By Praveen Kumar H Dept of P.G Studies in Rachana Shareera

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Praveen Kumar H
Dept of P.G studies in Rachana Shareera
¥lÉÉlÉ oÉÑÌ® mÉëSÏmÉãlÉ rÉÉãlÉÉ
ÌuÉvÉÌiÉ rÉÉãÌaÉuÉiÉç |
|| A.xÉÇ ||
• ¥lÉÉlÉ rÉÉãaÉ
• pÉÌ£ü rÉÉãaÉ
• MüqÉï rÉÉãaÉ
• qÉÇ§É rÉÉãaÉ
• sÉrÉ & MÑühQûÍsÉlÉÏ rÉÉãaÉ
• iÉÉÇ̧ÉMü rÉÉãaÉ
Ayurveda, being one of the oldest vedic health
science, is been richly infuenced by our 6 AÉÎxiÉMü
SvÉïlÉÉÈ, and has imbibed many of its concepts from
them. One of them being the rÉÉãaÉ SvÉïlÉ.
mÉëÉhÉ is the driving force of life which reach
each part of the body through numerous channels
(lÉÉQûÏ) and is connected to the mind. There are
numerous lÉÉQûÏ present in the body ranging from
72,000 to 3,50,000. These lÉÉQûÏ are connected to
cÉ¢üÉ ( wÉOè cÉ¢üÉ ) which are said to perform
some psychosomatic functions in the body.
MÑühQûÍsÉlÉÏ is the cosmic
power and is the center for the
static energy in the body.

MÑühQûÍsÉlÉÏ resembles a
coiled serpent which lies dormant
in the qÉÔsÉÉkÉÉU cÉ¢ü.

MÑühQûÍsÉlÉÏ resembles a coil

of 3 and ½ circles and pierces all
the wÉOè cÉ¢üÉÈ

Raising the MÑühQûÍsÉlÉÏ vÉÌ£ü

upto the xÉWûxÉëÉU will help
attaining many ÍxÉÌ®È
wÉOè cÉ¢üÉÈ


wÉOèSsÉqÉç |
WØûÌS ||
MühPãû xrÉÉiÉç wÉÉãQûvÉSsÉÇ pÉëÔqɱã ̲SsÉ
iÉjÉÉ |
xÉWûxÉëÇ SsÉqÉÉZrÉÉiÉÇ oÉë¼UlkÉëã
qÉWûÉmÉjÉã ||
( aÉÉã.xÉ / 14-15 )
qÉÍhÉmÉÔU cÉ¢ü

The word meaning of qÉÍhÉmÉÔU cÉ¢ü is

qÉÍhÉ – Jewels
mÉÔU - City
qÉÍhÉmÉÔU cÉ¢ü

iÉxrÉÉãkuÉãï lÉÉÍpÉqÉÔsÉã SvÉSsÉ sÉÍxÉiÉã

mÉÔhÉïqÉãbÉmÉëMüÉvÉã |
lÉÏsÉÉqpÉÉãeÉ mÉëMüÉvÉæ ÃmÉÌWûiÉ eÉPûUã
QûÉÌSqÉÉliÉæÈ xÉ cÉlSìæÈ ||
iÉiÉç ̧ÉMüÉãhÉqÉç |
iÉiÉç oÉɽã xuÉÎxiÉMüÉZrÉæÎx§ÉÍpÉUÍpÉ
sÉÍxÉiÉÇ iÉl§É oÉɽã
UÇxuÉ oÉÏeÉqÉç ||
Location : Above the xuÉÉÍkɸÉlÉ cÉ¢ü and behind
the lÉÉÍpÉqÉÔsÉ

Varna : AÎalÉ uÉhÉï

Dala : 10 SsÉÉÈ

Beejaakshara : QûÇ, RûÇ, hÉÇ, iÉÇ, jÉÇ, SÇ, kÉÇ, lÉÇ,

mÉÇ, TüÇ

Tatva : AÎalÉ iɨuÉ

Yantra : Triangle
Beeja – UÇ

Shakthi – Lakini

Devatha – Vishnu

Loka - Svarga loka

Tejo mandala is located in the middle part and is

swastika in shape.

