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By: Dr. Yasmin Ahmad
What is think and thinking?

Think Thinking
Involves control.
Mind’s movement
Mental activity become thinking when
Cognitive and behavior we direct them.
Thinking is any mental activity that helps
formulate or solve a problem, make a decision,
or fulfill a desire to understand.

It is a searching for answers, a reaching for

meaning (Ruggreio, 2012).
How about thinking skills?
Costa (1985) in Philips 1999,
gives meaning to thinking skill as a
process by the mind as the result of
receiving stimulus of the five senses.
The meaning of stimulus then were
seen in action.
Dewey (1933) in Philips

Butterworth & Thwaites

is an effort of the mind to
examine and weight
certain information
according to specific thinking skill is a critical
thinking and can be
Thinking skills is
Cognitive processes in search of meaning and
understanding of something, exploration on
any possible ideas, decision making, problem
solving and doing what is right, thus in
concerns on the reflections of what has been-
values on the thinking
Why is thinking skills is so
Able to use and outsource
various resources in a
creative and specific way/s Able to create and build
in search of an answer of/or positive social bonding
problem solver to a certain

To produce a self learning, Able to better

self independence and communication (good
informative individual. communication skills).
Obstacles in developing thinking skills
 Gunung Kinabalu’ affect
Knowledge only on what has been taught. Not showing neither
abilities nor skills in search of any new knowledge and additional
skills within subject matters
 Spoon feed’ teaching-
Everything was prepared for. Not willingly to be self independence
learning. Hoping everything to be provided by the instructor.
 Thinking trap
One way of thinking (area of interest), not explorative enough,
not willing to listen to others, selfishness and bias.
No Creative Thinking!
Thinking Skills Model

 Use of thinking skills in order to solve problem.

Analytical problem/cases Analyze Find solution and
solve problem
(Reactive based) (Information + techniques) Negative
‘Think Out of
the Box’

Jenis-jenis pemikiran
Type/Styles of thinking
• Pemikiran logik
Logical thinking
• Pemikiran kritikal
Critical thinking
• Pemikiran kreatif
Creative thinking
• Pemikiran analitikal
Analytical thinking
• Pemikiran reaktif dan Pemikiran proaktif
Reactive thinking and Proactive thinking
• Pemikiran berlandaskan sejarah/kejadian masa lampau
Historical thinking
• Pemikiran teknikal
Technical thinking

 Pemikiran berhipotesis
• Hypothetical thinking
 Pemikiran projektif
• Projective thinking
 Pemikiran konstruktif
• Constructive thinking
 Pemikiran berlandaskan naluri
• Intuitive thinking
 Pemikiran objektif
• Objective thinking
 Pemikiran vertikal
• Vertical thinking


• Pemikiran konvergen dan divergen

Convergent and Divergent thinking
• Pemikiran positif
Positive thinking
• Pemikiran negatif
Negative thinking
• Pemikiran berlandaskan emosi
Emotive thinking


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