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( 1877- 1882 )
• After finishing the first year of a course in
Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), Rizal
transferred to medical course
• " Don't send him to Manila agai; he knows
enough. If he gets to know more, the
Spaniards will cut off his head." Doña Teodora
vigorously opposed the idea that Rizal pursue
higher learning in the university.
• April 1877- Rizal who was then nearly 16 years
old, matriculated in the University of Santo
Tomas, taking the course on Philosophy and
Letters, because (1) his father like it (2) he was
• Father Pablo Ramon- Rector of Atene, who
had been good to him during his student days
in that college, asking for advice on the choice
of a career but unfortunately he was in
• It was during the following term (1877-
1879)that Rizal, having received the Ateneo
Rector's advice to study medicine
• During Rizal's first school term in the
University of Santo Tomas (1877-1878) Rizal
also studied in Ateneo. He took the vocational
course leading to the title of perito
agrimensor (expery surveyor)
• Rizal excelled in all subjects in the surveying
course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in
agriculture and topography
• April 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal for
passing the final examination in the surveying
• Shortly after losing Segunda Katigbak, he paid
court to a young woman in Calamba.
• He called her "Miss L" describing her as" fair
with seductive and attractive eyes".
• After visiting her in her house several times,
he suddenly stopped wooing, and the

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