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Philippine History,

Constitution, and
Three (3) important parts of
knowing a country’s history;

1. God= God gave the Filipinos

the “gift of faith” to know Him
& to serve Him.
2. People= rich & unique
cultural heritage of Asians,
Latin, European & American
3. land= beautiful &
richest lands in the
world. Phil is rich in
natural resources like
oil, gas, minerals,
farmlands, & forest
The Name “Philippines”

Long ago, when the

Filipinos were not united
as a nation, we were
separated into clans &
Early Chinese traders who
visited Mindoro called
our nation “Ma-yi”.
This means Land of gold,
because they bought gold
from Mindoro.
A Greek mapmaker named
Claudius Ptolemy (90-168
A.D) called our islands
“Maniolas” in his ancient
When Magellan came in
1521, he called the
Philippines, “Archipelago
of St. Lazarus.”
In 1543, A Spanish explorer
named Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
gave the name Felipinas to the
island in honor of Crown Prince
Philip, who later became King
Philip 11 of Spain.
The Felipinas became
“Filipinas” during the Spanish
colonial era. The Philippine
Island during the American era.
Then “the Republic of the
Philippines” after our
Independence in 1946.
Pearl of the Orient Seas=
popular nickname for the
Philippines. Rizal
Popularized this name in his
Last farewell
It lies in the southeast
Asia, a little above the
equator, between latitudes 4
degrees 23’ N and 21
degrees 25’ N, and Longitude
116 degrees E and 127
degrees E.
it is bounded in the East by the
Pacific Ocean, in the West by
the South China Sea, in the
North by the Bashi Channel, and
in the South by the Zulu and
Celebes Seas.
The northernmost island is
Y’Ami, only 240 km. from
Taiwan, which can be seen on a
clear day. The southernmost
island in Saluag Isle, about 24
km. from Sabah(North Borneo)

 According to the Constitution, the

national territory of the Philippines
 Islands
 Adjacent seas and submarine areas
 And the air space above
The total area of the
Philippines is 300,780 sq. km.,
or 0.2 of the world’s land mass.
The Land area of the Philippines
is bigger than that of The
United Kingdom, almost as large
as Italy, and slightly smaller
than Japan
The Philippines lies in
Southeast Asia, a little
above the Equator, between
latitudes 4˚23’N & 21
degrees 25’ N and Longitude
116˚E and 127˚E
Having 7,107 islands, it is one
the world’s largest archipelago
or group of islands.
Of the Philippines islands only
2,773 have names and 1,190 are
The biggest island group is
Luzon(141,395 sq. km.)
Mindanao (101,999 sq. km.)
Visayas (56,606
Historical Discovery: Two
Visions of The Philippines
The Philippines is like a giant
sloth sitting on its haunches,
slightly inclined forward, the head
and shoulders represented by Luzon,
the vertebrae and ribs by the
Visayan Islands, the Pelvis by
Mindanao, the forelegs by Palawan
and Cuyo, the hind legs by the Sulo
In this fast moving vision, this
person saw the map of the
Philippines. He didn’t just see
7,000 islands, he saw a man in
military armor. Perhaps like what
King David or the warriors of the
middle ages had worn. Northern
Luzon was the helmet and plume of
this man of war. He saw the Palawan
as the sword in his hand.
The Visayas formed the chest and
heart area and the Mindanao was
the lower part of the body with
Zamboanga and Sulu forming the
legs…flames started blazing up in
various areas of the
Philippines…Then it became the
burning bush of Asia and Islands
were aflame with God’s Glory.
Topography-means Physical
features of a country.

The Philippines is an inverted Y-

shaped archipelago of numerous
islands and islets, coral reefs,
abundant rivers, lakes and bays;
mountains and Valleys; cool
plateus and scenic volcanoes.
Philippines has an extensive
coastline, and it’s sea coast
are indented with numerous
bays, harbors and gulfs. It has
the longest discontinuous
coastline in the world-34,600
kilometers. It has 61 natural
harbors and 20 landlocked
Manila Bay is the finest harbor in Asia
and also the largest bay in the

Of its Gulfs, the following are well

known; Lingayen Gulf, Leyte Gulf
and Davao Gulf.
The narrowest strait in the world is
the San Juanico Strait between Samar
and Leyte, now connected by San
Juanico Bridge.
The in the country are the historic
Bataan great Peninsulas and Fertile
Bicol Peninsula in Luzon, and the
Zamboanga and Davao Peninsula in
The lowest place in the country
is the Philippine Deep some 89
kilometers northeast of Mindanao.
With a depth of 37,732 feet below
sea level, it is said to be the
deepest place in the world. Mt.
Everest(29,028 feet high), the
tallest mountain in the world can
easily be submerged in it, with
over 8,000 feet to spare
The Philippines has lofty
mountains and numerous valleys.
There are seven major mountain
ranges, the longest being the Sierra
Mountain Range from Cagayan
Province in the North to Laguna in
the South
The highest mountain is Mt. Apo in
Mindanao the second highest peak is
Mt. Pulag on the Ifugao-Benguet.
Boundary in Luzon
4 Major Lowlands Plains

 •Central Plain-is the “Rice

Granary” of the Philippines
•Cagayan Valley-the greatest
tobacco-producing region
in Asia, is also largest
•Agusan Valley
•Cotabato Valley
About 132 main rivers traverse the country

 Cagayan River is the longest river

 Rio Grande of Mindanao is largest
river when it comes to water volume.
 Pasig River-Most Historic River in
the Country
 The Philippine Climate is
tropical and monsoonal in
2 Distinct Seasons
Dry Season(from December-
Wet Season (from June –
Natural Calamities

 The Philippines sits on the Pacific

“Ring of Fire” where most
natural calamities happen.
 (end physical environment)
Chapter 2: Social
Social Environment
influences the life &
progress of any country.

Social Environment mean the

people and their character
and culture.
God made man to have
dominion over nature and
Of all the features of a
country- people, land,
government &
Independence- people
matter most of All.
The racial ancestry, the
population growth, the
religion, customs, language,
arts & sciences, government
& the economy
shape the lifestyles of the
Early Ancestors

 The NEGRITOS. First people

to come to the Philippines.
They were also called the “Atis
or Aetas”. They came across
land bridges from Mainland
Asia about 25,000 years ago.
At that time, our country was
connected to Asia by Land
bridges which later sank below
the sea.

 Very small people

 They were called Negritos
because they had black skin,
short kinky hair, thick lips and
flat noses.
 They wore little clothing.
They had no government, no writing
and no permanent homes.
They wandered in the forest and
lived by hunting, fishing, and
gathering wild plants and fruits.
They used the bow and arrow for
 Indonesians were the first
immigrants to come by sea to the
 They came about 5,000 years ago.
 They sailed in boats from South Asia
 They drove the Negritos into the
mountains and lived in the lowlands
There were 2 types of Indonesians.

The first type was tall, with light skin,

large forehead, high nose and thin lips

The second, they were shorter and

darker, with a large nose, thick lips .
The Indonesian were more advanced
than Negritos. They lived in
permanent homes.
They used fire to cook their food.
They lived by hunting, fishing and
small farming.
 Came after the Indonesians,
about 2,000 years ago.
 They also arrived in boats
from Southeast Asia.
They were medium in height,
brown skinned with dark
eyes, flat noses and
straight black hair.

They droved the Indonesians

into the forests and lived
in the lowlands.
☻Malays were more civilized than

☻They lived in larger villages, they had

government, writing, music, arts, and

☻They lived by agriculture, fishing,

mining and trading.
 The early Filipinos had a culture of
their own.. They built the
magnificent rice terraces in Northern
 They charted the seas and sailed
thousands of miles to other islands in
the Pacific.
 They had a society of Law and order.
They appreciated beautiful
things like jewelry and
They buried the dead with
The early Filipinos had
their own inventions and
spread cultures to other
They did not just borrow
or receive the culture of
other peoples.
Malayan Heritage

 Our Malay ancestors had

brought to our shores their
ancestral culture, including
food and drinks, mode of
housing, society, government
and laws, writing, language,
literature, music, economy,
religion, arts and sciences,
superstitious belief and
customs and traditions.
Tattoos(Malayan Heritage)
☻the early Filipinos tattooed
their bodies with various designs
representing animals, birds, flowers,
and geometric figures.
Tattoos served two purposes:
☺enhance their bodily beauty
☺to show their war record

 Houses were made of wood,

bamboo, and palm leaves.
 They were built near each other
in the barangay (village).
 Each house had a bamboo
ladder that could be drawn up at
night or when the family was out.
Also contained a gallery, called
batalan, where jars of water were
kept for household purposes.
The rice, firewood, and chickens
were kept under the house
Natural Courtesy and Politeness

 ☺When two persons of equal

rank met on the road, they
removed their putong
(turban) as a sign of courtesy.
 ☺The women were shown
courtesy everywhere.
☺When a man and a woman walked
together, the man was always behind
the woman.
☺Whenever the entire family went
out, the mother and the daughters
walked ahead, while the father and
sons followed behind.
The early Filipinos were not always
fighting or working.
 They held banquets to celebrates a
good harvest, a wedding, a religious
sacrifice, and a victory in war.
 These banquets were celebrated
with much eating, drinking, singing
and dancing

 The early Filipinos had their own

form of government. Each
settlement was an independent
kingdom called barangay.
 The term barangay is a hispanized
form of the malayan word balangay,
w/c means sailboat.
They applied the name barangay to
their settlement in honor of the
sailboat that brought them to
Philippines shores.
Burial and Mourning Customs
 Because of their belief in the next
world, the early Filipinos took care
in burying their dead.
 The corpse was embalmed, as an
ancient Egypt and was buried
amidst deep sorrow near his home.
 Clothes, food, weapons and
sometimes slaves were buried with
 They used a sharp pointed iron
instrument called sipol as pen.
 They wrote on banana leaves, tree-barks
and bamboo tubes.
 The direction of their writing was from
left to right.

 The system of Education in the

Philippines before the arrival of the
Spaniards was generally informal.
 The children studied in their own homes
with their parents or with some old men
in the barangays as tutors.
☺Both boys and girls were taught
reading, writing, arithmetic, and tribal
☺Boys were trained to be warriors,
hunters, fisherman, farmers, mariners and
☺girls were taught cooking, sewing, stock
raising and other domestic work to make
them good housewives
 They knew the curative value of
medicinal plants and herbs.
 Their medicines men had herbs as
antidotes for all kinds of poison.
 Their medicinal lore, like that of the
ancient Egyptians and Greeks, was
associated with religion and magic
Weights and Measures
 For weighing things, they used the talaro,
which was a kind of balance with scales.

