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New Horizons of Higher Education

Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne

Ministry of Higher Education

29th October, 2013

Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Maria Helena Nazaré
Public Lecture
Universidade Program
de Aveiro, Portugal
New Horizons of Higher Education
We vs Them

Per Capita Income – US$

Country 1950-US$
Sri Lanka 89
Japan 90
Singapore 30
Growth Comparison
Country 1950 2004 Times
Sri Lanka
89 1051 11.8

Japan 90 29,732 330

Meiji Restoration

S’pore 30 26,705 890

Lee Kwan Yew

Malaysia 30 3,420 114

Dr. Mahathir
Japan and Singapore
Japan Singapore

• Became a • Became a
Production Trading
Japan- How they won the world
• Toyota
• Suzuki
• Nissan
• Sony
• Mitsubishi
• National Panasonic
• Honda
• Sanyo
• Mazda
• Seiko
• Yamaha
• Omron
• Kawazaki
• Subaru
Japan- How they won the world
• Citizen • Cannon
• Casio
• Sharp • Toshiba
• Nintendo • NEC
• Hino
• Fujitsu
• Fujitsu
• K-Line • Sony Eriksson
• Orix Leasing
• Mitsui • Hitachi
• Sumitomo
Automobile – Zippers

Afghanistan -
3K &B
• Kuni - Country
• Kaisha – Organization
• Kasoku – Family
• Boku - Self
Soichiro Honda
Evolution of Honda: A Strategy
Based Upon Resources and Capabilities

50cc 2-cycle engine

Related products:
ground tillers, marine
Founding of 405cc
engines, generators,
Honda motor motor
4 cycle pumps, chainsaws
company cycle

1948 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995

First product: The 50cc N360 mini 1000cc Acura Car

clip-on engine super car Goldwing division
for bicycles -cub touring
motor cycle
Foundation Stone to Ohio Factory
Future Care
Honda Head Office
Honda vs Sri Lanka - 2012
Type Total Sales Local Overseas

Motor 15,464,000 221,000 15,242,000


Automobil 3,817,000 742,000 3,817,000


Total Sales US$100.6 b

GDP - SL US$ 59.4 b
Per Capita Income Growth
1950 - 2000, 2000 –-2004, 2004- 2012
Per Capital Income – US$
Coun 1950 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2012
Sri 89 881 1051 1,226 1,402 1,616 2873
Change 792 170 175 176 214 1,822

50 4 7 years
years years
Provincial Contribution to GDP & Per Capital Income
Source: SL Socio-Economic Data 2009: p.51

Province/Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 GDP 08 Per cap GDP
Rs. Mn 08 (Rs)
Western (WP) 51.4 50.8 50.1 46.5 45.4 2,002,230 347,730

Central (CP) 9.2 8.5 8.8 9.6 9.9 435,591 165,750

Southern (SP) 8.9 8.9 10.0 10.5 10.6 486,385 191,725

Northern (NP) 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.9 128,369 109,530

Eastern (EP) 4.9 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.5 242,439 160.026

North Western (NWP) 8.5 8.9 9.1 9.9 10.0 440.352 191,874

North Central (NCP) 3.6 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.7 206,940 171,167

Uva (UP) 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.9 4.6 202,029 156,490

Sabaragamuwa (SaP) 6.4 6.4 6.1 6.4 6.4 284,231 149,124

National GDP 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4,410,567 218,161

It’s what you can’t see that says the most about a company’s long-term

For the tree to flourish

and bear high quality fruit
well into the future…

…it must be nourished

by a strong, healthy root
Customer Relationships
Key Employees
Skills Patents
Knowledge Trademarks
Software Problem Solving
Work Processes
Databases Supplier Relationships

Brand Recognition Company Values

Trade Secrets
* Leif Edvinsson & Michael Malone/”Intellectual Capital”

Intellectual Capital!
Strategic Thinking /

1990 2000

The Environment
Is Changing
Are We? 2010

Effectiveness & Efficiency
Do the right things

 
 
  

  
 
54 Years Before
Did the - Right Thing
In Wrong Way
My Story to check your effectiveness
• Father and son went in car
• Car met with an accident
• It was fatal and father was died on the spot
• Son was rush to the hospital and taken to the
operation theater
• Every thing was ready and surgeon came in
• Finally surgeon said that “I can not perform this
operation” he is my son
• How come?
No Matter the answer
• But important thing is why you could not
answer the question?

