PATHO Cardiology Pathology

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Alterations of Cardiovascular
Lymphatic System

 Specialvascular system that picks up excess

fluid and returns it to the bloodstream
 Lymphatic fluid
 Lymphatic veins and venules
 Right lymphatic duct
 Thoracic duct
 Afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels
Lymphatic System
Diseases of the Veins

 Varicoseveins
A vein in which blood has
Distended, tortuous, and
palpable veins
Caused by trauma or gradual
venous distention
Risk factors:
Female gender
Family history
Peep vein thrombosis
Prior leg injury
Diseases of the Veins (cont’d)

 Chronicvenous insufficiency
Inadequate venous return over
a long period due to varicose
veins or valvular
Venous stasis ulcers
Diseases of the Veins (cont’d)
 Deep venous thrombosis
Obstruction of venous flow leading to
increased venous pressure
Venous stasis
Venous endothelial damage
Hypercoagulable states
Other (cancer, orthopedic
surgery/trauma, heart failure,
Diseases of the Veins (cont’d)

 Superiorvena cava syndrome

Progressive occlusion of the
superior vena cava that leads
to venous distention of upper
extremities and head
Oncologic emergency
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins

 Hypertension
Isolatedsystolic hypertension—becoming
prevalent in all age groups
Elevations of systolic pressure are
caused by increases in cardiac output,
total systemic vascular resistance
(SVR), or both.
Review your Pharmacology Lecture on
Hypertension for details on HTN
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins

 Primary hypertension
Essentialor idiopathic
Genetic and environmental factors
Affects92% to 95% of individuals
with hypertension
Risk factors:
High sodium intake
Insulin resistance
Primary Hypertension
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins

 Secondary hypertension
Caused by a systemic disease
process that raises peripheral
vascular resistance or cardiac
Renal artery stenosis, renal
parenchymal disease,
pheochromocytosis, drugs
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins (cont’d)
 Complicated hypertension
Chronic hypertensive damage to the walls
of systemic blood vessels
Smooth muscle cells undergo hypertrophy
and hyperplasia with fibrosis of the tunica
intima and media
Affects heart, kidneys, retina
Can result in transient ischemic
attack/stroke, cerebral thrombosis,
aneurysm, dementia
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins
 Malignant hypertension
Rapidly progressive
Diastolic pressure is usually
>140 mm Hg
Life-threatening organ damage
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins cont’d
 Orthostatic (postural) hypotension
Decrease in both systolic and diastolic
blood pressure upon standing
Lack of normal blood pressure
compensation in response to
gravitational changes on the circulation
Acute orthostatic hypotension
Chronic orthostatic hypotension
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins (cont’d)
 Aneurysm
Local dilation or outpouching of a vessel
wall or cardiac chamber
True aneurysms
Fusiform aneurysms
Circumferential aneurysms
False aneurysms
Saccular aneurysms
Aorta most susceptible, especially
Aneurysm of Decending Aorta above Kidney
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins
 Thrombus formation
Blood clot that remains attached to the
vessel wall
Risk factors include intimal
injury/inflammation, obstruction of flow,
pooling (stasis)
Arterial thrombi
Venous thrombi
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins –cont’d
 Embolism—bolus of matter that is
circulating in the bloodstream
Dislodged thrombus
Air bubble
Amniotic fluid
Aggregate of fat
Cancer cells
Foreign substance
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins
 Peripheral artery disease
Atherosclerotic disease of the
arteries that perfuses the limbs
Peripheral Artery Disease
 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger disease)
Occurs mainly in young men who smoke
Inflammatory disease of peripheral arteries
resulting in the formation of
nonatherosclerotic lesions
Digital, tibial, plantar, ulnar, and palmar
Obliterates the small and medium-sized
Peripheral Artery Disease (cont’d)

 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger

disease) (cont’d)
Causes pain, tenderness, and hair
loss in the affected area
Symptoms are caused by slow,
sluggish blood flow
Can often lead to gangrenous
Peripheral Artery Disease (cont’d)

 Raynaud phenomenon and Raynaud

Episodic vasospasm in arteries and
arterioles of the fingers, less
commonly the toes
Raynaud disease is a primary
vasospastic disorder of unknown
Peripheral Artery Disease (cont’d)
 Raynaud disease (cont’d)
Raynaud phenomenon is secondary to
other systemic diseases or conditions:
Collagen vascular disease
Pulmonary hypertension
Cold environment
Manifestations include pallor, cyanosis,
cold, pain
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins

 Arteriosclerosis
Chronic disease of the arterial
Abnormal thickening and
hardening of the vessel walls
Smooth muscle cells and
collagen fibers migrate to the
tunica intima
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins

 Atherosclerosis
Form of arteriosclerosis
Thickening and hardening caused
by accumulation of lipid-laden
macrophages in the arterial wall
Plaque development
Diseases of the Arteries and Veins (cont’d)

 Atherosclerosis –
 Progression
Inflammation of endothelium
Cellular proliferation
Macrophage migration and adherence
LDL oxidation (foam cell formation)
Fatty streak
Fibrous plaque

Risk factors include

hyperlipidemia /dyslipidemia,

Results in inadequate perfusion,

ischemia, necrosis
Peripheral Arterial Disease

 Atheroscleroticdisease of arteries
that perfuse limbs
 Intermittent claudication
Coronary Artery Disease

 Anyvascular disorder that narrows or

occludes the coronary arteries leading to
myocardial ischemia
 Atherosclerosis is the most common cause
Coronary Artery Disease
 Risk factors:

Major: Modifiable:
Increased age Dyslipidemia
Family history Hypertension
Male gender or Cigarette
female gender post smoking
menopause Diabetes mellitus
Coronary Artery Disease (cont’d)

 Nontraditional risk factors:

Markers of inflammation and thrombosis
High density C-reactive protein,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, von
Willebrand factor concentration,
interleukin-6, interleukin-18, tumor
necrosis factor, fibrinogen, and CD 40
Myocardial Ischemia

 Stable angina
Gradual narrowing and hardening of
arterial walls so that affected vessel
cannot dilation to increased demand
 Prinzmetal angina
Also called variant angina
Occurs at rest
Often in response to vasospasm
 Silentischemia and mental stress induced
Assessment findings
 Arcus senilis and xanthelasmas around
Eye lids indicate possible dyslipidemia
 Peripheral or carotid bruit
Myocardial Ischemia

*ST depression
and T wave
inversion during
acute pain
Drug therapy - immediate
Morphine sulfate
 Then – antithrombotic therapy – aspirin
a day or Plavix, beta-blockers and ACE

 To Cardiac
 Cath Lab-

 Or to
Surgery for
Artery Bypass
Coronary Artery Disease

 Acute coronary syndromes:

Transient ischemia
Unstable angina
Sustained ischemia
Myocardial infarction
STEMI – Stands for ST Elevation MI
Myocardial inflammation and necrosis
Coronary Artery Disease

 Myocardial infarction
Suddenand extended obstruction of the
myocardial blood supply
Subendocardial infarction
(usually non-STEMI)
Transmural infarction
(usually STEMI)
Myocardial Infarction
 Cellular ischemia- occurs first
 Cellular injury – occurs if no treatment given
 Cellular infarct (death)- final outcome
 Structural and functional changes:
Myocardial stunning
Hibernating myocardium
Myocardial remodeling (use of collateral
veins –if developed- to compensate
 Repair
Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial Infarction (cont’d)

 Manifestations:
Sudden severe chest pain; may radiate to
left arm, shoulder, jaw, back.
Nausea, vomiting
Diaphoresis, Dyspnea
 Complications:
Sudden cardiac arrest due to ischemia,
left ventricular dysfunction, and
electrical instability
Complications of MI
1. Dysrhythmia
2. Left ventricular failure (CHF)
3. Inflammation of pericardium
4. Dressler postinfarct syndrome – delayed form of
5. OBS
6. Rupture structure
7. Rupture of infarcted ventricle
8. Systemic thromboembolism
9. Pulmonary thromboembolism
10. Sudden death
 Disorders of the pericardium (heart wall)
Acute pericarditis
Idiopathic, viral – most common CV of HIV
Pericardial effusion can develop
Sx – may follow several days of fever,
retrosternal CP, back pain, dysphagia,
restlessness, irritability, anxiety,
weakness and malaise
Friction rub –scratchy, grating sound
heard at apex and L sternal border

EKG changes
Diffuse ST segment elevation
PR segment depression

Pulsus paradoxus – decrease in
systolic BP by > 10 with inspiration
is suggestive of tamponade
Pericardial effusion
Accumulation of the fluid in the
pericardial sac
Tamponade- “Beck’s Triad: Hypotension,
Jugular Vein Distension, Muffled Heart
Disorders of the Myocardium