Measures of capacity Measures for

Length Kaban Dipa
Salop Tumuro
Kaguitna Sandamak
Domestic and Foreign Trade

 Domestic trade existed in ancient

Philippines. Barangay traded with
barangay, island with island.
 This early domestic trade was carried on by
means of barter
Agriculture and Industries
 Farming was the main industry
of ancient Filipinos
 2 methods of cultivation were
used by ancient Filipino
Kaingin Method-w/c the land was
cleared by setting fire to the shrubs
and bushes after w/c holes were
bored in the ground with pointed
sticks and the seeds were their
planted there.
Regular means of Tillage-they
used wooden plows and harrows
drawn by carabaos
Other Industries of early
Filipinos wee fishing, mining,
lumbering, weaving, metal work,
making of tools and weapons,
manufacture of wines, raising of
poultry and stock, tanning and
ship building.
Chapter 5. Heritage from India,
China and Arabia
Early Relations with India
 ☻Hindus from the Asian mainland and
nearby islands came to the Philippines as
early as 900 AD.
 ☻Even though the Hindus came to our
country, we were never conquered by them.
 ☻This is because the Hindu visitors to our
land came peacefully.
 ☻They were traders of foreign immigrants
Early Relation with China
 Filipinos from Mindoro
sailed to Canton, South
China in an Arab Ship.
They sold their goods to the
Chinese and then went home. This
was the earliest date in our
contacts with China. Pretty soon,
our trade with China boomed. It
was the Chinese merchants from
south China who sailed in their
junks(Chinese sailing ships) to the
Chinese Heritage
 Filipinos learned how to
make gunpowder, to mine
for gold, to work with
metal, to use porcelain,
gongs and metals, and to
make kites.
In costumes, the Chinese gave
us the early Filipinos jackets
and loose trousers, slippers,
wooden shoes (bakya), fans,
and umbrellas.
The use of white clothes for
mourning the dead came from
the Chinese.
Early Relations With Arabia
 Arabic culture has influenced our religion,
politics and social life.
 Our Arabic heritage is mostly seen among
Muslim Filipinos in the South.
 The Arabs gave the Muslims Filipinos the
religion of Islam.
 The Singkil is a royal Muslim Dance of the
Chapter 6. The Coming of Spain
 The Philippines was invaded by the
 They made our country into a colony of
 A colony is a country that is ruled by
foreigners from another land
 Through Spain we became a Catholic in
 We also got a new and more advance culture
from Europe and Mexico, but for the first
time in our history we lost our freedom and
independence to foreigners.
Why the Spaniards came?

 The Spaniards came to the Philippines

and Asia because of
 ☻God
 ☻Gold
 ☻Glory
the first aim of Spain was to spread the
Roman Catholic religion.
the second aim of Spain is to get rich. It wanted
to control the spice trade in Asia because
spices(peppers, ginger, garlic, etc) were very
much in demand in Europe.
Spain want to get political Glory.
When Spain conquered the Philippines in Asia, it
became the greatest empire in the world during
16th century
Magellan’s Voyage

 The coming of Magellan to the

Philippines was not an accident.
He really planned and wanted to
find the Philippines because he
heard that it was a very rich
 Ferdinand Magellan a
Portuguese explorer, asked the
Portuguese king, to finance a
project to sail to the Philippines.
But the Portuguese King only
laughed at Magellan and told
him to go away
Magellan travelled to the next country
Spain and talked to the King and Queen
about his planned.

Sept. 20, 1517-the expedition of Magellan

left Spain for the East. His fleet consisted
of five (5) ships and 265 Men.
Rivalry between Portugal and Spain

 In the 16th century, Portugal and S pain were the

most bitter rivals for colonies in the World. They
quarreled over the ownership of these Islands.
 Pope Alexander VI-issued 4 Papal Bulls. One
of the Papal Bulls divided the world between
Spain and Portugal
 Treaty of Tordesillas-Agreement between
two countries, shifting the demarcation line
(division) made by the Pope.
Treaty Of Zaragoza- to fix a new
demarcation line over the Moluccas
(Spice Islands)
Magellan claims the
Philippines for Spain. He
called it the Archipelago of
San Lazaro-because he came
here on the feast day of that
April 7, 1521-The Spaniards
continued their voyage by
going to Cebu, King Kulambu
guided them there.

April 14, 1521-Raha Humabon

(King of Cebu) and Magellan
made a blood compact.
Lapu-Lapu- A King of Mactan
was the first Filipino Hero.

It was the First battle between the

Filipinos and the White men and
it was the first victory of the
After their defeat in Mactan , the
Spaniards returned sadly to Cebu.
But they lost face.

May 1, 1521-Spaniards were invited to

a feast day by King Humabon. While
they were eating and drinking at the
feast, the Spaniards were attacked
by the Cebuano's. Many Europeans
were killed, including Duarte Barbosa
& Juan Serrano,
After Cebu massacre, the
survivors of the expeditions
quickly left for the south.
After visiting Palawan, Brunei,
Mindanao, and Moluccas, they
set sail for home.
Trinidad (Ship) sailed for
Mexico, but it was caught by
the Portuguese in Moluccas.
Victoria Ship- sailed via Indian
Ocean & the African Cape. It
was the only ship left after the
expedition. It reached San
Lucar, Spain on Sept. 6, 1522
with only 18 Survivors
Results of MAGELLAN’S voyage

 ☻It was the first voyage around the

world by sea. It proved that the earth
was not flat and ships would not fall
off when they got to the end of the
 ☻ it added to the knowledge about
The Europeans learned that the Pacific
Ocean is the Largest Ocean. The Straight
of Magellan in SOUTH America was
discovered. The Europeans also
discovered the Philippines and other new
lands in ASIA. Magellan blazed the trail
for a new westward route to the fabulous
riches of Asia
☻It made Spain interested in Colonizing
the Philippines
Legazpi Expedition

 Only the last and was successful

 The new King named Philip II
ordered a new expedition to the
Philippines. He was the King of
whom the Philippines was
The Battle for Manila

 At that time, Manila was a

rich Muslim Kingdom.
 The Spaniards decided to
conquer this important
outpost. It took two battles-in
1570-1571 to capture Manila
The first Spanish expedition
to invade Manila was Marshall
Martin de Goite in May 1570.
He led 120 Spaniards & 600
Visayans warrior.

At First, Raha Sulayman, Moro

King of Manila resisted the
Spanish Invaders.
After a fierce battle, Goite
won against Sulayman, captured
the Filipino cannon made by
Panday Pira, a Pampangueno

Goite could not hold the place

& return to Panay to regroup, &
provisions, and recruited men
of arms.
In 1571, Spanish Invasion
was led by Legaspi himself.
Sulayman wanted to fight the
invaders again, but his old
uncle, Lakan Dula of Tondo
persuaded him to befriend
them instead.
Sulayman & Lakan Dula accept
Spanish rule, and knew they
could not win against
superior weapons and
military power of Spain.

Bambolito led his fleet of

war to fight the Spanish
Navy, and was defeated.
The reasons why Filipinos
lost the battle:
1. Lakan Dula & Sulayman did
not help the other
2. The Spaniards had
superior weapons &
3.600 Cebuano archers helped
the Spaniards in battle.
June 24, 1571

 Legazpi proclaimed Manila as the

new capital of the colony.
 He rebuilt it from Moro Kingdom to A
Spanish City, with Spanish Homes,
Churches and a fort.
 Distinguished and Ever Loyal City-
King Philip II gave it a new coat of
arms and a new name.
The Philippines could not avoid
being a colony because the
European powers were building
their empires by grabbing
colonies in other continents.
Fortunately, we fell to the
Spaniards who brought
Christianity to us.
Conquest of Luzon followed.
Why the PH fell to Spain.

Our country was made up of

free independent barangays
with a total population of
around 1,500,000 people. The
Spaniards, led by Legaspi,
brought only 300 to 1,700
1. The Filipino at the time
of the arrival of Legaspi
were not united. They were
divided into different
tribes under their own kings
or chieftain. The Spaniards
took advantage of the
disunity of the Filipinos.
They played one tribe
against another.
2. The Spanish invaders had
a great commander. Legaspi
won the friendship of
Filipino Kings with his
generosity & wisdom. He
treated them with kindness,
unlike other Spanish rulers
3. Pilipino could not win
against the superior military
arms & knowhow of the
Spaniards. The invaders had
advanced technology of the
west at that time. The
Pilipino warrior had only
bronze cannon, crude swords,
daggers, lances, & wooden
bows & arrows
4. The Pilipino were won
over by the Spanish
missionaries who taught them
a better religion than
barbaric paganism of their
ancestors. The Cross did
more than the Swords to win
the easy conquest of the
Chapter 7. The Philippines as a colony
of Spain

 -The Philippines was colony of a

Spain for 333 years from the
time when Legazpi came in
 Colony-means our land and our
people belonged to Spanish
-The Filipinos practically had
no say in who ruled them, what
laws applied to them, or what
rights they had. In short, our
rulers, our laws, and our rights
were all dictated by Spain.
Monarchy under Spain

 The Spanish King or Queen was

the supreme power in Spain and
its colonies like the Philippines.-
 The system Of government is
called Monarchy. In this system,
power came from the King who
appointed the colonial officials.
 He issued royal decrees (order).
At first, the Council of the
Indies helped the King to rule
the colonies. When it was
abolished, the Minister of
Colonies took charge of
colonial affairs.
Monarchy is different from
democracy, where power comes
from the people. Monarchy was
inherited at the time.
PH was ruled by the Spanish
viceroy in Mexico in the
name of the king. The PH was
colonized from Mexico, the
Spanish colony in the New
World (America).

Council of the




-Spanish Governor General-
represented the king of Spain in the

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi-First

Governor General
4. President of Royal Audencia
(Chief Justice of supreme court
Royal Audencia:
1. highest court of the land
during Spanish time. It decided
important cases appealed to it
from the lower courts. It could
make local ordinances and check
upon all financial records. It
ruled the country temporarily
when the governor general dies or
was absent.
Laws- most of these laws were
for the benefits of Spain and
the Spaniards, not the

Slavery was abolished in 1589.

The major laws were compiled in

a legal code called “the law of
the Indies.”
Local Government:
The country was divided into
provinces, with towns and
cities, with strong central

Spanish Population
17th century- 2,000
19th century-4,000
Pilipino Population:
1565 - 500,000
1591 - 667,000
1735 - 837,000
1800 - 1,500,000
1817 - 2,000,000
1829 - 2,500,000
1850 - 3,800,000
1870 - 4,700,000
1885 - 5,800,000
1896 - 6,200,000
Decreased of Pilipino Population:
1591 - 667,000
1621 - 610,000
1655 - 505,250

The decrease was caused of the

Dutch attacks on the PH in the
17th century. Many Filipinos were
killed in these battles, and
others fled to the hills for
Cities had their own government
called “ayuntamiento”

City Council- Cabildo

Christianity and Spanish

The Spaniards were really able to

keep the Philippines as a colony
because most of the Filipino
became Christians.
The Filipino were attracted
to Christianity because of
three reasons:

The message of Christianity

appealed to the Filipinos.

