Introduction To Criminal Law: The Early Codes: Laws of Solon

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Chapter 4:

Introduction To Criminal Law

The Early Codes : Laws of Solon

¤ Athenian Lawgiver
¤ Politician / Archon
¤ Merchant and Poet
¤ One of the 7 Wise Men of Greece
¤ Military Genius
¤ Traveller
SOLON 630-560 BC

"Virtue’s a thing that none can take away, but money changes owners every day"
Solon’s major works

First Lawgiver had to make laws that applied equally to

all citizens

Solon established publicly funded brothels in Athens

in order to democratize the availability of sexual

Solon was in the formation and establishment of

democracy through his reforms
Laws Of Solon
Reformed 3 Domains: (Plutarch)

He repealed laws of the code Drako and created a laws that more
humane such as law of punishment had to maintain proportionality to the
crimes commited.

first reform he brought was to relive the enslaved citizens off their debts.
regular export of products from Athens like, olive oil and pottery. Although
these reforms did not eliminate poverty completely but brought remarkable

He wrote and recite poems as a medium of communication and to encouraged Athenians
Thank You For Listening! 

-Al Salad oh!

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