Samana Vata is the controlling factor.

• It is the seat of imagination, energy, assertiveness,
jealousy etc.

• By concentrating over this one can acquaint,

1. mÉÉiÉÉVû ÍxÉÌ®
2. Control over AÎalÉ

• It corresponds to xuÉaÉï sÉÉãMü

• Planet – Mercury

• Raga - Gandharam, Deepaka

• Nerve Plexus – Coelic plexus ( Solar plexus )

• Glands – Adrenals, Spleen, Pancreas

AÉxÉlÉÉs and qÉÑSìÉs


Modern Aspects
Coelic Plexus

The Coelic Ganglion is the largest ganglion in the

body, situated one on each side of the Coelic trunk.
Each ganglion is irregular in shape and is usually
divided into a larger upper part which receives the greater
splanchnic nerve and a smaller lower part (aortico renal
ganglion) which receives the Lesser splanchnic nerve.

• The Coelic plexus is closely related to the coelic ganglion.

• Situated on the aorta around the coelic trunk and around

the root of the superior mesenteric artey.

• The plexus extends on to the crura of the diaphragm and is

overlapped by IVC and pancreas.
The fibres making up the plexus are,

1. Preganglionic sympathetic fibres reach it through the

greater and lesser splanchnic nerves.

2. Postganglionic sympathetic fibres arising in the coelic


3. Preganglionic vagal fibres are derived from the posterior

vagal trunk containing fibres from both the right and left
vagal nerves. The fibres from the right vagus nerve

4. Sensory fibres from the diaphragm reach the coelic

plexus along the inferior phrenic arteries.

1. Phrenic plexus : Passes along the inferior phrenic

artery to the suprarenal gland. The right phrenic plexus
contains a right phrenic ganglion.

2. Hepatic plexus : Distributed to liver, the gall bladder and

the bile ducts.

3. Left gastric plexus : To the stomach.

4. Splenic plexus : Vessels and smooth muscles of the


5. Suprarenal plexus : Preganglionic fibres that end in

relation to the Chromaffin cells of the Suprarenal gland.
6. Renal plexus: Filaments of the coelic plexus, the aorticorenal
ganglion, the lowest thoracic splanchnic nerve, the first
lumbar splanchnic nerve and the aortic plexus. Supplies
Kidney and upper part of the ureter.

7. Testicular plexus : Supplies testis, epidydimus and the vas


8. Ovarian plexus : Ovary and uterine tube.

9. Superior mesenteric plexus : contains a superior mesenteric

ganglion and supplies the territory of the superior mesenteric

10. Abdominal aortic plexus : formed by coelic plexus and

filaments from the first and second lumbar splanchnic
nerves. On either sides of the aorta.
Psychological Aspects of this Chakra

• Competition • Avoidance
• Domination of others • Remain unnoticed
• Possessiveness • Insecurity in relations
• Represses emotions • Emotional
• Extroverted • Introverted
These chakras has been mentioned with intention of
attaining Siddhis, but not to attain self realization.

The description of these chakras is missing in

ayurvedic classics and hence making any relation of these
with the structures is a tedious task.

So, after considering the above points one cannot

directly jump into a conclusion that these chakras must be
the neural plexuses, since many psychosomatic and
psychophysiological functions have been attributed to it.
These Chakras have been mentioned as the stations of
cosmic energy and hence the effect of these chakras should
be felt rather than measured or compared on the modern
anatomical or physiological grounds.

Many research works are being done in order to

correlate the chakras with the other structures in the body.
Nevertheless, after the failures in these researches we can
incorporate the good things inorder to treat the patient and
maintain the dhatusamyata of the body.

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