Filipino life was approved by

The missionaries helped the
soldiers in the conquest and
pacification of the Philippines
Catholic Church was the official religion
of the People

No other religion was allowed to


This practice of allowing only

one religion in the country is
called “union of church and
Because of this Union of
Church and State, the catholic
priest then had a great in
influence in Government
The Archbishops, bishops, and parish
priest received their salaries from the

The Government paid for the

churches, schools, and charities run
by the religious orders
The only Christian Nation in Asia

 The Spaniards used

Philippines as a military base
and a mission center to spread
Spanish power and Christianity
to other parts of Asia
Christianity was the real secret
behind the power of Spain. Most
Filipinos accepted Spain because
of the good work of the Early
Spanish Missionaries and the
appeal of the Gospel of Christ.
Christianity united the Filipino.
It was also the reason why
Spain did not abandon Philippines
The Filipinos helped the
Spaniards to remain and rule
in the Philippines for more
than three centuries. W/out
the cooperation of The
Filipinos themselves, Spain
could not have used our
country as its base in Asia.
The Filipinos served Spain because of 3
 A) Lack of Unity among

 B) The catholic religion and

 C) Rewards and honors given to

Filipinos who cooperated with
The Filipinos rendered the following
services to Spain:
Providing food for the Spaniards

 Working in various industries that

helped Spain

 Fighting in the armed forces Of

Spain against Filipinos and
The Filipinos under Spain was
like the time of Israelites as
slaves in Egypt. We became
almost like slaves in our own
land. We learned the value of
endurance, service and hope in
Hospitals and Orphanage

 Due to the good influence of

Christianity, the sick and the poor
were given better care during the
Spanish era
 Orphans and homeless children did
not wander around. They were cared
for in special orphanage and
Diet and Dress
 Spain introduced new food plants like corn,
potatoes, coffee, cacao, cabbage,
sigadillas, chicos, guavas and wheat.
 Filipinos learned to eat bread, and drink
coffee and chocolate.
 In clothing, the men’s jacket and bahag
were replaced by the western coat and
 In women instead of sarong robe, they
wore the saya and the camisa.
They learned to wear hair
combs, shawls (monton de
manila) and handkerchiefs.
They still wore jewerly, but
gave up wearing armlets and
Family Life
 Many early Filipinos killed unwanted
babies or married many wives. These
practice were stopped during the
Spanish era.
 The Family became the unit of
society, with a father as the head of
the household and a mother in
charge of the daily chores and
Family ties were very close
The father was the breadwinner
of the Family.
He was respected and obeyed, but
he was not a tyrant.
The mother was the first tutor
of the children.
She taught them the alphabet and
catholic prayers
Spanish Names for Filipinos
 Early Spanish colonizers changed our
local names to Spanish names that they
could remember.
 It was difficult for the Spaniards to
remember Filipino names like malakas or
maganda. So when Filipinos become
converted to Catholicism, they were given
new names during their baptism
Latin Alphabet and Spanish
 The introduction by Spain of the Latin
alphabet and Spanish language made our
people closer to the Western WORLD.
 This was an improvement of our lives
because the west was then the most
advanced civilization in the world. So we
came to know Western culture and
technology better
Preservation of Filipino
 The Spanish Friars (priest) studied
our native languages and taught us
in these languages.
 They believe that we would learn
faster if we used our native tongues.
 Spaniards actually preserved and
developed our native languages like
tagalog, Visayan, Ilocano.
Western Education under

 Spain introduced Western-style

education in the Philippines.
 This was the formal schooling in
different levels.
 The Spaniards used this schools to
spread the Catholic religion and
Spanish Culture.
Thus, apart from learning
how to read, write and
count, a Filipino youth was
taught the catholic doctrine
and prayers
 Western style plays performed on stage by
live actors were first introduced by the
 2 kinds became popular
 Cennaculo-religious play about the
life and sufferings of Christ
 Moromoro- adventurous play
featuring between Christians and

 The Philippine national anthem

shows Spanish Influence.
 Spain influenced Filipino dances like
the carinosa, surido, pandango and
the jota.
 The polka, lancero, waltz and
rigodon were originally European
Houses and Villages

 The modern towns grew out of the

early settlements built by the
 The Spanish villages formed a
rectangular pattern, with a central
plaza and rectangular street blocks
Fiestas and Amusements
 The Filipino love for pageantry and food
was satisfied during Spanish times with
the introduction of these fiestas and
religious occasions. During these special
days, the people could put on their best
clothes and eat and drink to their hearts
 Spain introduced the religious festivals in
the Philippines
Spanish blood.

The Spaniards were classes

of foreigners:

1. Peninsulares;

2. Insulares
Peninsulares =came from Spain to
Live and work in the
Philippines, they felt
superior to others.

Insulares were the Spaniards

who had been born and bred in
the Philippines, they feel
inferior simply because they
did not come abroad in Spain.
The word “Filipino” was
originally used to describe
the insulares or the Spaniards
born in the PH. Only later,
during the independence
movement & the American era
was the word “Filipino” used
to mean the citizens of the
The descendant of these mixed
marriage are known as mestizos
(Eurasian). Because of their fair
skin, these half breeds &
Spaniards were sometimes teased as
“mestizong bangus” (pale fish) by
the Filipinos. In return, the
Spaniards looked down at the brown
skinned natives as “indios”
The Spaniards had less
racial prejudice than the
British, Dutch, or French
colonialists. The Spanish
mixed marriages were
welcomed in high society.
Because of the Spanish
influence, the Filipinos have
such good character traits
1. Christian Devotion
2. delicadeza(honor)
3. Palabra de honor(keeping
4. urbanidad (good manners)
5. romanticism
Bad traits
 1. Maňana Habbit
 2. Sentimentalism
 3. siesta ( afternoon snack)
 4. Seňorito habit (dislike of
manual work)
 5. Aristocracy or snobbishness
Chapter 10.
Economic Life under Spain
Slow Development under Spain
1.The economic wealth of The Filipinos
did not really improve a lot under
2. This slow progress was due to the
lack of interest of Spain in Practical
3. Spain was more interested in the
Catholic religion and in dreaming of
ECONOMIC Changes Made by
 New way of Land Ownership
 Encomienda System
 Tribute (Taxes)
 Polo or Forced Labor
 Abolition of Slavery
 Galleon Trade and annual subsidy
from Mexico
-Introduction of new plants and
-Economic Society and Royal
-Scientific survey
-Opening of The Philippines to
World Trade and Foreign
- Rise of Banks
- Improvement in transport
and communication
- New Social Classes
- Prize and International
New way of Land Ownership
 Spain introduced the idea that a
person and his Family could own
 -The land was divided among the
rich hacienderos, the religious orders
and others.
 Rich landowners could now pass on
their land to their heirs.
 An encomienda was the money from
the tribute upon a certain conquered
 It was given by the King of Spain as a
reward for his services.
 The encomiendas could keep the
tribute money for himself instead of
giving it to the government
Polo or Forced Labor

 Worked for various public works,

like building roads and bridges,
cutting timber in the forest or
serving as sailors and soldiers in
military expedition
Abolition of slavery:

1589- Royal decree was made to

abolish slavery in the
Galleon Trade and Subsidy
from Mexico
 The Galleon Trade was named after the
sailing ship w/c sailed once a year from
Manila to Acapulco, Mexico, and back.
 The Galleon Left Manila with a rich cargo
of Chinese silk and Porcelain, and in
Philippine Cloth, hemp, cigars and wood
 It returned from Acapulco w/ a rich
treasure Of Mexican Silver, pesos, wines,
wool, sardines and official documents.
Introduction of New plants &
New plants (Cacao, coffee,
beans, peanuts, chico & papaya) &
animals (sheep, cattle, goats,
horses, pigeions, swans, carabao,
ducks, geese was introduced in the
Introduction of New Industries.
Cattle ranching, making of
soaps & candles; construction of
stone houses building of roads,
bridges & dams; grow large amount
of sugar, hemp, coconut, & tobacco.
Economic society & the Royal
1. Economic Society of Friends of
the Country= was founded in 1781 by
Gov. Gen. Basco, & stopped
operating in 1809.
2. Royal Company of the
Philippines= was founded by King
Charles 111, in 1785, & closed down
in 1834.
Scientific Survey.
In 1789, the first scientific
survey in the Phil. was done under
the command of Captain Alejandro
Malaspina. Two ship sailed around
the archipelago & explored the
coasts. Antonio Pineda, a botanist,
went with the expedition, & made
study of the Philippine plants.
From this expedition came the
first modern shipping chart &
map of the Philippines.

Opening Doors to World trade &

foreign Investment.
In 1834, Spain officially
opened the Philippines to the
world trade. This new policy
improved the Phil economy.
By 1859, there were 15 foreign
companies in Manila;

7 –British; 3- American; 2-
French, 2 Swiss, & One (1)
Nicholas Loney, of Plymouth,
England, was the first merchant
to live in Visayas. He arrived
in Iloilo in 1855. he developed
the Philippine Sugar industry.
Rise of the Banks.

The first Filipino bank was founded

at Manila in 1830 by Francisco Rodriquez
(Protestant, a Filipino Quakers), who
live in England. The oldest existing bank
in the Philippines is the Bank of the
Philippine Islands. It started in 1851 as
the Banco Espanol-Filipino.
In 1862, the Monte de Piedad
Savings Bank was founded by the
Social Classes
 Upper Class

 Middle Class

 Lower Class
Upper Class

 Composed of richest and most

powerful people in the

 Called “Principalia” or
Middle Class
 Newly rich people who
owned lands and business or
worked as professionals, but
were not as rich as the
Lower Class
 Included the workers and
 They were the servants of the
other classes, the factory worker,
or the masses in the countryside
Our Latin American Heritage

 The Philippines had very closed

relations with Mexico during the
Spanish Era.
 The Philippines was colonized
from Mexico for 256 years, our
country was ruled by Spain from
it’s Mexican colony
Mexico Played a great role in
the conquest of The Philippines
by Spain. After the Magellan
expedition, the Legazpi
expedition was successful in
colonizing the Philippines. The
expedition was patronized by the
Mexican Authorities, paid for by
Mexican Funds and manned by
Mexican Soldiers and Sailors
The British Invasion

The British Invasion of The

Philippines was planned from
India by the British East India
Company, it was the colonial
authority in india
The British Expedition had
13 ships and 6,830 men
(British & Indian Troops),
the commander were Admiral
Samuel Cornish & Gen.
William Draper. The
officials & residents of
Manila did not know that the
ship were hostile enemies.
They did not know that Spain
was now at war with Britain,
because they did not
received any news of the
Seven Years War (1756-1763)
September 22, 1762-The British
Fleet entered Manila Bay.

