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Helmi Fathurrahman Hanafie

Relining :
“A procedure to resurface the tissue surface of the
denture with new base material to make the denture
fit more accurately”
Indication Contraindication
• Immediate dentures after 3-6 • When the residual ridge has resorbed
months where maximum residual excessively.
ridge resorption would have
occurred. • Abused soft tissues due to an ill-
fitting denture.
• When the adaptation of the denture
to the ridge is poor due to residual • Temporo-mandibular joint problems.
ridge resorption. • Patient dissatisfied with the
• Economical reasons where the appearance of the existing dentures.
patient cannot afford a new • Unsatisfactory jaw relationships in
denture. the denture.
• Geriatric or chronically ill patients • Dentures causing major speech
who cannot withstand physical and problems.
mental stress of construction of
• Severe osseous undercuts.
new dentures.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Eliminates frequency of patient • Likelihood of altering the jaw
relationship during the process.
• Cannot correct aesthetics, or jaw
• Economical for the patient. relations.
• Cannot correct occlusal arrangement.
• Improves fit of the denture.
• Cannot be used when excessive
• A soft liner can be incorporated resorption has occurred. Hence it
in this denture, if necessary. cannot be a substitute for a new


Direct Method Indirect Method

• The relining procedure can be done directly in the patient’s mouth using
self-cure acrylic resin.
• Petroleum jelly is applied to the tissue surface and acrylic is lined on the
tissue surface of the denture and stabilized in the mouth.
• The denture with the relining acrylic material is retrieved before the acrylic
completely sets in order to prevent the damage to the oral tissues due to the
heat generated.
• The relined denture is trimmed to remove excess material followed by
finishing and polishing of the borders.
• This procedure is, however, proved to be a failure for the following reasons:
1. The relining material often produces a chemical burn.
2. The resulting reline is often porous and subsequently produces a bad
3. If the denture is not positioned correctly the material cannot be easily
removed in order to start again.
4. Since the denture with the relining material is retrieved from the surface
before the complete curing of the acrylic, the denture may be distorted.

1. Pretreatment Procedures
a. Preparation of Tissues for Impression
• Hyperplastic tissues should be surgically excised and the existing
dentures can be used as surgical splints.
• Oral mucosa should be free of irritations.
• Dentures should not be worn during sleep.
• Dentures should not be worn for at least 2 to 3 days prior to final
impression appointment.
• b. Preparation of the Dentures for Impression
• Pressure areas on the tissue surface of the denture should be
• Minor occlusal disharmony should be corrected by selective
• Border inadequacies should be corrected.
• Borders should be shortened by 1 mm, to allow space for new
impression material.

(1) Articulator method

 Once the impression is received, a cast is poured immediately.
 Maxillary cast is mounted on a semiadjustable articulator.
 Mandibular denture is mounted using an inter-occlusal record.
(2) Jig method
(3) Flask Method

“Adalah suatu proses refitting gigi tiruan dengan

penggantian seluruh base plate gigi tiruan ”

• Indikasi dan kontraindikasi untuk rebasing hampir sama dengan

relining. Umumnya ketika terjadi kerusakan jaringan yang berlebihan
dilakukan perawatan rebasing. Rebasing dapat dilakukan dengan
benar hanya dalam gigi tiruan dengan gigi porselen. Rebasing
memiliki keuntungan dan kerugian yang sama dengan relining.
• Perbatasan gigi tiruan dan permukaan jaringan dikurangi sebanyak 1-2

• Border molding dan cetakan akhir dibuat dengan zinc oxide eugenol atau
bahan cetak rubber base seperti untuk prosedur relining dan cetakan diisi
dengan gips.

• Cetakan dan gigi tiruan di tanam di artikulator

• Gigi tiruan di pisahkan dari cetakan

• Basis di triming tapi tidak menghilangkan semua basisnya

• Pembuatan wax

• Setelah pembuatan denture wax selesai dilakukan prosedure flasked,

dewaxed dan akrilik ditempatkan di wax

• Finishing dan polishing gigi tiruan setelah itu lakukan insersi ke mulut
pasien setelah koreksi oklusal

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