Surgeon = Male
Easy to Answer One
• One of my friends who does not use any
phone – Land or Mobile – He hates phones
• We always insisted him to buy a phone
• One day he called me and told me
– I bought a Land Phone lastly to please you all
– Now you can call me any time!
– Even now I am calling from the phone and I am in
my car coming to Colombo
A Country Without a Vision

• A Country without a
vision is like a ship
without a rudder
> Ministry , UGC or
University without a
vision also the same
Sri Lanka’s Long-term Vision

Naval Knowledge Aviation

Hub Hub Hub


Sri Lanka - Miracle of Asia

Sri Lanka –The Most Cost Effective and
23rd – 24th, July - 2012 37
Quality Education Hub in Asia
Changing HE environment
1. Demand for higher 4. Students are going abroad
education is rapidly and coming back with
increasing foreign qualifications
2. Industry worker to 5. Foreign degrees are
Knowledge worker offered locally and there
3. Organizational operating are many such institutes
platforms are changing & programs and need to
very rapidly regulate their quality &
6. Inter-faculty competition:
Arts vs Agri, Science,

“If the rate of change on the

outside exceeds
the rate of change on the inside,
the end is near.”
—Jack Welch
Former Chairman and CEO
General Electric Corporation
Strategic Approach
Effectiveness & Efficiency

Do the right things

 
 
  

 

 
Story for you to understand
• Father & Son go in a car
• Met with an accident and It was fatal and father
died on the spot
• Son badly injured and rushed to a hospital
• Ready to do the operation & surgeon came to do
the operation
• Surgeon says I can not do this operation “ He is
my Son”
• How do you explain it?
The culprit?


Surgeon = Male

• A paradigm may be defined as "a set of

assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that
constitutes a way of viewing reality for the
• Typically, we do not see paradigms, rather we
see through paradigms, thus remain unaware of
their influence. Awareness of our paradigm is
necessary for critical thinking.

University Grants Commission, Finance
Department 06.09.2012

EXPERIENCE- Where are we coming from?

DIRECTION- Where are we heading?
SITUATION NOW- Where are we now?
OUT COME DESIRED-Where do we want to be?
* Vision * Mission * Objectives
DEAD LINES- By when do we want to be there?
ACTION PLAN- How will we get there?
* Strategy? * Resources needed?

“Every moment spent planning saves

three or four in execution.”
—Crawford Greenwalt
President, Dupont

You now have two jobs as leaders!


Take a Helicopter View of Life!

What is a Paradigm?
• Means Perception, Assumption, Theory,
Frame of Reference, or Lens through which
you view the world.
• Its like map of a territory or city.
• If inaccurate, It will make no difference how
hard you try to find your destination or how
positively you think—you will stay lost.
• If accurate, then diligence and attitude
matters. But not until.
Old vs New Higher Educational
Present Paradigm
Paradigms New Paradigm
1. Not accepting responsibility 1. Accepting responsibility
2. Self oriented 2. Market Oriented
3. Locally employable grads 3. Globally employable
4. Teacher centered 4. Student centered
5. K – focused 5. K-SAM focused
6. Only job seekers 6. Both job creators + JS
7. Partly un-employable 7. 100% employable
8. Do not scan the Ex. Env. 8. Scan the EE & change
9. Input oriented 9. Out-put+ outcome oriented
10. Local students focused 10. Local + Foreign students

Sri Lanka – To be an International Hub of

06.02. 2013 51
Excellence for Higher Education by 2020
What Kind of Graduates Do We Need?
Globally Employable
Digital not Analog Graduates • Most Up-dated &
Appropriate knowledge
• Theory + Practice
• Practical and Pragmatic
• Results Oriented
• Innovative & Creative
• Not complaining about
problems but problem
• Good in Communication
• With Leadership & Team
06.02. 2013
Sri Lanka – To be an International Hub of
Excellence for Higher Education by 2020
Ranking of Personality Attributes
Private Sector Look For “Soft Skills”

Sri Lanka –The Most Cost Effective and

12.12. 2012 53
Quality Education Hub in Asia
Top 10 most important skills and capabilities when recruiting new
graduates (Graduate Employability – Archer & Davision, p. 7)
• Communication skills - 86%
• Team-working skills - 85%
• Integrity - 83%
• Intellectual ability - 81%
• Confidence - 80%
• Character/personality - 79%
• Planning & organizational skills - 74%
• Literacy (good writing skills) - 71%
• Numeracy (good with numbers) - 68%
• Analysis & decision-making skills– 67%
Sri Lanka –The Most Cost Effective and
12.12. 2012 54
Quality Education Hub in Asia
Managerial Skills
• Conceptual skills
– The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and
distinguish between cause and effect. Strategic thinking
and mind-set
• Human skills
– The ability to understand, alter, lead, and control the
behavior of other individuals and groups.
• Technical skills
– Job-specific skills required to perform a particular type
of work or occupation at a high level.