September 23,1762-British
officers under a flag of truce
went ashore and entered Manila.
Presented The British demand for
the surrender of The City to the
Spanish Governor General
Manila was not in a position to
fight the enemy. The Spanish
officials were caught by
surprise, and they did not have
enough troops or arms to
defend the City
After the surrender of Manila
to the British invaders, a
horrible thing happened. The
British and Indian conquerors
looted homes, schools, churches
and other buildings in Manila
Filipinos Remain Loyal to
 Because the Filipino remained
loyal to Spain, the British did
not conquer the provinces. Only
the areas like Cainta, Taytay
and Pasig
The Filipinos did not welcome the
British because of 2 Reasons:
 They were shocked by the horrible looting
of Manila after it was surrendered to the
 Spanish priest warned them that the
British were Protestants who did not
believe to the Catholic Religion.
Chapter 13. Filipino revolts
Against Spain.

Filipinos love freedom,

Spaniards did not take good
care of the Filipinos under
Spanish rule. The Filipinos
often rebelled against the
Spanish government.
There were more than 100
revolts by Filipinos during
the three centuries of
Spanish rule in the PH. They
help to bring little
improvement in the people’s
lives. But the Filipinos
were not happy until they
were free.
Filipino Revolts Against Spain

Causes of Revolts: Many causes

of Filipino revolts against
Our love for freedom and independence
Abuses of Spanish Encomenderos
Tribute (residence Tax)
Forced Labor(Polo)
Land grabbing by the Friars
Basi (Wine) Monopoly, & Religion
Examples of revolts: Dagohoy’s Revolt
-Longest Revolt in the History of
The Philippines
-Dagohoy’s brother, a policeman in
Inabangan, was killed in a duel with
a rebel. --The Catholic Priest
refused to give him a Christian burial
because dueling was a mortal sin.
-He got angry and led his people in
Silang’s Revolt (1762-63)
 -Diego Silang and his wife Gabriela
led a famous revolt in Ilocos in
1762-63. This revolt happened
during the British Invasion.

 -Diego Silang proclaimed the

independence of his people and
made Vigan the Capital of Free
Silang was killed by an
assassin, named Miguel Vicos,
a friend, paid by Spaniards,
to shoot him at the back.
Silang died in the arms of
his wife Gabriela. His wife
continued the revolt, known
to many as “ Joan of Arc of
the Ilocos.”
Gabriela was defeated later.
She was executed at Vigan on
Sept 10, 1763, ended the
Silang revolt in the Ilocos.
First Pampanga Revolt (1585)

 The abuses of The Spanish

encomenderos started the first
revolt in Pampanga in 1585.
 Some brave Pampagueňo
leaders plotted with the people
in Manila to enter the
Intramuros and Kill all the
Spanish Officials There.
The plot did not succeed. A
native Filipina who was
married to a Spanish soldier
reported it to Spanish
authorities. The mastermind
was arrested & executed.
This put to an end to the
plan to stage a revolt.
Revolts against the Tribute (1589)
 One of the earliest revolts against
the tribute(residence tax) , started
in Cagayan & Ilocos in 1589. Filipino
revolted because of the abuses of
the tribute collectors. They killed
many Spaniards.
However, the Spanish Gov.
Gen. Santiago de Veyra,
pacified the rebel patriots. He
pardoned many of them &
improved the Tax system.
Sumoroy’s Revolt (1649-50)

 The Visayan Alcaldes Mayor

ordered to send men to work in the
Cavite naval shipyards. The Visayan
men hated this order and did not
like to leave their homes and their
Agrarian Revolt (1745-46)
 Due to the land grabbing by
Spaniards who took over their
ancestral lands. The first spark of
revolt was at Lian, & Nasugbu,
Batangas. The Filipino demanded
the returns of their land occupied
by the Spanish priest.
Basi Revolt (1807)
 This was a most unusual revolt in the
Philippines History.
 It was all about the love for a
homemade wine from sugarcane
called basi.
 In 1786, Spanish government took
over the making and sale of wine.
The Religious Revolt of Hermano Pule
 This was a revolt for religious
freedom in Tagalog Provinces.
 Led by Apolinario de la Cruz,
popularly known as “Hermano Pule”
 Started his own religion.
 They had their own rituals, prayers
and leaders specially suited in
Why the Revolts Failed?
The early revolts by the
Filipinos against the Spanish
rule failed because of two

1. The Filipino were not united.

Instead of helping each other
to oust the Spaniards , the
Filipino fought each other.
2. There were no national
leaders who united the people.

The leaders of theses revolts had

influence only in a small area-some
towns, a few provinces or small
island. There were no GOMBURZA,
to lead them.
Week 4.
The Propaganda Movement &
the Katipunan.

In the 19th Century, the

Filipinos united as a nation
& campaign for reforms in
the colony.
The peaceful campaign was led
by Filipino thinkers and
writers like Rizal and
others. They started the
Propaganda Movement in Spain
& in the PH to ask more
freedom & rights. But this
movement failed.
When Rizal was exiled to
Dapitan, Bonifacio & other
patriots started a secret
organization called
Katipunan. They called for
revolution to make the PH
 -when people of a nation
become united and work
together for common aims
 Means devotion to one’s
country, or fighting for it’s
Causes of Nationalism

 1. New ideas from abroad about the

freedom and the rights of men.
 2. Opening of the Suez Canal
 3. Race prejudice against Filipino
 4. The Spanish Revolution of 1868
 5. Martyrdom of GOM-BUR-ZA
The Propaganda Movement
 After the martyrdom of GomBurZa,
conditions in the country went from bad to
 The Spanish officials oppressed the Filipinos
even more.
 Filipino patriots were persecuted. Many of
Them fled abroad to Hong kong, Singapore,
Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, London and other
foreign cities.
In foreign countries, they
met & decided to work for
the good & happiness of
their motherland.

The crusade for reforms was

a peaceful one. It was done
by means of pen & tongue.
Filipinos wrote articles,
books and pamphlets, & made
speeches to pressure the
Spanish government. This
peaceful campaign was called
Propaganda Movement. It began
in 1872 (after the Martyrdom
of GOMBURZA) and ended in
1892 ( after the exiled of
Rizal to Dapitan)
The Propagandist
 They were young Filipinos in their
twenties or thirties.
 They came from the best, the
brightest, and the richest Families
in The Philippines.
 They were mostly college students
or young professionals.
 All were men of intelligence,
courage and patriotism.
Today they are known as
great Filipino heroes. At
that time they lived &
fought for our freedom, they
had to be very brave because
they went through great
La Solidaridad
 Filipino propagandist published
their crusade for reforms in
fortnightly news paper called
“La Solidaridad”
 It was founded by “Graciano
Lopez Jaena”, first editor.
 February 15,1889- first issue
appeared in Barcelona ,Spain.
Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo- Dr. Jose
Rizal wrote this two
famous Novels.
He exposed the abuses of
the Spanish officials and
La Liga Filipina-Political
Association of Patriotic Filipinos
to crusade for reforms.

Jose P. Rizal-Founder of La
Liga Filipina
December 30, 1896-Dr. Jose
P. Rizal shot by firing
squad at the Luneta.
Thus, died the greatest
genius of the Malay Race.
Rizal was the greatest
National hero of The
Bonifacio and the Katipunan
 After the shocking news of Rizal’s
exile in Dapitan, Bonifacio and his
friends founded a secret
revolutionary society for Filipinos to
fight for freedom. It was called the
Katipunan or K.K.K (Kataas taasan
kagalang-galangan Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan)
Aims of Katipunan

 To unite the Filipinos

into one solid nation

 To fight for Philippines

independence from
Katipunan Government
 The Katipunan was more
than a secret society.
 It was also a hidden
government. Bonifacio and
the others wanted it to
replace the Spanish
government in the
The members paid taxes or
contribution to keep it going.
The Katipunan also had it’s
own courts and court system
the first one in 1892 and the
second one in 1894
Deodato Arellano-First
president of the Katipunan

Andress Bonifacio- Second

President or Supremo of the

Gregoria de Jesus- Lakambini ng

Katipunan Literature
 The Katipuneros wrote beautiful and stirring
works about their love for our country.
 3 Writers of Katipunero
 Andress Bonifacio(wrote the Decalogue of
the Katipunan, collection of wise sayings for
 Emilio Jacinto-”Brains of
Katipunan”(wrote the Kartilla, the collection
of teachings of the katipunan
 Dr. Pio Valenzuela-edit the Katipunan
News Paper
Newspaper of the
The Philippines Revolution

 The Philippine Revolution

began in 1896 and really
ended only in 1901. At
first, it was a war of
independence against the
Later it turned into a war of
independence against the
United States, because the
American Imperialist replaced
the Spaniards
The Revolution begins.

After the discovery of

Katipunan. Bonifacio
gather the members at the
hills of Balintawak,
which was the secret
meeting place of
August 26, 1896-The
katipuneros tore their cedulas
and called for the revolution. It
was symbol Of Spanish
oppression of Filipinos
Causes of the Revolution
 The abuses of Spanish
Officials and Priest
 Persecution of Filipino
leaders who defended the
rights of their fellow
Filipino’s desire to regain
their independence

Discovery of the Katipunan

and Bonifacio’s call for
First Battle of Revolution.
August 30, 1896- The first battle
of the revolution took place at
the town of San Juan del Monte at
dawn of Sunday. Katipuneros
attacked the Spanish arsenal at
San Juan. Filipino lost the
battle due to superiority of the
weapons of Spanish forces.
Filipino forces fled from the
scene of battle.
Spread of Revolution.

The Revolution quickly

spread like a wild fire in
Southern Luzon. A few hours
after the battle of
Pinaglaban, Spanish Governor
General , Ramon Blanco,
declared a state of war in
eight (8) provinces.
Spanish Gov. Gen. Ramon
Blanco declared a state of
war in 8 provinces:
 Manila Tarlac
 Bulacan Laguna
 Pampanga Cavite
 Nueva Ecija Batangas
Execution of Rizal & Other Martyrs.

