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An Effective Topic based Opinion Summarization

model for Newspaper Articles

• Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis involves building a system to collect and categorize
opinions about a product, policy or a topic.
• Up until recently most researchers presented opinion mining of online user generated data like
reviews, blogs, comments, articles etc. Opinion mining for offline user generated data like
newspaper is unconcerned.
• News classification is one of the challenging tasks in classification problems.
• We present an opinion summarization system based on document clustering, sentence selection
and sentiment classification.
• Sentiment classification and Opinion Summarization are the mainly focused areas.
• We implement the idea by using the association between the topical terms and clustering the
similar documents together.
• We collect articles from Newspaper sites across several domains over a period of time. The
extracted articles are then preprocessed and the documents are grouped to form clusters of
similar themes.
• Each cluster contains sentences belonging to similar sub-topics. This reduces redundant
sentences to be in the summary.
• The topic signature module identifies the topical words and then form signatures for each topic
that contain weighted topical terms. It then scans each sentence in the document and assigns to
each word that occurs in the signature the weight of that topical word.
• Thus each sentence obtains a topical signature score which implies the percentage of relevance of
the sentence to the topic.
• The ranking algorithm ranks the sentences based on the scores and generate a text summary by
extracting top ranked sentences from each document in the cluster.
• The opinion classification algorithm identifies the sentiment words to determine the polarity at
the document level. A graph is shown that displays the positive and negative opinions expressed
on the topic.
• The volume of documents on the Internet has exponentially grown over the years which causes
the problem of determining if a single document is capable of satisfying complex user’s
information requirement. To solve this problem, multi-document text summarization technique is
used which reduces the length of the document collection and takes the essence of the
documents to present a summary.
• In today’s world, people greatly rely on Newspapers, magazines and social media to gather
information about incidents in the society. A system that provides summary of the news topic in a
nut-shell would benefit the users and would also provide better understanding about the topic.
• The key idea of this project is to provide an innovative service to the end-users which would
group series of news articles from different sources based on the topic and provide a consolidated
• The main goal of the summary is to present the main ideas in the articles in the form of short and
precise paragraph. It is useful since it gives an overview of collection of documents in a shorter
period of time.
Problem Definition:
• Opinion summarization has previously been applied to restricted domains, such as product
reviews and social networking sites where the output summary is either presented in a structured
way with respect to each feature (or aspect) of the product or organized along contrastive
• In our work, we present an opinion mining system for Newspaper Articles. In addition to polarity
classification, our system focuses on other major tasks such as document clustering and opinion
• Due to the large collection of articles on the web, user may feel difficult to get the gist of the topic
in a short span of time since he/she needs to browse through several articles from various
Newspaper sites.
• We use an unsupervised algorithm for clustering the sentences based on themes/ sub-topics and
extract representative sentences from each cluster to form summaries. We then rank the
sentences in each cluster. The top ranked sentences are included in the summary and the
opinionated words in the cluster are derived and graph is computed to determine the sentiment
Existing System
• Sentiment analysis has drawn lots of attention in both the academic and industrial fields. However,
most of the current work only focuses on polarity classification.
• Classifying news texts at the sentence level is often not sufficient to understand the opinions expressed
in a news topic. Our system focuses on two important tasks namely Sentiment classification and
document summarization.
• In the existing work on automated document summarization, the recurrent context sensitive words are
considered to be the most important text content.
• This method was extended with several measures of heuristics such as title words, cue phrases and
location which is intended to track signals in the text that identifies the most significant content.
• Multi-document text summarization by taking opinions into interest would be a recent research area.
• The existing approach suffers from number of limitations. The conventional methods are knowledge
intensive and domain dependent.
• The underlying knowledge bases may be imperfect and nonexistence or ambiguity of lexical cues.
• They do not allocate any significance to the semantic relationships that exists among the words.
Literature Survey:
Source Paper Title Description Results
Xinjie Zhou CMiner: Opinion Extraction This paper presents an opinion mining system for The opinion summary generated by CMiner can
Xiaojun Wan et al. and Summarization of Chinese Chinese microblogs called CMiner. An unsupervised provide many insights for the users. It helps users
Microblogs label propagation algorithm for opinion target to get deeper understanding of the targets and
extraction is used. people’s opinion on the topic.