Skill Types Needed

Figure 1.5 1-56


Know Skills Attitu Mindset

ledge de &
K- SAM – Graduates

Skills + Attitude +
Knowledge Mindset
Capabilities Values + Vision
• Theory • Fundamental • Daily Behavior • How do you
• Practice • Specific • Relationships see the world
• Vision for life / perception
We should Produce Graduates
with CSAC
• a confident person who has a strong sense of right and wrong, is
adaptable and resilient, knows himself, is discerning in judgment, thinks
independently and critically, and communicates effectively;
• a self-directed learner who takes responsibility for his own
learning, who questions, reflects and perseveres in the pursuit of learning;
• an active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams,
exercises initiative, takes calculated risks, is innovative and strives for
excellence; and,
• a concerned citizen who is rooted to Sri Lanka, has a strong civic
consciousness, is informed, and takes an active role in bettering the lives
of others around him.
Total Human Paradigm

• Body – to Live – Pay me a reasonable salary

• Heart – to Love – Treat me kindly
• Mind – to Learn – Use me creatively
• Sprit – to Leave a Legacy – To contribute to
the society in ethical manner
Last will of a father
The Story

• There was a father who left 17
camels as the inheritance for his
three sons.
• When the father passed away,
his sons opened up the will.
The Will of the father stated that
the eldest son should get half of
17 camels while the middle son
should be given 1/3rd (one-
third). The youngest son should
be given 1/9th (one-ninth) of the
17 camels.
If they came to you how do you
handle this?
If you are the wise man? 3rd Alternative
• The wise man, after giving this thought,
• So, the three sons decided brought one camel of his own and added
the same to 17.
to go to a wise man. The • That increased the total to 18 camels.
wise man listened patiently Now, he started reading the deceased
father’s will.
about the Will.
Half of 18 = 9. So, he gave the eldest son 9
1/3rd of 18 = 6. So, he gave the middle son 6
1/9th of 18 = 2. So, he gave the youngest
son 2 camels.
Now add this up: 9 plus 6 plus 2 is 17, and
this leaves one camel, which the wise man
took away.
Responding to Challenges

Faculty Improving Relevance to


Excellence in
Access & National
Development Research
Learning Priorities

Assurance: Standards, Assessment, Accreditation


Good Governance & Management

Infrastructure Development: Physical, Technology

What Kind of Graduates Do We Need?
Globally Employable
Digital not Analog Graduates • Most Up-dated &
Appropriate knowledge
• Theory + Practice
• Practical and Pragmatic
• Results Oriented
• Innovative & Creative
• Not complaining about
problems but problem
• Good in Communication
• With Leadership & Team
Management Skills

• Management skills required

by management levels
Top Managers

Middle Managers

First-Line Managers
Conceptual Skills “People” Skills Technical Skills

Skill Development
Solution Lifetime Learning
There is a gap in
Skills that needs Ability
to be bridged in
the future
Practical Critical
aptitude Thinking

Entrepreneurship Behavioral
- - - - - - Current Graduates
Future Graduates
Sri Lanka: The Emerging Wonder of Asia – P 119

Sri Lanka's future in the It is critically important

global knowledge that Sri Lanka has the
economy depends human capital needed
critically on the to compete with global
country’s intellectual knowledge economy
and human capital.
Sri Lanka: The Emerging Wonder of
Asia – P 119
The ability of people to Thus, Sri Lanka needs a
think and act creatively, higher education system
work productively and that can produce skilled ,
efficiently, communicate hardworking and
effectively and innovate enterprising graduates.
and adopt new Also, the country needs a
technologies to research and innovation
strengthen economic capacity capable of
activities is vital. promoting dynamic
economic development.
Nelson Mandela