Many Pilipino patriots were

arrested & put in prison at Fort
Santiago. Many were tortured & shot
by firing squads. Many Filipinos
were exiled to Guam, Africa & other
Spanish prisons abroad. The
martyrdom of their leaders made the
Filipino angry at the Spanish
The famous martyr of 1896
Philippine revolution was Dr.
Jose Rizal. He was allowed to
leave Dapitan & go to Cuba as a
volunteer doctor in the Spanish
Army. Spain was fighting a
revolution in Cuba.
While his ship sailed for
Spain, he was arrested on
board the vessel & taken
back to Manila, & put in
prison at fort Santiago.
Rizal was tried by
Military court, & found
guilty being a traitor to
Spain & sentenced to
At the dawn of Dec. 30,
1896, Rizal was shot by
firing squads at the Luneta.
Thus, died the greatest
genius of the Malay race.
Other Filipinos look up to
Rizal as their model of
Aguinaldo and Filipino victories in

 The Filipino freedom fighter fought with

crude weapons: bolos, clubs, stones,
bamboo spears, old muskets, and home
made guns (paltiks).
 The greatest victory in battle of the
Filipino was won by Emilio Aguinaldo in
the Battle of Binakayan, Cavite.
 Beat the regular soldiers of Spanish
Governor Gen. Blanco
Filipino victory at
Binakayan, Cavite spread
the flames of revolution.
Thousand Filipinos were
inspired to join the
revolution in the nearby
Rivalry between Bonifacio
and Aguinaldo
 Rivalry split the ranks of
revolutionaries. Two groups
competed for leadership.
These two groups were the
Magdiwangs and Magdalos.
The rivalry hurt the cause
of the revolution & made
them lose many battles.
Bonifacio’s supporter
refused to help the pro
Aguinaldo Magdalo group when
they were attacked

 The Magdiwang supported

Bonifacio as leader because
he started the revolution.

 The Magdalos supported

Aguinaldo as leader because he
won his battles while Bonifacio
lost all his battles
 Tejeros Assembly.
 Rival groups decided to meet at
Tejeros, Cavite on march 22,
1897, to settle the controversy on
leadership because the revolution
must have one leader.
Bonifacio outnumbered the
followers of Aguinaldo. He
presided the elections for
the new leaders of the
revolution. He lost during
elections and was elected as
Secretary of the Interior.
Bonifacio was no longer the
leader of the revolution,
because Aguinaldo was
elected as their leader.

Bonifacio election as sec.

of Interior was question by
Daniel Terona,
that caused Bonifacio to
walkout from the meeting &
refused to accept the result
of the elections. Bonifacio
insisted he was the leader of
the revolution.
Death of Bonifacio.

Aguinaldo’s men hunted

Bonifacio & his followers. In
the Battle of Limbon,
Bonifacio & his men was
defeated, captured by
Aguinaldo’s men.(next slide)
The Biaknabato Republic.

After the death of

Bonifacio, the revolution
went from bad to worse for
the Pilipinos.
New Spanish Gov. Gen.
Fernando Primo de Rivera,
brought fresh reinforcement
from Spain.
Aguinaldo hid in the mountain
of Barrio of Biaknabato, San
Miguel, Bulacan.
On Nov. 1, 1897,The
Filipino revolutionary leaders
approved a constitution for a
new government known as
Biaknabato Republic, and
lasted from Nov.1 to Dec. 30,
Pact of Biaknabato.

No one side could win the

revolution. Pilipinos could not
win because they were not united
& Spanish had better weapons.
Dr. Pedro Paterno acted as peace
negotiator, & succeeded in
negotiating the agreement to end
the fighting between Pilipinos &
This was the historic Pact
of Biaknabato. It was signed
by Gen. Aguinaldo & Governor
Gen. Primo de Rivera on Dec.
14 & 15, 1897.
Aguinaldo’s exiled to HK
Peace was proclaimed in
the PH after the Pact of
Biaknabato. Gen. Aguinaldo &
other revolutionary leaders
went to exile in HK, as part
of the agreement to end the
fighting. Aguinaldo and
company sailed away & landed
in HK on Dec. 30, 1897.
No peace after Biaknabato.
Filipinos & Spaniard broke
their peace agreement at
Biaknabato. Spain did not pay
the P1.7 million war indemnity
to the Pilipino. Only
P600,000.00 was paid. Spanish
officials continued to arrest
and Punish Filipinos who
The Filipinos also cheated.
Aguinaldo & his groups used
the Spanish money to buy
more arms and ammo. The
Pilipino patriots did not
surrender all their weapons.
All they wanted was to
continue the revolution.
Week 5. First PH Republic &
Filipino-American War.

The First PH Republic was the

first independent republic in
Asia by Asians. It was born
during the war of Independence.
It lived for two years because
the Filipino lost the war
against the U.S.
The U. S wanted to make our
country a colony after Spain
left. But the Filipinos
wanted independence. After
all they won the revolution
against Spain.
The Malolos Congress &
Malolos Constitution.

There were 85 Filipinos met

in a revolutionary congress
at Barasoain church, Malolos,
Bulacan, starting Sept 15,
1898. They were the most
intelligent men in the
The President of the Malolos
Congress was Dr. Pedro

The Malolos Congress

approved the Independence of
the PH. It also started the
making of a new constitution
for the Philippines.
A Constitution is the basic
law of a government. The
Filipinos wanted to prove to
the world that they could
run their own government
without the help of the
foreigners. They wrote a new
constitution and established
the First PH Republic.
This was the first
democratic republic in Asia
made by Asians. The other
Asian countries that time
were still colonies of
Western powers or monarchies
run by kings and emperor.
The constitution of the
first PH Republic was also
called the “Malolos
Constitution” because it was
written in malolos, Bulacan.
The real author was Felipe
Calderon, a famous Filipino
It was approved by the Malolos
Congress on Nov.29, 1898, &
proclaimed by Gen. Aguinaldo on
Jan. 21, 1899.

The First PH Republic.

On Jan. 23, 1899, the First
PH Republic was inaugurated at
Barasoain Church, Malolos,
Bulacan. It was solemn & happy
The Filipinos wanted to show
the world that they had
their own government at
last. Everybody dressed in
their best costume.
Aguinaldo was sworn in as
Pres. Of the First Republic
at the church altar.
After taking his oath of
office, Pres. Aguinaldo spoke:
“Great is this day, glorious
this date, and forever
memorable this moment in which
our beloved people are raised
to the joy of independence.”
The birth of the new nation
was celebrated at Malolos and
all over the PH.
It was truly democracy because
it had a free press. El
Heraldo de la Revolution was
the official newspaper of the
government. Gen. Antonio Luna
and other Filipinos run an
independence newspaper called
La Independencia.
The new government had a
diplomat abroad. The first
diplomat was Felipe
Agoncillo. He was sent to
Paris and Washington to work
for recognition of PH
Independence. There were
other diplomat in Japan,
England, France, and
Failure of the First PH
The First PH Republic in Asia
lived only for two years from Jan.
23, 1899 to March 23, 1901.It was
born after the Filipinos lost the
war of independence with the U.S.
It was inaugurated by Pres.
Aguinaldo. It ended on the day
when Aguinaldo was captured by the
The American Start the War.

This was the war of

independence by the Filipinos
against the Americans who
wanted to make the PH a colony
of the U.S. The American
pretended that the Filipinos
had brutally attacked them.
At 8 P.M. of Feb. 4, 1899, an
American sharp shooter . Pvt
Robert W. Grayson of the
First Nebraska volunteers,
shot and killed a filipino
soldier crossing the San Juan
Bridge. This started a
shooting incident between the
Filipinos and the Americans.
Aguinaldo & his generals
were caught by surprise.
When news reached them they
rush to the front lines.
News of the fighting was
flashed to the United
The news wrongly said that the
Filipino had started the
shooting. This angered the
American Public and stirred
anti-Pilipino feelings. But on
Feb. 6, 1899, two days after the
shooting incident, the American
Senate passed the treaty of
Paris, making the PH a colony of
U.S. It was approved by only one
vote majority.
The Filipino-American War.

The Filipino fought a war of

Independence again. It was
the second fight for
independence by the
Filipinos. It was the first
American war on Asian soil.
By winning the war the U.S.
Became a world power.
At day beak of Feb. 5,
1899, the American navy
bombarded the Pilipino
position in Manila. The next
day, fierce hand to hand
combat fighting broke out
all over Manila & nearby
towns. The Filipinos lost
ground to superior forces of
U.S Armed Forces.
Manila fell to the
Americans, & the Filipinos
retreated to the Provinces.
The American captured
Malolos on March 31, 1899,
the capital of the First
Republic. Aguinaldo fled to
Pampanga, & finally to the
mountain of Northern Luzon.
Gen. Henry Lawton, Hero of
American Civil War, was killed
by Filipino troops in the
Battle of San Mateo, Rizal on
Dec. 19, 1899 (read p. 130).
The Massacre of Balangiga-Sept
29, 1901, the bolo men of Gen.
Vicente Lukban wiped out the
American garrison at Balangiga,
The Massacre of Balangiga-
Sept 29, 1901, the bolo men
of Gen. Vicente Lukban wiped
out the American garrison at
Balangiga, Samar.
Battle of Mabitac- Sept
17, 1900, Gen. Juan Cailles,
defeated the American
soldiers along the Laguna de
Guerilla Warfare- Filipino
could not win the war by
direct combat, because they
had crude weapons.(old
weapons & guns, bamboo
spears & bolos, The American
fought with cannons, machine
guns, automatic rifles, and
plenty of supplies & ammo.
Aguinaldo ordered the
Filipinos to fight a
guerilla warfare. The
Filipino were divided into
small groups who harassed
the enemy by surprise
ambushes. During the day
they hid, & only fought in
surprise attack .
Filipinos Loses War.
The Filipino generals &
officials of the First PH
Republic lost or were
captured by the American.
They were arrested &
deported to Guam, such as
Apolinario Mabini.
Gen. Antonio Luna was
killed, with the President
bodyguards, on June 5, 1899.

Gregorio del Pilar & his men

defended Tirad Pass so that
Aguinaldo & his staff could
escape the Americans. They
died to the last man on Dec.
2, 1899.
The Capture of Aguinaldo.

Aguinaldo & his staff fled

to the Cordilleras mountains
in Northern Luzon. Gen
Frederick Funston in Nueva
Ecija captured one of
Aguinaldo's messenger, &
found out the where about of
Gen Funston prepared a
planned to capture the
Filipino leader, with the
approval of his superior.
The American expedition
consisted of Five American
Officials (including
Funston), & 85 Filipinos.
These Filipinos were on the
side of the Americans.
The five American pretended
to be the prisoners of war
of the Filipinos so that
they could enter the secret
camp on March 23,
1901.Aguinaldo welcomed them
because he did not suspect
As soon as the enemies got
inside the house, they
attacked the guards &
captured him. Aguinaldo was
taken to manila. He was
presented to Gen. Arthur
MacArthur, the American
military governor, at
Malacanang Palace.
On April 19, 1901, he took
the oath of allegiance to
the U.S. Aguinaldo
surrendered to the

Miguel Malvar in Batangas

fought until April 15, 1902.
the last Filipino General
who surrendered to the
Americans was Simeon Ola of
Albay Province. He gave up
on Sept. 25, 1903.
Chapter 18. PH as an
American Colony.