Lun Wei Ku et al. Opinion Extraction, In this paper, documents related to the issue of TREC, NTCIR and articles are extracted and then
Summarization and Tracking animal cloning are selected as the experimental opinion summarized about the same topic
in News and Blog Corpora materials. The issue of relevant sentence selection “Animal Cloning”.
is discussed and then topical and opinionated
information are summarized.

Pawan Goyal A Context-based Word This paper presents a context-sensitive document The experiment performed using the benchmark
Laxmidhar Behera et al. Indexing Model for Document tanking model for Bernoulli model of randomness. It DUC dataset confirms that the context based word
Summarization is used to find the probability of the co-occurrences indexing model gives better performance than the
of two terms in a large corpus. baseline models.

Stoyanov and Cardie Toward Opinion This paper describes how source coreference A machine learning approach uses the unlabeled
Summarization: Linking the resolution can be transformed into standard noun data to estimate the overall distributions. This
Sources phrase coreference resolution and apply this work utilizes unlabeled NPs in the corpus using
approach to the transformed data and evaluate on structured rule leaner.
the corpus.
Source Paper Title Description Results
Lun-Wei Ku et al. Using Polarity Scores of Words This paper introduces a system for analyzing opinionated This system adopts bottom up formulae
for Sentence-level Opinion information. Several formulas are proposed to decide the which calculates the opinion scores of
Extraction opinion polarities and strengths of the words from composed potential sentiment words in sentences from
characters and then process opinion sentences. characters.

Dragomir Rader et al. Multi Document Centroid- This paper uses Centroid based techniques for multi-document This system is used for finding and
based text Summarization summarization. A cluster centroid is then used to rank summarizing multiple news articles on the
sentences based on the relevance to the topic of the cluster. web.

Chanida et al. A Sentence Clustering This system automatically generate a comprehensive and non- The modified GA can converge to the
Framework for Opinion redundant summary by having the sentences grouped together optimal solutions in less than 20
Summarization using a using the modified genetic algorithm. generations. The results showed that the
Modified Genetic Algorithm system outperforms other algorithms on
large data sets with high accuracy and lower
computation time.

Xiaoyan Cai et al. Ranking through Clustering: This paper proposes a novel approach that directly generates Three different ranking functions in a bi-
An Integrated Approach to clusters integrated with ranking. Ranking and clustering by type document graph is defined. Ranking is
Multi-Document mutually updating each other and hence improving initially applied separately and then mixture
Summarization performance. model is used where the sentences are re-
assigned to nearest cluster.
Proposed System:
• An effective topic based opinion summarization approach has been proposed. The proposed
approach integrates both sentiment classification and opinion summarization.
• We demonstrate the concept by using the relationship between the topical words and clustering
the similar documents together.
• The topic signature algorithm identifies the topical words and then form signatures for each topic
that contain weighted topical terms.
• It then scans each sentence in the document and assigns to each word that occurs in the
signature the weight of that topical word. Thus each sentence obtains a topical signature score
which implies the percentage of relevance of the sentence to the topic.
• The ranking algorithm ranks the sentences based on the scores and generate a text summary by
extracting top ranked sentences from each document in the cluster.
• The opinion classification algorithm identifies the sentiment words to determine the polarity at
the document level. A graph is shown that displays the positive and negative opinions expressed
on the topic.
Advantages of Proposed System:
• The system tend to group semantically related words together which identifies
the topic in a unique way.
• More effective as it provides consolidated information about the particular news
topic by taking information from different sources.
• They are not domain dependent and does not require knowledge of the
particular domain.
• Provide positive and negative opinions expressed by the news topic to the user.
• More useful since it gives an overview of collection of documents in a shorter
period of time.
System Design:
Program Modules:
• Pre-processing
• Stop Words Removal
• POS Tagging
• Stemming
• TF-IDF Matrix Computation
• Document Clustering
• Sentence Ranking
• Summary Generation
Module Description:
Data Collection:
• We have collected news articles from several Indian Newspaper sites. The headline of the topic,
the news content, name of the site and date of the paper are collected and kept for processing.
• The preprocessing task primarily includes removal of stop words, POS tagging and stemming.
Stopwords Removal: Stop words are the words to be removed from Natural Language data set
before processing to reduce their impact on Opinion Mining. Words like prepositions, articles and
other low content words, punctuation marks (except dots at the sentence boundary) are
POS Tagging: The dataset is annotated using Stanford Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagger. It takes the
sentence as input and assigns parts of speech to each word such as noun, verb, adjective etc.
Select only nouns as keywords and remove other categories.
Stemming: Dataset is stemmed using porter stemmer algorithm. In stemming the inflected words
are reduced to their stem word, also called as root word or base word.
Create term document matrix:
• Term document matrix, T, is created by counting the number of occurrences of each term in each
document Dk. Each row ti of T shows a term’s occurrence in each document Dk.