Education is the most powerful weapon which

you can use to change the world

Nelson Mandela
Vision 2020
Transform Education,
Transform Sri Lanka

Lecturing vs. Problem-Based Learning

• Lecturing • Problem-based Learning

National Higher Education Strategic Plan
Sri Lanka

Vision – 2020 and Action Plan 2013

Maria Helena Nazaré

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Sri Lanka’s Long-term Vision
Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma

Naval Knowledge Aviation

Hub Hub Hub


Sri Lanka - Miracle of Asia

Sri Lanka –The Most Cost Effective and
23rd – 24th, July - 2012 73
Quality Education Hub in Asia
Mahinda Chinthana – Vision For
Future – Higher Education - Highlights
1. Radical change in the degree 9. Changing attitudes and values
/ diploma courses of the youth
2. Five Hubs targeted courses 10. Fully fledged language
and human capital laboratories
3. Foreign market targeted 11. Graduates who excel in
new courses English Language
4. Make Sri Lanka an Education 12. Re-structuring the UGC
hub by recreating of 13.Re-structure the higher
education and knowledge education to produce
5. New Engineering faculties students who can think
6. Enhance the distance broad and can have open
learning discussion & learning
7. Eradication of Ragging 14. ICT for all
8. Housing for lectures and 15. Agency to assure quality
hostels for students 16. Post-graduates facilities for
lectures locally and globally
Vision - 1

To make Sri Lanka as an

international hub of
excellence for higher
education by 2020
• To delight students, the industry & Public sector,
staff and other stakeholders of the Higher
Education System of Sri Lanka by formulating and
implementing results oriented policies and
strategies and to deliver results in an effective
and efficient manner through a participatory
process to produce the best intellectuals,
professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs to
produce innovative solutions to make Sri Lanka
“the wonder of Asia”.
Strategic GOALS
• Increased opportunities and access to HE
• Converted & new world class universities
• Improved employability and quality of graduates
• Improved stakeholder satisfaction
• Improved global compatibility, global links and exchanges
• Enhanced research, innovation and commercialization
• Empowered universities & institutes with freedom to be
competitive & unique
• Improved effectiveness and efficiency of the HEIs
• Converted higher education for attracting investments & foreign
• Enhanced entrepreneurship among graduates & diploma-holders
• Contributing to the national development, reconciliation and
• Improved infrastructure facilities of national higher education
Goal 1 Increased Opportunities and Access to
Higher Education

Objective 1.1
Increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher
Education from 15% in 2011 to 20% by 2015

Objective 1.1.A
by increasing the access to state Universities from
22,000 in 2011 to 25,500 by 2015

Objective 1.1.B
by increasing the access to Non University Higher Education
(SLIATE) from 4900 in 2011 to 6000 by 2015

Goal 1 Continued……
Objective 1.1 C
by increasing the access through National Online Distance
Education Service (NODES) from 1,500 in 2011 to 5,000 by 2015

Objective 1.1 D
through Distance Education System (OUSL) to reach 20,000 level
of access in 2015

Objective 1.1 E
streamline the external degree program in order to maintain at
an appropriate level of intake

Goal 1 Continued……
Objective 1.2

Facilitate non state higher education sector to expand the access

through the academic stream to reach the annual intake to be 10,000
by 2015

Objective 1.3
Facilitate non state higher education sector to expand the access;
through the professional streams

(Chartered, CIMA, CIM, etc.) to double the present level of enrolment

by 2015
2. Converted & new world class
Goal 2 Converted and new World Class Universities

Objective 2.1
Upgrade Peradeniya, Colombo, Moratuwa, Ruhuna,
Kelaniya, Sri Jayawardenapura & Jaffna to the top 1000 in
the webmatrics by 2015

Objective 2.2

Encourage universities of Peradeniya, Colombo and

Moratuwa to the Top 1000 in TIMES and QS ranking list by
Objective 2.3
Upgrade universities of Sabaragamuwa, Rajarata &
Eastern to the top 5000 in the Webometrics by 2015
Goal 2 Continued……
Objective 2.4
Upgrade the other universities to reach
Webometrics Ranks among top7000 by

Objective 2.5
Bring the talents of university
community up to international level by
increasing the number of international
awards won by academics and students

Objective 2.6
Develop University Townships with
University Township Project selected 4 universities; Sri
Jayewardenapura, Ruhuna, Jaffna and
Moratuwa, targeting to complete
Phase1 by 2015.
Goal 2 Continued……
Objective 2.7