 Cardiomyopathies:
(congestive cardiomyopathy)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Asymmetrical septal
Hypertensive (valvular
hypertrophic) cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Disorders of the Endocardium

 Valvular dysfunctions:
Valvular stenosis
Aortic stenosis
Mitral stenosis
Valvular regurgitation
Aortic regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation
Tricuspid regurgitation
Mitral Valve Prolapse syndrome (MVP)
Valvular Dysfunction
Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic
Heart Disease
 Rheumatic fever
Systemic, inflammatory disease caused
by a delayed immune response to
pharyngeal infection by the group A
beta-hemolytic streptococci
Febrile illness
Inflammation of the joints, skin,
nervous system, and heart
Ifleft untreated, rheumatic fever
causes rheumatic heart disease
 Rheumatic fever (cont’d)

Common Major clinical

manifestations: manifestations:
Fever Carditis
Lymphadenopathy Polyarthritis
Arthralgia Chorea
Nausea/vomiting Erythema
Tachycardia marginatum
Abdominal pain
Infective Endocarditis
 Inflammation of the endocardium
 Agents: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi,
Rickettsiae, Parasites
 Pathogenesis
Damaged endocardium
Blood-borne microorganism adherence
Proliferationof the microorganism
(vegetations on valves of heart)
 Infective Endocarditis – continued
 Manifestations:
Classic finding:s
New or changed cardiac murmur
Petechial lesions of the skin, conjunctiva,
and oral mucosa
Characteristic physical findings:
Osler nodes (painful erythematous nodules
on the pads of the fingers and toes)
Janeway lesions (nonpainful hemorrhagic
lesions on the palms and soles)

Other: weight loss, back pain, night sweats,

and heart failure
Bacterial Endocarditis – vegetative
growths on leaflets of valves
Cardiac Complications of AIDS

 Myocarditis
 Endocarditis
 Pericarditis
 Cardiomyopathy
 Pericardial effusion
 Pulmonary hypertension
 Antiviral drug-related cardiotoxicity
Dysrhythmias (Arrhythmias)

 Disturbance of the heart rhythm

 Range from occasional “missed” or rapid
beats to severe disturbances that affect
the pumping ability of the heart.

 Canbe caused by an abnormal rate of

impulse generation or abnormal impulse
Dysrhythmias - Examples
Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs)
Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs)
Heart Failure

 General term used to describe

several types of cardiac dysfunction
that result in inadequate perfusion
of tissues with blood & the oxygen
and nutrients that the blood brings
to the heart.
 Congestive Heaart Failure (CHF)
Systolic heart failure
of the heart to generate
adequate cardiac output to perfuse
Ventricular remodeling
Causesinclude myocardial infarction,
myocarditis, cardiomyopathy
Diastolic heart failure
Pulmonary congestion despite normal
stroke volume and cardiac output
 Manifestations of systolic heart failure:
Result of pulmonary vascular congestion and
inadequate perfusion of the systemic
Includedyspnea, orthopnea, cough of frothy
sputum, fatigue, decreased urine output,
and edema
Physical examination often reveals
pulmonary edema (cyanosis, inspiratory
crackles, pleural effusions), hypotension or
hypertension, an S3 gallop, and evidence of
underlying CAD or hypertension
 Diastolic heart failure
Most commonly caused by a diffuse
hypoxic pulmonary disease
Can result from an increase in left
ventricular filling pressure that is
reflected back into the pulmonary
 High-output Heart Failure
Inability of the heart to supply
the body with blood-borne
nutrients, despite adequate
blood volume and normal or
elevated myocardial contractility

Causes include anemia,

hyperthyroidism, septicemia

 Cardiovascularsystem fails to perfuse the

tissues adequately
 Leads to impaired cellular metabolism
Impaired oxygen use
Impaired glucose use
 Manifestationsvary based on stage but
often include hypotension, tachycardia,
increased respiratory rate
Types of Shock

 Cardiogenic
 Hypovolemic
 Neurogenic
 Anaphylactic
 Septic
Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock
Neurogenic Shock
Anaphylactic Shock
Septic Shock
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

Progressive dysfunction of two or

more organ systems resulting from
an uncontrolled inflammatory
response to severe illness or injury
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

 Causes:  Manifestations:
Most common: Respiratory
sepsis, septic Hepatic
Other: any
severe injury
Myocardial failure
burns, major
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

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