
– You have been trained and know how to use it!
– You use “Buddy System” - have someone back you up!
• Get assistance BEFORE trying to fight a fire!

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

Fire Fighting Team

The following fire fighting team to be set upped and trained

when Fire safety training and give mock drills.
• Safety Team
In case of fire they have to give alert to all floor, Switch
off the main EB panel inform to Fire Service, EB and etc.
• Extinguish Team
This team should attempt to extinguish the fire.
• Rescue Team
This team should help to handicapped, Pregnant, feared
employees to rescue and to check and ensure there
nobody into the factory including the toilets or any
interior places
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
• In the event of a building catching fire, the speed
with which the information reaches all inmates
assumes paramount importance.
• Factors that need consideration are listed below;
• Fire detection must be rapid and reliable. This
could be through human agency or electronic
systems, such as smoke detectors or a
combination of both (should one fail).
• Warning of fire must be given without loss of
time. This could be through voice, manual alarm
or electronic alarm system.

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

• All personnel must understand the warning. This is
achieved through detailed briefing of all personnel
initially and rehearsals at regular intervals.
• Escape routes must be clear of obstruction at all times
so that evacuation takes place smoothly and without
panic. This can only be achieved through good house
keeping, regular maintenance, proper disposal of
unwanted /waste material and regular rehearsals.
• The escape routes must also be unaffected by fire and
smoke, as maximum casualties occur due to inhalation
of smoke causing asphyxia. This can be facilitated by
the correct selection of exit routes for our personnel so
that they can move out rapidly into the open into the
assembly area where they can breathe-in the fresh air.
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
• All personnel must understand the warning. This is
achieved through detailed briefing of all personnel
initially and rehearsals at regular intervals.
• Escape routes must be clear of obstruction at all times
so that evacuation takes place smoothly and without
panic. This can only be achieved through good house
keeping, regular maintenance, proper disposal of
unwanted /waste material and regular rehearsals.
• The escape routes must also be unaffected by fire and
smoke, as maximum casualties occur due to inhalation
of smoke causing asphyxia. This can be facilitated by
the correct selection of exit routes for our personnel so
that they can move out rapidly into the open into the
assembly area where they can breathe-in the fresh air.
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
Ensure Regularly the following things;
• Fire Extinguisher should be kept in 3 feet height,
• Fire Extinguisher signage in Tamil and English,
• Fire Extinguisher operation instruction in Tamil and
English near every fire extinguisher.
• Fire extinguisher background wall should be marked in
Yellow and Block colour.
• Access area should not be any hindrance.
• One extinguisher for at least every 100 sq.ft.
• Space kept empty and marked beneath extinguisher
• All extinguisher are good working condition,
• Adequate fire bucketSuthanthira
with sand Selvan, and
HRM water
Ensure Regularly the following things;
• Fire extinguisher to EB Main switch area, Server room,
Diesel Storage area, etc. are mandatory
• Emergency exit with outside open facility,
• Emergency lights in all stair cases
• All emergency lights should be good condition
• Emergency exit should be kept in open and free from
any obstacles.
• Emergency exit signage with UPS are battery backup
• Fire Alarm is good condition
• Etc. Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

• Works by cooling.
• Numerical rating indicates amount of agent,
duration, and range of discharge on test fires.
• Area of Class A fire which a “non-expert” can
extinguish, with proper training
– 1-A is equivalent on Class-A fire to five liters of water .
– 2-A contains has twice as much extinguishing agent.
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

• Works by blanketing the fuel.

• Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface.
• Class B ratings signify the area in square feet of
flammable liquid fire a unit will extinguish when
used, by a trained, “non-expert.”

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM


• Class “C” units have no numerical rating.

• A Class “C” rating doesn’t imply any capacity.
• Only indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive, safe on
energized equipment.
• Works by displacing oxygen, smothering fire.

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM


• Class D - Metals: potassium, sodium,

aluminum, magnesium
• Unless you work in a laboratory or in an
industry that uses these materials, it is
unlikely you'll have to deal with a Class D
fire. It takes special extinguishing agents
(Metal-X, foam) to fight such a fire.

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM


• CO2 and Halon
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
• Water + CO2 propellant
• ONLY for Class fires
– wood / paper, etc.
• Spreads burning liquids!
• DANGER of electric shock if
used on on live circuits!
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
Either Or

• Best for general use:

• Reduced risk of re-ignition
• A 10 lb. unit empties in 8-10 secs.
– Effective range of 6 ft. to 15 ft.
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
C02 - Rated
• Best on burning liquids / electrical
• SHORT range - 3 to 8 ft.
• 10- pound unit empties in 5 to 10 seconds!
– Use short spurts!
– Continue applying after the fire is out!
• Unit gets VERY cold - hold properly

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

• Best for computers / electronics
• Weight-for-weight TWICE as effective as C02
• No residue, easy clean-up
• VERY SHORT range, 3 to 6 ft.
• Like C02, Discharges QUICKLY!
• Like C02, Disperses QUICKLY!
– Continue after flames are extinguished
Suthanthira Selvan, HRM
In case of burning odor
or smoke:
• Switch of main electricity
• Call 101 First!
• Notify Security
• Disconnect Equipment
– Remove combustibles, if you can do so without danger to
• Notify Floor Monitors
– and Emergency Safety Coordinator

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

upon discovery of fire or smoke

Remove persons in immediate danger!

Ensure doors are closed! (confine fire/smoke)
Activate the building alarm !
Call the Fire Department !
Treat ALL fires as DANGEROUS!
– Continue a complete building evacuation
– Do not attempt to fight a fire UNLESS you are Fire Safety training certified
in use of a fire extinguisher !

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

OK, It’s out…
Now What?

• WATCH the fire area

– If the fire flares up again repeat!
– If you can’t control the fire, LEAVE immediately!
• Call the fire department to inspect the scene!
• Recharge or replace any Selvan,
Suthanthira usedHRMfire extinguisher!
Thank You.
Fire can extinguish on earliest stage,
All security guards should have awareness about fire fighting,

Feel free H.R. department to any kind of Safety Training.

-Suthanthira Selvan

Suthanthira Selvan, HRM

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