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Milawati Oktaviani

Hiv is the virus that causes the human immune
system and then cause aids
Contained in the body fluids which was
especially in the blood , sperma oe fluid vagina
Body immunity system

In our bodies there are the immune system that

serve To the protection of the body against
attack a strange habit of occurring Such as :
bacteria, virus, parasitic, and fungi.
AIDS ???
Acquired ( person to person transmit)
Immune ( body imunity system )
Deficiency ( did not function properly)
Syndrome ( a collection of the and symptoms)

Aids is actually a collection of symptoms that

are caused by hiv in by leading to a breakdown
in the immune system
The development of HIV be AIDS



3 -6 month 3 – 10 years 1-2 years

HIV virus Where Live ???

The virus just live in in the body fluids someone who has The virus there is no in the body fluids :
infected especially in blood, sperma (men), vaginal fluid Sweat , tears , saliva
(girl), breast milk, Amniotic fluid .
How the transmission of HIV ?

Hiv can be transmitted of someone infected with hiv ( hiv positive )

if someone who still healthy exposed or relating to bodily fluids hiv
positive, as blood, semen, and vaginal discharge.
Health workers, of an officer of the dead bodies due to who has the
care of of diabetics he had seen, corpse and exposed to the fluids of
the body of diabetics he had seen, corpse without the use of the
procedures for the alert on this disease universal
There HIV

sperma (men),

vaginal fluid (girl),


breast milk
The transmission mother to the fetus or Baby through breastfeeding

on wife !!!
Primary prevention

Abstinensi Be faithful Condom Drug no

special prevention

Counselling and hiv testing voluntary for risk

Avoid the use of equipment sharp alternately ( needles
, a tattoo needle , a needle piercing , a razor )
Agung Subianto.(2012).Materi Presentasi Dan Hiv Aids.[online].tersedia di 18 Mei 2018

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