Diarrhea: Persistent If 2-4 Weeks, and Chronic If 4 Weeks in Duration

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• Diarrhea is loosely defined as passage of abnormally

liquid or unformed stools at an increased frequency.
• Adults on a typical Western diet, stool weight >200 g/d
can generally be considered diarrheal.
• Diarrhea may be further defined as acute if <2 weeks,
persistent if 2–4 weeks, and chronic if >4 weeks in
• Two common conditions, usually associated with the
passage of stool totaling <200 g/d, must be
distinguished from diarrhea, because diagnostic and
therapeutic algorithms differ. Pseudodiarrhea, or the
frequent passage of small volumes of stool
Acute Diarrhea
• More than 90% of cases of acute diarrhea are
caused by infectious agents; these cases are
often accompanied by vomiting, fever, and
abdominal pain.
• The remaining 10% or so are caused by
medications, toxic ingestions, ischemia, and
other conditions.
Couse of Diarrhea
Causative agent in Diarrhea

Fathing, 2012
Clinical Manisfetation and Diagnose

Fathing, 2012
Diarrhea Phatogens

Fathing, 2012
Dehydration level with Dhaka

Fathing, 2012
Details and Couses of Diarrhea

Fathing, 2012
Incubation period and likely causes of

Fathing, 2012
• Farthing M, Lindberg G, 2012. World
Gastroenterology Organisation practice
guideline: Acute diarrhea
• Mc.Phee, S.J., Ganong, W.F., 2006.
Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to
Clinical Medicine, 5th Edition, USA : Mc.Graw-Hill
• Lango et al, 2012. Harrison’s Priciple of Internal
Medicine 18th Edition, USA : Mc.Graw-Hill

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