We were an American colony

Between 1898 & 1946. The
American promised to leave
as soon as the Filipinos
showed they could run their
own government.
The Filipinos had no choice,
but to cooperate with the
Americans. The kept their
word and treated the
Filipinos well.
PH territory in American
The territory of the PH
changed during the American
era. These were the changes:
1.The island archipelagos of
Marianas, Carolines, and
Palaus in the South Pacific
no longer belong to the PH.
Guam was made by the U.S into a
separate colony.
2. Mindanao & Sulu became
part of the PH. To bring the
Muslim Filipinos of the Sulu
archipelagos into American power,
Gen. John Bates made an agreement
with the Sultan of Sulu on August
20, 1899. the Bates treaty was
not approved by American Congress
But it help to establish good
relations between American &
the Muslim Filipinos.
3. Interior mountain regions
of Luzon & Visayas were now
included in the PH territory.
They were colonized &
developed during the American
The gold mines of the
Cordilleras were developed.
The Igorots joined the armed
forces of the PH as scout &
soldiers. Baguio became the
summer capital of the PH.
American Colonial Policy.

The reason were as follows:

1. the Americans would go as

soon as the Filipinos could
stand on their own as a free
nation. They promised to train
the Filipinos in democracy and
self government.
2. The American were kinder
and more generous than other
colonial powers of the same
era. The American shared
power with the Filipinos in
the government . The human
rights of Filipinos were
The American developed the
economy, improved hygiene &
sanitation,& introduced
popular education for all.

3. The Filipinos adopted

American ways very well. We
think like Americans, & other
Asians though we acted like
“brown Americans”
American Colonial
1. Military Government-
August 14, 1898 to July 4,
1901. the government was run
by military generals
appointed by the American
President. It lasted for
three years, during the Fil-
American War.
The three military governor
1. Gen. Wesley Merritt;
2. Gen. Elwell Otis;
3. Gen Arthur MacArthur.

2. Civil government (July 4,

1901 to August 1902.
This government was run by
the American civilian
officials appointed by the
American President. Later it
was run Filipinos official
elected by Filipinos. There
were several kinds of
civilian government during
the American era.
These were:
1. PH Commission;
2. The American governor-
general together with the PH
Assembly or the PH
3. the Commonwealth of the
PH Commissions were composed
of Special American Advisers
to the U.S. President.
The first PH Commission came
to the PH in 1899, led by Dr.
Jacob C. Schurman, Cornell
University President. Because
of the war, it did not stay &
finish its work.
The Second PH Commissions
came in 1900- 1916. It was
led by Judge William Howard
Taft. The Taft commissions
stayed & organized the civil
government in the PH. It
shared power at the first
with the American Military
Later it shared power with
the Filipinos whom it
appointed as members of the
Commission. The Commission
passed laws for the
rehabilitation of the
country, like the building
and repair of roads &
American Governor –General.
On July 4, 1901, the civil
government was inaugurated in the
PH. William Howard Taft became
the first American Governor-
General. The G/G was the chief
Executive in the colony. He was
appointed by the American
President, assisted by a cabinet.
He made sure that the laws of the
colony were put into effect.
Filipino participation in the
The American shared power with
the Filipinos, unlike the
Spanish Colonial government.
The American appointed
Filipinos to important position
on the government. This was
supposed to train our people in
democracy & self rule.
No other colonial power
allowed the local people to
share power in the colonial
At first the Filipino were
only appointed to local
governments. Later, these
local official were elected
in the free elections.
In 1901, Cayetano Arellano
was appointed Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court.
Several Filipinos were
appointed members of the PH
Commission. In 1913, there
was a Filipino majority in
the Commission.
In 1903, Gregorio Araneta,
became the First Cabinet
Secretary, as Sec. of Finance
& justice .He was the First
Filipino to head an executive
In civil service, or lower
position in the government,
more & more Filipinos were
given permanent jobs.
By 1921, 96% of civil service
jobs were done by Filipinos.
The greatest participation
of the Filipinos in the
colonial government was in
making their own laws.
PH Bill of 1902.

On July 1, 1902, the PH

Bill of 1902 was passed by
U.S. congress. It created
the PH Assembly.
PH Assembly.
On July 30, 1907, the first
free national elections were
held in the PH for members of
the all Filipino lawmaking
body. Nearly 100% of the
registered voters cast their
votes. Finally, 80 delegates
won. Most of them came from the
Nationalista Party.
The PH assembly was
inaugurated on Oct . 16,
1907, at the Manila Grand
Opera house. Elected Speaker
was Sergio Osmena from Cebu.
The PH Assembly was the first
all filipino lawmaking body
during the American era. It
help the PH Commission in the
making laws of the colony.
The commission acted like
the upper House of Congress
& the Assembly acted like
the lower House.
The PH Legislature.
The national election were
held for members of the new PH
Legislature. The new
legislature was inaugurated at
Manila on Oct 16, 1916. It had
two houses: the Senate & the
House of the Representative.
M.L. Quezon of Tayabas was
elected as Senate President;
& Sergio Osmena became the
Speaker of the House.
There was a separtion of
power among the three
branches of government in
the colony. The Governor
Gen. put laws into effect
with the help of a cabinet.
The all Filipinos PH legislature
made the laws for the colony.
The supreme court and the lower
courts decide on disputes about
the law.
Limitations: the American
Congress regulate PH trade.
The American Supreme court
could overrule the PH supreme
We are not yet free. Our
postage, currency, & coins
still had the American
emblems. We are not allowed
to display our national
flag. We had to speak,
write, & study in English.
Filipino Loyalty during World
War 1.
The Filipinos became Allies
of U.S, who entered the First
WW 1. the first Filipino, who
died under the American Flag in
WW 1, was Pvt. Tomas Claudio.
He died in the Battle of
Chateau Thierry, France, on
June 29, 1918.(end).
Week 6. Second World War & the
Third Republic.
The worst war was the
Second WW (1941-45).the war
started when the Japanese
invaded the PH.They established
a puppet government, the second
PH Republic. The American &
Filipinos Allied forces
liberated the PH in 1945.
The Second World War.
It’s a war between the
allied nations & the Axis
nations. It started in Europe
because Hitler German troops
attacked Poland on Sept 1,
1939. The war spread to other
European countries like france,
Netherlands, Britain, Russia,
and others.
On Dec. 8, 1941, (Pacific
Time) Japan made sneak
attacks on the military
bases of America & Britain
in Pearl Harbour, Singapore,
& the PH. The war in Europe
spread to Asia.
The Japanese Attack.

At dawn of Dec. 8, 1941,

(Mla Time), Japan attack
Hawaii at 2:30, a.m., & the
Second World War erupted in
the Pacific.
A few hours later, Japanese
fighter planes appeared in the
PH skies, bombed Davao City,
Clark field, and others air
bases in the PH. Caused to wipe
out the entire U.S. Air Force.
The Jap forces landed in the
Aparri, Vigan, Lingayen in the
North & other parts of the
The Japanese forces
dominated both air and sea.

Gen. D. MacArthur, Commander

of USAFFE, was hepless.
The Commonwealth in Exile.

Pres. F. Roosevelt of U.S.,

wired Pres. Quezon to escape
to the U.S. Quezon family &
war cabinet secretly left
Corregidor by submarine on Feb
20, 1942 to Oct. 3. 1944, the
Commonwealth government went
in exile at Washington D.C.
Pres. Quezon died of illness
on August 1, 1944, and
succeeded by VP Osmena.

Gen D. MacArhur was ordered

to leave by Pres. Roosevelt,
and landed in
Australia on March 17, 1942.
The Fall of Bataan &
The courageous stand of the
Filipinos American troops in
Bataan & Corregidor the Jap
timetable of aggression was
delayed. The Filipino
resistance saved Australia &
New Zealand from falling into
the hands of the Japanese.
Death March= cruellest
atrocities by the Japanese
forces was the infamous Death
march in April 1942. Some
62,000 Filipino soldiers &
11,000 American soldiers were
forced to march from 7 to 11
days without food & water, &
Japanese Military Occupation.
The occupation of the
Japanese was for three years
from Jan. 3, 1942 to July 5,
1945. Although the Jap.
Installed a puppet Filipino
government, the real ruler
was the Jap military
On Jan. 3, 1942, the Jap
Military Administration was
set up in Manila. It was
headed at first by Gen.
Yoshihida Hayashi.The late
military head was Gen. Takazi
Martial law was declared by
the Japanese in the PH. They
impose curfew black out,
rationing, & censorship. They
punished Filipinos for any
hostile acts against Jap.
Soldiers. They banned short
wave radio so Filipinos could
not hear news from abroad.
The Second PH Republic.

The Jap forces forced Filipino

leaders to form a new
government. At first, Jorge
Vargas became the Chairman of
the PH Executive Commission. On
Jan. 23, 1942, the members of
the Executive Commission sent a
letter to the Japanese Military,
And promised to obey the
Japanese order for the sake
of the Filipino people.

On Jan 21, 1942, the

Japanese Prime Minister
Hideki Tojo, came to the PH.
Tojo announced the
“Independence” of the PH, and
said Japan was the “libeartor”
of the Asians from the Western
powers. He launched a new plan
for the happiness & prosperity
of the Asians, called the
“Greater East Asia Co-
Prosperity Sphere.”
Tojo ordered the Filipino
leaders to prepare a new
constitution & a new
On Sept 4, 1943, the new
constitution was finished.
Only pro-Japanese candidate
were allowed to become
officials of the new
On Oct. 14, 1943, the Second
Republic was inaugurated in
front of the Legislative
Building at Manila. It was
headed by Pres. Jose P.
laurel. The Filipino voters
did not elect the new
Propaganda Movement.
The Japanese Army Propaganda
section was called Hodoo-Bu.
It circulated posters, leaflets,
& other materials to glorify
Japan. The school taught
Nippongo, the Jap language, &
the pro-Japanese propaganda.
Barangays were organized
into groups called the
Samahang Magkakapit-bahay, a
spy network. The samahan
leaders were forced to
report on the guerrillas in
their area.
The top agency of the
Japanese propaganda was the
Kalibapi (Kapisanan ng
Paglilingkod sa Bagong
Pilipinas). It was the only
political party allowed
during the Japanese
The Filipinos spread news of
the Allied war victories and
coming liberation through
word-of-mouth. Many listened
to the American short wave
broadcast at risk of their
The Collaborators.