At least 5 world class new foreign universities to be

established by 2015

Objective 2.8
Attract foreign professors, joint research and foreign
QS or Times Ranking

Colombo 500

Japura World Moratuwa 600


3. Improved employability and quality
of graduates
• 55% - 2013
• 70% - 2015
Employability • New courses to Art and Social Science students
• K-SAM Graduates

• Student Centered Teaching from 10% - 50% by 2015

• 300 new PhD holders
Quality • Post-Graduate University by 2015

• Every year 3,000 teachers are needed

• One year on-the-job training in Rural Schools with allowance
Quality Teachers • During vacations – Teacher Training Programs (TTPs)
• Appointments for the people complete both
to MOE
OER 56.2%
1035 321 2294 1479 161 2946 2110 463 760 379 3273 505 528 16254
2.71 10.0
0.87 10.6
6.9 22.8 24.6
28.57 26.1
32.0 33.6 27.5
80 37.2
22.2 45.3
70 13.9 40.6
20.1 13.6
60 12.7 13.0
8.9 20.6
50 12.3

40 83.1 9.7

30 62.8 61.2 59.01 56.2

54.2 53.6 53.4 51.6 48.8 46.4
20 42.4



Employed Under Employed Unemployed No Response

E by D
Employment by Discipline
100.0 0.6 1.4 - 0.6 1.0 0.4 1.7 2.8
3.6 5.2
90.0 3.4 18.5
23.1 22.0 19.3

8.2 46.9
7.3 8.2 15.1
70.0 23.8


95.0 22.0
69.5 69.1 68.4 65.2


Engineering Medicine Agriculture Science Others Management External Arts All

Employed Under Employed Unemployed No Response

E by OD
Employment by Other Disciplines
100.0 1.5 0.0 1.4 1.9
3.1 4.4 6.3 5.7 5.8 5.6 6.4 9.1
0 4.3
2.3 5.7
90.0 2.0
80.0 40.4
49.5 46.3
70.0 57.9

95.4 94.5 93.8 22.8
92.9 92.3 91.0 89.1 87.9 13.1
40.0 81.8 28.4

30.0 61.3 8.6


20.0 37.4 36.8

27.1 25.4

Employed Under Employed Unemployed No Response

Employment by Other Disciplines
100.0 1.5 0.0 1.4 1.9
3.1 4.4 6.3 5.7 5.6 6.4 9.1
0 5.8
2.3 4.3
90.0 2.0 5.7
80.0 40.4
49.5 46.3

70.0 57.9

95.4 94.5 93.8 22.8
92.9 92.3 91.0 89.1 87.9 13.1
40.0 81.8 28.4

30.0 61.3 8.6


20.0 37.4 36.8

27.1 25.4


Employed Under Employed Unemployed No Response

Sector Preferred by Female Arts
Sector Preferred

80% 43% 45%


16% Private only
Public only


20% 39%


Female Rural Female Semi Urban Female Urban
Monthly Salary
Monthly Salary

80 60.0
52.1 50.0




40 30.0

30 28
20.0 21
10 3
1 1

0 2.1 .0
< .7
10 10-20. 20-30 30-40 40-50 50>
Goal 3 Improved Employability and Quality
of Graduates

Objective 3.1

Enhance overall employability of graduate from 55% in 2011 above 70 % in

2015 by achieving;

 Engineering Graduates from 93% in 2011 to 100% by 2015

 Medicine Graduates from 90% in 2011 to 98% by 2015
 Science Graduates from 68% in 2011 to 90% by 2015
 Agriculture Graduates from 73% in 2011 to 90% by 2015
 Management Graduates from 63% in 2011 to 90% by 2015
 Arts Graduates from 28% in 2011 to 60 % by 2015
Goal 3 Continued……
Objective 3.2

Increase the proportion of PhD Degree holders among academics in order to

enhance the quality of academics;

PhD from 40 % in 2010 to 55% in 2015

Post graduate university to be setup by 2014

Objective 3.3
Increase students centered teaching ratio from 10% level in
2011 to above 50% level in 2015

Goal 3 Continued……
Objective 3.4
Convert Art & Social Science degree courses towards degree programs in
Trilingual, English special, Teaching, ICT and BPO related, Tourism and
Hospitality Industry related, Logistic and Supply chain Management
,Human Capital Management, Sales and Marketing, Nursing and
Paramedical, Banking Insurance and Finance, Retail Management,
Entrepreneurship, Service Management, Public Sector Management and
five hubs targeted courses.

