Criminal Law

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Criminal law

ALCRC 12016
Year- I, Semester-II
Introducing myself
Name –
Contact details
Area of interest
Group work
Divide 6 groups – Permanent group
Group – sign/ name
One introduces other
Syllabus (Offences against person) –By
1. Introduction
2. Elements of a crime
3. Causation
4. Insanity
5. Intoxication
6. Duress
7. Private defences
8. Other defences
9. Attempts
10. Abetment
11. Common intention
Offences against property – (by Nirojini)
Group work -
Group I
Xavier, a first year law student, has to sit criminal law exam in next
week. While studying law he found some difficulties, however
planned to face exam.
Day before the exam, Xavier prepared notes in a piece of paper and
hide it in shirt pocket in a way no one could find it easily and used it
to write exam. While using such documents he was caught up by an
Exam rules says – “whoever make use of or apply unauthorized
document/s, materials or articles inside of exam hall is guilty of an
Advise Xavier. Has he committed any offence?
Group II
Smith, a first year law student, has to sit criminal law exam in
next week. While studying law he found some difficulties,
however planned to face exam.
Day before the exam, Smith prepared notes in a piece of paper
and hide it in shirt pocket in a way no one could find it easily.
When he entered into the exam hall, examiners gave an
instruction as to the examination rules and offences as follow:
“whoever make use of or apply unauthorized document/s,
materials or articles inside of exam hall is guilty of an offence and
shall be prohibited from siting exams for 5 years.”
(Continue…) Group II
• Upon hearing such instruction, Smith decided not to use that
“piece of paper” to write exam.
However, unfortunately he was caught up by the examiner.
Smith says; he did not use the article/ piece of paper, therefore
he is not guilty of an offence.
Group III
Raj, Balaji and Kumar are three friends and all are first year law
students, have to sit criminal law exam in next week. While
studying law they found some difficulties in their subjects,
however planned to face exam.
Day before the exam, Raj prepared notes in a piece of paper and
Balaji entered into the exam hall in the mid-night and hide papers
under the table.
During the exam Kumar distract the attention of examiners by
tapping for papers while such distraction occurs Balaji passed the
paper to Raj.
(Continue…) Group III
However, unfortunately they were caught up by the examiner.
Kumar says; he did not use the article/ piece of paper, he only
help to distract the attention of examiner.
Balaji says is not liable, as he only help to hide the piece of paper
And Raj says he is not responsible to this activity as he only helps
to prepare notes.
Who is liable? Advise?
Group –IV
Silva, first year law students, have to sit criminal law exam in
next week. While he studying criminal law he fell in sick. His
health condition was very severe and his eye sight also become
very poor.
On the day of criminal law examination, he suppose to oblige to
bring admission card. However, instead of bringing admission
card he brought his criminal note paper thinking it was his
admission card.
He also caught by examiner. Advise.
Group - V
Kollo, is a big cat in the class; never attend lectures and did not
study at his boarding place for exam.
Punchimalli, another classmate of Kollo, studies seriously and
very attentive in the class.
Day before the exam, Kollo came to know that punchimalli is the
one who is going to sit next to him in the exam hall.
Upon knowing the fact he made several calls and text message to
Punchimalli to show answer script during the exam.
Initially Punchimalli refuses to do so, but Kollo threading him
saying “if you did not show the answer I will kill you”
Group V
Punchimalli has no option other than showing answer scripts to
Kollo and he agrees to show answers to Kollo.

During the examination, Punchimalli strives to show the answers

to Kollo and caught up by the examiners.
Group VI
According to exam rules 12.1 “Whoever take possession of other
candidate’s paper, article, materials or other things is guilty of an

Shalini, a first year law students, have to sit criminal law exam in next
week. While he studying criminal law he fell in sick. However with
such illness she strives to sit exam; during the exam fell down in the
exam hall, immediately Malini responded and helped Shalini to
recover from such illness; therefore Malinin took possession of exam
papers, answer scripts of Shalini and created a space to sleep on table.
Examiner charged Malini under rule 12.1 advise.

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