Most Filipinos had to

collaborate with the Japanese
during the war. They were tried
in the people’s court after the
war. The pro-japanese Filipinos
include the members of the Ganap
& Makapili
The Ganaps were led by
Benigno Ramos & Pio Duran,
the two leading Filipino
collaborators. These pro-
Japanese groups became
secret spies & informers
against their own people.
Guerrilla Warfare.

Fil-Am soldiers who escaped to

the hills formed local
guerrilla bands. Civilian
joined the guerrilla movement.
Even the communist formed a
guerrilla army called HUK or
Hukbo ng Bayan laban sa Hapon.
Guerrillas success was due
to the support of the
ordinary people.
Japanese Atrocities.
We remember these atrocities
in history. After the war
the two Jap Commanders in
the PH Gen. Masaharu Homma &
Tomoyuki Yamashita were
executed for their war
The post war Japanese
government paid war
reparations to compensate for
some of the damage. Later,
Emperor Hirohito apologized
for his country’s atrocities
to Filipinos during the war.
Hundred cases of atrocities of
Japanese soldiers.
Filipinos lived in fear of
the cruel kempetai (Japanese
Military Police).
Liberation of the PH.

On Oct 20, 1945, American

Liberation forces landed at
Palo, Leyte with more than 640
ships & four army divisions.
A bronze monument now
commemorates this historic
landing at Leyte.
The US Navy won the Battle
of Leyte gulf on Oct 23-26,

On Jan, 9, 1945, the

Americans landed at Lingayen
in Luzon, The Japanese
forces began to retreat to
In February, 1945, the
Battle of Manila ended. The
Fil-American troops
liberated the City on Feb.
23, 1945.
Finally on July 5, 1945,
Gen. MacArthur announced the
liberation of the PH.
End of the Second World War.

On May 7, 1945, the War in

Europe ended. Germany
surrendered to the Allied
nations. This was V-E Day,
Victory in Europe Day.
The stubborn Japanese
continued to fight in Asia. On
August 6, 1945, the first
Atomic bomb was dropped on the
City of Hiroshima. It
terrified the Japanese people.
Three days later, on August 9,
on the same year, another bomb
was dropped on the city of
These atomic bombs made the
Japanese surrender on August
15, 1945. this was V-J, Victory
in Japan Day. Two days later,
Pres. Laurel announced the end
of the Second Republic at Nara,
Japan. Laurel & His family, &
cabinet were in Japan then.
Restoration of the
It was restored to power as
soon as the American landed at
Leyte on Oct 23, 1944. later
on Feb. 22, 1945, Pres. Sergio
Osmena, was installed at
Malacanang Palace after the
Liberation of Manila.
Manila was heavily damaged
during the war. The PH
treasury was empty.
On June 9, 1945, the members
of the pre-war Commonwealth
Congress were recalled. They
won in the Nov. 1941
elections, but not yet
served in office.
On Nov. 15, 1945, the
Commonwealth celebrated its
10th anniversary.
The last Commonwealth
election were held on April
23, 1946. Manuel A. Roxas of
the new Liberal party won
the election for President.
Thus, Roxas became the last
Commonwealth President & the
First President of the Third
Republic inaugurated in
Week 7. Martial law,
People’s Power and

Pres. Marcos became dictator

for 14 years- 1972-1986.
A dictator is a ruler who
has total power. He controls
the government & decide on
anything. He does not have
to share power with other
officials. His word is the
Democracy died in our
country from 1972 to 1986.
Sept 21, 1972, declaration
of Martial law. The people
considered it the national
day of “mourning” for the
death of our democracy.
Pres. Marcos secretly
signed the martial order on
Sept 21, but he announced it
only two days later.
This gave him time to arrest
his political opponents,
censor the press, and
prepare the country for the
new government.

A nationwide television &

radio broadcast in the
evening of Sept 23, 1972,
Pres. Marcos announced:
“My countrymen, as of the 21 of
Sept, I signed Proclamation No.
1081 placing the entire PH
under martial.” the millions of
viewers & listeners were
shocked. The anti Marcos
politician, student activist, &
journalist were put in jail.
Pres. Marcos ordered martial
law in order to “save the
republic and reform the
society.” The political
opponent of Pres. Marcos
accused the him of fooling the
people, using martial law to
become dictator & to stay in
power forever.
Martial law Changes.

During Martial law, Pres.

Marcos ruled as a Dictator
with the support of the
military. The military was
under the leadership of one
man: Pres. Marcos.
The PH government changes
during martial law era:
1. A new constitution;
2. Death of Democracy;
3. Reorganization of
4. Control by the Marcos
family & cronies; and
5. Stronger military power.
The Fourth Republic.

On Jan. 17, 1981, Pres.

Marcos ended martial law,
however he retained his
strong power.
On June 16, 1981, the first
Presidential election were
held under martial law.
Pres. Marcos won 88% of the
votes under Kilusan Bagong
Lipunan (KBL) Party.

On June 30, 1981, the new

Republic was inaugurated in
Rizal Park. It was the Fourth
PH Republic. Marcos became the
first and only president of
this Fourth Republic.
Aquino Assassination.

Aug. 21, 1983, a China

Airlines jet brought back
Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino
Jr. To the Manila
International Airport. He was
returning after three years
of exile in the US.
He wanted peace &
reconciliation with Pres.
Marcos, but this top opposition
leader was arrested by military
security & shot by a military
assassin as he got down the
plane. The brutal assassin of
Aquino shocked the nation and
the entire world.
The funeral of Ninoy was
held on Wednesday, August
31, 1983. It was attended by
over 2 million people, the
biggest funeral in the PH
history. It followed many
demonstration , rallies &
The demonstration demanded the
resignation of Pres. Marcos &
return of justice & democracy to
the country.

Yellow ribbons & T-shirt,

dropping yellow confetti from
the building, emerges as a
symbol of Cory Aquino..(end).
People Power Revolution &
Democracy (Chapter 25)
After the Aquino
Assassination, Pres. Marcos was
removed from office by the
“People Power Revolution” on
Feb. 22-25, 1986. the PH return
to democracy again, & a new
government of the PH.
Snap Presidential Election.

Pres. Marcos was forced to

call for a special “snap”
presidential election on
Feb. 7 1986.
KBL party- Pres. Marcos, and
Assemblyman Arturo M.
Tolentino for VP. Their
slogan was “Marcos pa rin”
Opposition United &
presented a surprise
candidate, Mrs. Corazon
“Cory” Cojuangco Aquino for
President, with Assemblyman
Salvador H. laurel, for VP.
Their slogan was “Tama na,
sobra na, palitan na!”
The snap presidential
election of Feb. 7, 1986,
was one of the historic
elections in PH History. The
reason for these were:
1. a woman candidate, Mrs.
Aquino ran for presidential
2. Most expensive & dirtiest
election in History, the
Used dirty tricks to scare
3. Most Filipinos were
honest & could not scared or
bribed. The biggest
volunteer movement in the PH
was organized by NAMFREL.
They watched polling
percincts & ballots boxes.
4. The most confusing election
in the country. Both side
claimed they won.

People Power Revolution, the

Filipino people united in a
peaceful, prayerful, and
successful revolution to bring
back democracy in the PH on
Feb. 22 to 25, 1986.
The PPR started at Cp
Aguinaldo, EDSA, Saturday,
Feb. 22, 1986. Defence Sec.
JPE & LT. Gen. Ramos called a
Press conference to announce
that they no longer supported
Pres. Marcos, and admitted
that Mrs. Aquino won the
election & the government
They asked Pres. Marcos to
resign for the good of the
country, and asked the people
to protect them from the
troops loyal to Pres. Marcos.
Cardinal Sin, opposition
leaders in politics and others
inspired volunteers protect
the rebels at Camp Aguinaldo
in EDSA.
The appeal went also over
Radio Veritas & secret radio
station with June Keithly. By
morning of 23 Feb. of the same
year, thousand of people
formed human barricades along
EDSA & vicinity.
The situation could have
been bloody. The government
troops came to arrest the
rebels at Cp. Aguinaldo. The
rebel were also ready to
shoot & kill. But between
them were the people,
unarmed civilians, who did
not want them to fight. They
had no weapons.
They were ready to sacrifice
their lives. They showed love
& kindness to the soldiers-
giving them smiles,
handshakes, hugs, foods, soft
drinks, cigarettes, & flowers.
The people melted the heart of
the soldiers.
During the next two days,
more & more soldiers sided
with the people. Rich & poor
alike went to the barricades
in the streets of Q.C. &
Manila. The press, TV, &
radio flashed the dramatic
news happening in the PH
around the world.
On Jan. 25, Pres. Marcos &
family, friends left the
country by Helicopter at
Malacanang Palace. They went
to Hawaii, U.S., & lived in
exile on Honolulu, Hawaii
Importance of the PPR.
1. the courage, sacrifices,
& faith of the people won
the admiration of the whole
2. it peacefully ousted a
dictator & brought back a
democratic government;
3.other Asians were inspired
by the PH example to fight &
won political reforms in
their own countries;
4. it showed that God answers
the united prayers of
Christians & made a miracle
in our country.
The Aquino Government.

Mrs. Aquino took her oath of

office as the new Pres. Of the
PH in the morning of Feb. 25,
1986. The simple ceremony was
held at club Filipino,
Greenhills, San Juan, Metro
Manila. She became the first
lady President.
Pres. Aquino appointed a new
Cabinet & restored democracy.
She set free all political
prisoners. On March 25, 1986,
she proclaimed a temporary
“Freedom Constitution.” She
visited other countries & win
new aid & investment for the
On Sept 18, 1986, she gave a
speech to the joint session
of the American Congress.
Her sincerity moved the
audience to applaud her many
The New Constitution.