Objective 3.5
Internship program for Arts and Commerce students ( 6-12 months)

Objective 3.6
Quality Assurance and Accreditation agency to be setup in 2013
Goal 3 Continued……
Improved soft skills and ICT skills
Leadership program
• Three weeks training for all HEI students

• Even for Buddhist Monks

National English and ICT Testing Program

• POP training for all new students
Producing Total Graduates = K-SAM

Attitude & Values Mindsets

Knowledge Skills Life-long
Theory + Basic Skills + learning, How
Practical Special Skills you see the
Nation first world
4. Improved stakeholder satisfaction

• 10% improved every year


• 10% increased by every year


• 10% improved by every year

Goal 4 Improved satisfaction of stake holders

Objective 4.1
Improve the percentage level of students' satisfaction by 10%
annually from the existing level

Objective 4.2

Improve the percentage level of

academic staff members’ satisfaction
by 10% annually from the existing
-Housing facilities for academic and
non academic staff (2014-2015)

Goal 4 Continued……
Objective 4.3

Improve the percentage level of administrative staff

members’ satisfaction by 10% annually from the existing
Objective 4.4

Improve the percentage level of satisfaction of industry & employers by

20% annually from the existing level
5. Improved global compatibility,
global links and exchanges
SLQF – by 2013
• Credit transfer among local and global institutes
• MOUS to be signed

100 new international links

• 500 new academic exchanges
• 100 new joint research
• 100 scholarship program for foreign students

SLIAT links with specialized universities to obtain top-up degrees

• Engineering – Moratuwa and Ruhuna
• Management – Sri Jayawardenapura
• Agriculture – Peradeniya, Rhuna, Jaffna
• ICT – Colombo , English – Kelnaiya
Goal 5 Improved global compatibility, global
links & exchanges

Objective 5.1
Introduce the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework
(SLQF) to all state and non state Higher Education
Institutes to implement the Quality Assurance
System and allow lateral & vertical mobility of the
students by 2015
Objective 5.2 Increase the credit transfer of the Higher Education
system by 30% from the present level by 2015
Objective 5.3

Improve academic intellectual exchange by enhancing

number of MOUs signed between foreign universities
and research centers
Objective 5.4

Increase the number of scholarships received from

foreign countries from 303 in 2011 to 400 in 2015

Objective 5.5

Increase the number of foreign students in local

universities under the 100 foreign scholarship programs
from 5 in 2011 to 100 in 2015
6. Excellence in research,
publications and commercialization
• 100 new projects
• Rs. 500 million grants and 500
Research publications

• 100 new patents


• 100 new products

Goal 6 Excellence in research, publications &
commercialization – 10% on R&D
Objective 6.1

Develop a research culture in the university system by increasing

the number of research projects & joint research projects and
allocates at least 10% from the capital budget.
Objective 6.2

Encourage academics for international publications by increasing

the number of articles published in world-class academic journals,
private sector participation, Royalty, Income.

Objective 6.3 Introduce a national e-library system by

Objective 6.4 Promote public private partnership in Research
& Development and commercialization of new
7. Converted higher education for
attracting investments & foreign exchange

• 1 Billion investment by 2015


• Foreign Students by 2015

5,000 • US$ 100,000,000
• Reduce foreign exchange outflow by 30%

• Lands on 99 year lease

Environment • Investor friendly policy and incentives
Converted Higher Education for attracting
Goal 7 investments and foreign exchange
Develop Knowledge Cities- Puttlam, Deniyaya,
Objective 7.1 Hambantota, Kandy, Baticaloa & Kilinochchi
5 new world class international universities

Introduced an investor friendly policy

Objective 7.2
99 year leased lands
Tax concessions
Duty free imports
Speedy approvals

Objective 7.3
Allow new model of universities to grow
Japan Sri Lanka friendship university
Objective 7.4 Increase number of foreign students in local
universities from 1435 in 2011 to 6000 by 2015

Objective 7.5 Introduce a student exchange program, a

study abroad program, an education tourism
Objective 7.6
Build hostels for foreign students enabling to
accommodate 200 students by 2015

Objective 7.7 Increase number of foreign faculty members &

joint researchers

Objective 7.8 Reduce the number of students going aboard for higher
education and foreign exchange outflow
8. Empowered universities & institutes with
freedom to be competitive & unique