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)

• TF is the measure of how often a word appears in a document and IDF is the measure of the rarity
of a word within the search index. Combining TF-ID is used to measure the statistical strength of
the given word in reference to the query.
TFi = ni/(Σknk)
• ni is the number of occurrences of the considered terms and
• nk is the number of occurrences of all terms in the given document.
IDFi = (log N)/dfi
• N is the total number of documents in the corpus and
• dfi is the number of documents that contain term
Document Clustering:
• Document clustering is very essential component of clustering based summarization system because
topical terms/ themes must be identified in the input document set so that they can be clustered
based on the similarities.
• The documents need to be represented in a vector space model for it to be clustered. In this model,
each document is represented as a multidimensional vector of keywords in Euclidean space whose axis
corresponds to the keyword.

Algorithm 1: K-Means Clustering technique

• Step 1: Read the dataset
• Step 2: Compute the tf-idf scores of the keywords in the document set and represent the documents in
D as vector
• Step 3: Provide the desired number of clusters
• Step 4: Choose k-data items from D as initial cluster centres arbitrarily
• Step 5: Repeat
• For each point, select the closest centroid and assign that point to the centroid. We obtain K-
Clusters from this step.
• Iterate this step by re-computing centroid for every cluster until the convergence is met.
• Step 6: We obtained the set of k clusters
Topic Identification for Sentence Ranking:
• Topic identification is first step in any text summarization process. Topics can be identified by the process of
constructing topical signatures.
• A topical signature is a pair consisting of topical words and a set of other words that are semantically related to it.
The combination of these words uniquely identify a topic. The topic signature creation algorithm takes the relevant
documents in the cluster and makes use of tf-idf weighting scheme to create topical signatures.
• The below formula is used to calculate the sentence score which determines the relevance of the sentence to the

Algorithm 2: Topic Signature Generation

• Step 1: Take the relevant document set from the cluster
• Step 2: Compute the tf-idf scores of the terms in the documents and then sort the terms based on their weights
• Step 3: Set a threshold weight and select those term-weight pairs above this value and form topic signature
• Step 4: Compute the sentence scores by summing the weights of the topic signature terms
• Step 5: Sort the sentences based on the scores
• Step 6: Add the sentence with the highest score to the summary extract
• Step 7: Display the summary extract
Summary Generation:
• The summarization technique rely mainly on the important facts in documents and remove the
redundant information. The correlated events and sentiment degree plays a vital role in opinion
• This module aims to produce a cross document text summarization together with sentiment polarity
scores. For this purpose, we are supposed to find the opinionated sentences from the collection and
group them based on topic/themes.
• Hence the summary generation module produces a text based summary that consolidates important
events covered in the documents and a graph based summary that highlights the opinions expressed
by that topic.

Algorithm 3: Summary Generation

• Step 1: Take the relevant document set from the cluster
• Step 2: Extract the sentiment words from the sentences. Use these words together with the topical
words for opinion mining
• Step 3: Compute the score of the sentiment words from the WordNet database
• Step 4: Display a graph that shows the number of positive and negative opinions expressed on the
• Step 5: Display a text based summary by taking the top ranked sentences obtained from the scoring the
sentences by using topical signatures
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