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 The house of Rothschild is widely

considered to be the richest family in the

world with estimate of net worth ranging
form $500 billion in personal assets to
$100 trillion in financial assets
 It has been at the hub of global finance
since the 1760s, with Mayers Amshel
Rothschild placing his 5 sons in the
world’s 5 financial centers
 The family solidified its global reach in the
19 century by funding monarchies,
governments, and both sides in the
Napoleonic war
 A newspaper at the time described the
family as the “brokers and counselors of the
kings of Europe and the republican chief for
 Today the rothschild family is said to
maintain its control the US federal reserve
 The Rockefeller family empire began in
1870 when John D. Rockefeller founded
the Standard Oil Company that make
him the richest single person in history
with a net worth of $400 billion
 Recognizing the threat of such wealth,
President Theodore Roosevelt warned
that Rockefeller interests were creating
an invisible government
 The rockefeller plan has since included
funding the United nations headquarters
and founding the Bilderberg conference
of the global super elite
 Today the Rockefeller family continues its
agenda through controlling interests in
chase Manhattan Bank Exxonmobil,
Chevron, and BP
 The house of Morgan ascended when
John Pierpont Morgan and the
Rothschilds gave US Treasury 3.5M
ounces of gold during the Panic of 1893
 Having control of the U.S gold supply,
Morgan financed the creation of
America’s largest corporations including
GE, AT&T, and US Steel
 This leverage over the Treasury led to
chars that the family forced America into
World war 1 I to protect loans made to
Russia and France
 J,p Morgan jr. provided a $500m war
loan and collected a 1% commission on
the supplies his corporations provided
 Eleuthere irenee du pont de numors
founded the du pont family empire in
1802 when he established a
gunpoweder mil in Delaware
 The du pont family rooted itself in US
affairs using back-channel connections
with Napoleon to negotiate the
Louisiana purchase in 1803
 By WWI, the du pont company was
supplying 40% of the world’s explosives,
and by WWII it was producing plutonium
for US atomic bombs.
 It’s believed that the Du pont family’s
support of US war efforts allowed it to
dictate the prohibition of hemp farming
and marijuana use
 The bush political dynasty began with
Prescott Sheldon Bush, who was born in
1895 and attended Yale University as a
member of the skull and bones society
 In 1993, it rumored that bush led a failed
coup attempt against president FDR to
install a fascist dictatorship in the United
 Both prescott’s son, george HW, and
grandson, goerge W. became Presedent
of the United States and both initiated
wars with iraq that profited companies
with Bush family ties such as hallburton
and KBR

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