7 Unique world class

UGC to be Administrative universities & All
restructured & as an freedom and unis become
regulator accountability specialized for one
or few fields
Goal 8 Empowered universities and institutes with
freedom to be competitive and unique

Objective 8.1 UGC to be reorganized & restructured

Objective 8.2 Reduce circulars and promote

freedom & accountability

Objective 8.3 Allow universities to use their earnings more freely

for development of infrastructure, quality & research
and enhancing free education
9. Enhanced entrepreneurship among
graduates & diploma-holders
• 1,600 enterprising graduates
All Universities annually
and AITs to be • Incubators and student company
Introduces YESL

• Mahapola Young Entrepreneurs

New funds to be • Public + Private Partnership
Goal 9 Enhanced entrepreneurship of graduates

Objective 9.1 Produce enterprising graduates from all

faculties 1500-2500 (annually)

Objective 9.2 Encourage visiting professors from private sector

Allow academics to work in the private sector at
least six months.
10. Improved effectiveness and
efficiency of the HEIs
• By 2013 – MOHE, UGC, 15 universities
Management • 17 Institutes and SLIATE to have SMP
Plans to all HEIs

ICT based • One ICT system for all HEIs


• Improved systems and processors - 2015

Goal 10 Improved effectiveness and efficiency of
higher education institutes
Objective 10.1

Performance management system to be established for

both academic and non academic staff; Increase the
utilization of budgetary allocation from 53% in 2011 to
100% by 2015
Objective 10.2 Obtaining a "qualified" audit opinion for all
HEIS by 2015

Objective 10.3 Decrease the percentage level of vacant cadre

positions in non academic and administrative
staff from 21 % in 2011to less than 10% level in
Objective 10.4 Bringing down the percentage level of
vacant cadre positions in academic
staff from 36 % in 2011 to less than
10% level in 2016 considering future
Objective 10.5 Use ICT to improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of the
higher education system

Objective 10.6 Introducing strategic management process &

review process to higher education system
and develop national strategic plan,
university & institutional strategic plans by
11. Enhanced Contributin to the national
development, reconciliation and peace
R&D should link with
• Coordinated research projects
National Development • Government priority - Dengu
& burning issues

Provincial planning, • Academics should allow to work in private sector – 6

Divi-Neguma and all • Private sector with universities – visiting professors,
other projects researchers, joint research

• Unity in diversity
Peace – Integration • New courses to be introduced in all universities
and social harmony • North – South Bridge program among university students
Goal 11 Enhanced contribution to the national
development, reconciliation and peace
Objective 11.1
Stream line the graduate output for greater economic
relevance by changing the present composition of
Arts(7,064 ): Management(4,876 ): Science(10,076 ) from
32:22:48 in present (2011) to20:30:50 by 2015
Objective 11.2

Encourage academics to obtain more intellectual property

rights and patents in order to increase the number annually
Objective 11.3

Increase number of research projects targeted national

development & resolving the burning social issues by
implementing at least one project by each university annually
Objective 11.4

Increase the number of consultancy

provided by the academics to outsiders of
the universities
Objective 11.5

Jointly work with national projects

(Divinaguma) & provincial councils
Objective 11.6

Social harmony and peace related academic courses to

all universities
12. Improved infrastructure facilities
of national higher education system
Complete all IS facility requirements by
2018 - 6 year ISD Plan
Language labs,
Hostel facilities ICT labs,
for all entitled Internet
designs for all
students by facilities and
2015 tablets for all
and HEIs
by 2015
Goal 12 Improved infrastructure facilities of
the national higher education system

Objective 12.1

Increase the number of students' accommodation

hostels for eligible students from 83% in 2011 to
100% in 2016
Objective 12.2
Language labs for all higher education institutes
ICT labs and internet facilities, WiFi facilities for all students
Global university courses on line to all (Harvard, MIT & 4 more
universities)Modernizing Engineering, Medical, Science related labs
and equipment Open door policy for core facilities
24x365 open policy for library, IT and internet facilities
Socially Responsible Universities and

Proactive Market Oriented


Measure the success Continues Improvements

World-class Universities & Globally
Employable Graduates
Vote of thanks

Thanks a lot
for the
invited me to
participate this
Great Event.
Sri Lanka –The Most Cost Effective and
23rd – 24th, July - 2012 124
Quality Education Hub in Asia

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