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Mind Power Series

Learn to Harness the Incredible Power of

Your Mind and Thoughts

Sam Varner CSCS

Mind Power Series
Part 1

Sam Varner CSCS


“The power to move the world

is in your subconscious mind.”
- William James

Story of Elderly Lady

 REA established electricity in rural

areas in 1930’s
 Elderly lady had her house wired for
electricity and installed lights
 But no lights
 Her house was wired with power but
she didn’t know how to activate that
power – thus she remained in the

“As a person thinks in his

heart so he will become.”


(Heart, Mind, Will,
Personality, Emotions)

The Power of the Mind
 Training of Olympic Athletes
 Soviet Athletes versus U.S. Athletes

 Improving Human Actions

(behavior) and Outcomes (destiny)
Depends on Harnessing the Power of
Your Mind
“Watch your thoughts for they
become words. Watch your words
for they become actions. Watch
your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become
your character. And watch your
character, for it becomes your
destiny! What we think we
- Margaret Thatcher
Power of Your Thoughts

 Most people have 12,000 to

15,000 thoughts per day
 A deep thinker my have as much
as 50,000 thoughts per day
 70% of all thoughts by most
people are negative
Your Beliefs

Your Thoughts Determine

Your Beliefs
What Are Beliefs?
 A Conviction, Confidence, Trust or
Faith in Something without
Rigorous Proof
 Beliefs Are “Truths” You Accept
 Relative Truths
 Absolute Truths
How Powerful Are Beliefs?

 The Placebo Affect

 Knee Replacement
Experiment in California
 Death of Workman in
Refrigerator Rail Car
 Nick Sitzman
Conflicting Beliefs
 Do You Have Any Conflicting Beliefs
About Health?
 What Do You Associate with Weight Loss?
What Do You Associate with
Dieting? (Subconscious)
 Restrictive - can’t eat what I want
 Feel deprived
 Giving up something
 Starvation
 Boring foods
 Discipline
 I hate to exercise
What Do You Associate Being
Lean & Healthy? (Conscious)
 Feeling great
 Looking good
 More energy
 Wearing better clothes
 Sexy
 Be active / freedom

Conflicting Beliefs

 Do You Have Any Conflicting Beliefs

About Money?
One Mind - Two Parts

Conscious Mind (10%)

Objective, Rational, Aware, Will-
Subconscious Mind (90%)
Subjective, Irrational,

Subconscious Mind

 All beliefs are rooted in the subconscious

 Tochange anything about yourself, you
must change your beliefs
 To change your beliefs, you must re-
program your subconscious mind

 Write your top 2 or 3 most
desired goals and dreams.
 Create words and pictures that fit
these goals and dreams
 What emotions do the goals and
dreams bring about if they were
In other words, how would you
feel if these were accomplished
Mind Power Series
Part 2

Sam Varner CSCS


“Whatever we plant in our

subconscious mind and
nourish with repetition and
emotion will one day become
a reality.”
- Earl Nightingale
Brain Wave States
1. Beta Waves
 Frequency range: 12 Hz to 40
Hz (High)
 This is the waking state
 Optimal: Conscious focus,
being alert
Brain Wave States
2. Alpha Waves
 Frequency range: 8 Hz to 12
Hz (Moderate)
 Best state for communicating
from conscious to
subconscious mind.
 Optimal: Relaxation,
subconscious communication
Brain Wave States
3. Theta Waves
 Frequency range: 4 Hz to 8 Hz
 Best for daydreaming and sleep.
You are “highly suggestible” in
this deeply relaxed, semi-
hypnotic state.
 Optimal: Creativity, emotional
connection, intuition, relaxation
Brain Wave States
4. Delta Waves
 Frequency range: 0 Hz to 4 Hz
 Infants and young children produce the
most delta. Produce less as we age.
Associated with the deepest levels of
relaxation, restorative, healing sleep.
 Optimal: Immune system, natural
healing, restorative deep sleep
Keys to Communicating
with the Subconscious Mind

1. Get in a dark, quiet place.

2. Silence your phone & make sure you’re
3. Get into a relaxed position.
4. Close your eyes.
5. Embrace slow, deep, belly (diaphragmatic)
Keys to Communicating
with the Subconscious Mind

6. Achieve the proper brain state (alpha or

7. Embrace silence or use proper brain
syncing sounds.
8. Utilize proper induction phase.
 Relax your muscles (body scan).
 Place yourself in “ideal” location.
9. Follow the proper affirmation imbedding
methods (turn your goals into affirmations).
Keys to Communicating
with the Subconscious Mind

10. Affirmations must be in present tense.

11. Affirmations must be positive.
12. Do not use negative wording
 “I will not smoke”
 “I am giving up alcohol”
 “I deserve a better boss”
Keys to Communicating
with the Subconscious Mind

13. Use pictures and visuals. This is important.

14. Add emotion. This is the key.
15. Limit affirmations to less than 5.
16. Be consistent practicing “meditative
affirmations” at least twice a day everyday.
17. Be patient; it will take time. Be persistent.
18. Do not share your goals or affirmations.
Sample Affirmations
I am lean and fit.
I am earning $100,000 a year.
I look awesome at my ideal weight of 130 pounds.
 It feels great be lean and healthy.
I am confident and successful.
I am a successful business person making lots of money.
I have a loving and beautiful relationship with my
wife/husband (use their name).
I have a great sense of humor.
I am a very optimistic and positive person, always
looking on the bright side.
 Convert your top goals into
 Practice communicating with
your subconscious using all the
 Continue reading from the book

Reading List
 Mind Power by John Kehoe
 Subconscious Mind Power by James Thompson
 The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by
Joseph Murphy
 Beyond The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
by C. James Jensen
 The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
 Life’s Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
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