Pres. Aquino appointed

delegates to a new
constitutional commission
(Con-com) to make a new
constitution. The Con-com
delegates met from June 2
until Oct. 15, 1986. The
President of the Con-com was
Mrs. Cecilia Munoz Palma, a
retired Supreme Court
justice. The new
constitution was approved by
the people in a free
plebiscite on Feb 2, 1987.
The people voted 76% yes for
the new constitution.
On May 11, 1987, new
senators & congressmen were
elected to the new congress.
The officer of the new
congress were Jovito
Salonga, Senate President
and Ramon Mitra, Speaker of
the House of Representative.
Local government was
returned to democracy. On
Jan. 18,1988, the people
voted for new governors,
mayors, & councillors. On
March 28, 1989, the new
barangay officials were also
Achievement of the Aquino
1. Return to democracy,
freedom & justice in the PH.
2. Partial recovery of the
big sums of money stolen by
Marcos & some members of his
family & some cronies;
3. Stability of the
government despite six
successive mil. Coup led by
Col. G. Honasan & Minddanao
separatist Col. Alexander
4. Easier credit terms &
better conditions for
repayment of huge debt of the
PH with foreign creditors &
international banks;
5. Push back the communist
NPA rebels & the arrest of
many top communist leaders;
6. Passed the best agrarian
reform ever made in the
7. Improved the image of the
PH abroad;
8. Mobilized national &
international aid for the
victims of various calamities
which hit the PH, especially
in 1990-91.
Earthquake- Baguio & Central
Luzon of July 16, 1990;
typhoon “Ruping” in Nov.
1990; & the eruption of the
Mt. Pinatubo in Central Luzon
in June 1991; great floods of
Ormoc after typhoon “Uring”
in Nov. 6, 1991. (end)
Week 8. The PH 2000, Jeep ni
Erap & PGMA Administration.

Sept 13, 2018

Slide 1 to 71 –Ist Quiz;
Slide 72 to 150 = 2nd Quiz;
Slide 151 to 211 = 3rd Quiz;
Slide 212 to 296 = 4th Quiz;
Slide 297 to 367 = 5th Quiz;
Slide 368 to 411 - coverage of Mid
term Examination.
Week 9. Review for Midterm
Exam & Mid term Exam.
WK -11
Importance of the Study of
1. It would make us better
citizen of our republic. We
should know the structure,
functions, activities of the
2. We are the government. We
choose by means of elections
our national & local

3. We should study our

government because it is our
duty to do so. Thus it is the
prime duty of citizens to know
their government
Meaning of State.

State- is a group of people,

living in a definite
territory, having a
government of their own,
enjoying independence from
other countries.
Elements of State.

1. People
2. Territory
4. Independence or
People= is the most important
element of the state.
Territory= second essential
element of the state.
Government= as the social
organization through which the
state carries out its will. It
came from Latin word
gubernaculum, which means
A rudder is a flat piece of
wood or metal attached to
the stern of the ship in
order to guide the ship of
state, and government
officials are like the
ship’s officers who steer
the controls.
The form of government may
change from time to time, but
the state remains the same.

Sovereignty or independence-
is the supreme power of the
state to enforce its will upon
its citizens through laws. It
also means independence from
the control of other state.
In a democracy, sovereignty
resides in the people to
elect or change officials
who will make the law of the
lands. The symbols of the
state sovereignty are its
flag, seal, currency, and
Origin of the State.

1. Divine theory-
2. Social Contract theory,
3. Force theory.
Divine theory=is the oldest
theory on how states
originated. It was popular
during ancient & medieval
The state is of divine theory
because all authority came from
God. The ruler ruled as God’s
agent on earth and must be
obeyed by the people. This
theory was misused to justify
the “divine right of the kings”
in Britain & in France to Tax
and punish their subject
The “social contract theory”
became the most important
political theory of the 17th
& 18th centuries, replacing
the divine theory. The state
came about because the
people agreed among
themselves to live under one
organized society.
Because no other people can
know, love, or fight for it
better than the citizens of
that country themselves.
In exchange for the
limitations on their natural
freedom & rights, the people
gained protection & other
privileges guaranteed by the
government. Therefore, there
was an agreement or social
contract between the people
and their rulers on the form
and function of the state.
The famous political
philosophers who championed
this theory were Jean
Jacques Rousseau, John
Locke, & Thomas Hobbes.
Force theory= dominations by
rulers. A rulers may impose
his will on a state by means
of charisma, popularity, or
military strength. A tribe
may conquer another tribe; a
country may invade another
country and become an
This theory has been used to
explain the rise to power of
emperors like Alexander the
Great and dictators like
Adolf Hitler.
Social Contract theory of
Hobbes: He believed that
human self preservation,
order and peace could be
attained only, if men
surrendered all their
natural rights and submitted
their will to an absolute
sovereign King.
Social Contract theory of
Rousseau: It was published in
1762, emphasized his theory
about the general will. He
considered the social
community which is the ideal
substitute for anarchy in a
state of nature to be the
“true state.”
This kind of contract, each
one surrendered his natural
liberty but gained the
protection and civil rights
guaranteed by the government
in return.
Social Contract Theory of
John Locke:
He believed that because
human being are rational
being, even in a state of
nature, they could still use
their perfect freedom for
their own good.
But they needed the state to
maintain peace & order, settle
their conflicts, and provide
them with essential services.
Thus, people voluntarily
consented to a social contract
& created the state for the
purpose of promoting and
preserving their natural
Locke asserted that people
should preserve their rights
to life, liberty & property in
civil society and that
political power or sovereignty
should not vested on the king
but on the representatives of
the people.
Forms of Government.

According to a Greek
philosopher named Aristotle
(384-322 B.C.), government may
be classified into three types
depending on the number of
people who hold power in the
These forms of government
are as follows:
1. monarchy, or rule by one
2. aristocracy, or rule by a
few persons,
3. democracy, or rule by the
majority of the people.
A monarchy may become a
tyranny when the king (or
queen) oppresses the people.
An aristocracy may become an
oligarchy when the ruling
families or leaders seek only
their own benefit and not of
the majority of the people.
Democracy can be become a
disorderly mobocracy or rule
of the mob when the people
cannot agree or cooperate
with each other, or when the
majority abuse the minority.
The mixed forms of government
of appeared in modern times,
1. Constitutional monarchy;
2. dictatorship, authoritarian
or totalitarian government;
3. modern democracies which
may be either a presidential
or parliamentary government.
A constitutional monarchy is
ruled by the monarch whose
powers are limited and not
absolute. The monarch is
checked by other government
officials and by the rights of
the people. Usually, this type
of monarchy exists with the
parliament, where the monarchy
is the symbolic head of state.
He symbolizes the majesty &
continuity of the state. He
reign but not rule. The real
head of the government is the
prime minister whose political
party has the most number of
seats in the parliament or law-
making body. A good examples of
constitutional monarchies are:
Britain and Malaysia.
Dictatorships, authoritarian
& totalitarian government
are states where a person or
a group of persons have
imposed their will on the
people by force. In those
states, ordinary citizens
have no rights to questions
or change their
leaders. If they complain or
publicly criticized the
government they will be
arrested & punished as
political prisoners.
A democracy is a government
of the people, by the
people, and for the people.
In this kind of government ,
all the people, rich or poor
are equal before the law and
are entitled to the
protections of their rights.
The people is the source of
all powers of the
government, & the people can
choose or elect their
officials through elections.
They can also publicly
question or debate the
policies of the government.
It is the best form of
government to safeguard the
rights & welfare of the
people. Democracies are also
republics when the head of
state is an ordinary citizen
& not a monarch or an
The difference between
Presidential & Parliamentary
Presidential government-is
based on the practice of
separation of powers between
executive, legislative, &
judicial branches of
The president is independent
of the legislative or law-
making body. The president
is elected by the people &
is directly responsible to
them. The president cannot
dissolve the legislature or
A parliamentary government- is
one where the executive and
legislative branches are
merged & united. The members
of the executive (PM &
cabinet) are also members of
legislature. Usually, they are
the leader of the majority
party in parliament.
Advantages of Democracy or
1. Encourages all citizen to
take an interest in how
government is chosen & how it
2. It gives people a sense
of civic responsibility by
making them realize that
success or failure of the
government depends on them.
In democracy, the voice of
the people is the voice of
God (vox populi, vox dei).
Power resides in the people,
and the people have a direct
share in policies of the
government. They can
question or criticize their
3. It reduces the danger of
violent revolution or
military take over because
the people can make changes
by peaceful elections or by
constitutional amendments.
People can change their
public officials or reform
the structure of the
government itself through
legal or constitutional
Disadvantages of Democracy:
1. Democracy is slow, fickle
& extravagant.
2. Corrupt & dishonest
officials may be elected to
power because the masses
barter their ballots for
money by unscrupulous
3. Democracy may lead to the
“rule of the mob” or “rule
of the ignorant.”
Communism- is a political
system that limits the
freedom of the people in
exchange for the total
control by the communist
party of the country’s
government & resources.
The Best Form of Government.

The best type of government

is the one which can best
provide for the many needs &
interest of the people in
that society, according to
their customs & traditions.
Ways of changing a Government.
Methods & definition/ PH Example/Foreign Examples

1. Election to choose a Feb. 7, 1986, Presidential Nov. 4, 1980- US

new chief executive or Election; presidential election
plebiscite to ratify a Feb. 2, 1987
constitution constitutional plebiscite

2. Natural or accidental 1948- Pres. Roxas died of 1975- Spain becomes a

death of chief heart attack & was monarchy under King
executive succeeded by VP Elpidio Carlos 1 after
Quirino; 1953- Pres. Generalissimo Franco’s
Ramon Magsaysay died death..
in a Cebu plane crash &
was succeeded by VP
Carlos P. Garcia.
3. Resignation or Feb. 26, 1986- Pres Aug. 8, 1974- Pres. Nixon
voluntary exile of chief Marcos fled the country & resign due to Watergate
executive was flown to Hawaii, scandal.

4. Impeachment (trial & None successful; one tried 1649- King Charles I of
conviction) for treason & against Pres Marcos. England was impeached.
other high crimes

5. Revolution-massive, (a) 1896-1902- PH (a). 18th century American

prolonged & widespread Revolution. & French Revolutions.
uprising of the people,
which may be: (b). Feb. 22-26, 1986 (b). Gandhi’s civil
(a). Violent People’s Power disobedience movement in
(b) peaceful Revolution India, 1920’s- 1940’s.
6. Coup d'état- None successful Common in Latin
military ouster of America, Africa, &
civilian officials

7. Assassination None tried 1963-U.S Pres.

(murder) of the chief Kennedy who was
executive assassinated was
succeeded by VP
Lyndon Johnson.
8. Civil War- division None 1971 –Bangladesh
of country (East Pakistan)
separated from West
9. Foreign 16th century Soviet occupation
invasion- Spanish of Afghanistan in
occupation by colonization; 1762- 1979; U.S invasion
foreign armed 64 British of Grenada in
forces occupation; 1898- 1984.
1946 American
occupation; and
1942-45 Japanese
The Duty of Government.

It is the duty of a government

to provide for the life,
liberty, happiness &
prosperity of the people in
that country.
Major roles of the government
must perform:

1. the government must protect

the people from external attack
or aggression by another
country. It must protect the
independence of the country &
promote good relations with
other states.
2. The government must protect
the internal security & safety
of the people against the
criminals, lawless elements or
other forces which frighten or
harm ordinary citizens in
their homes, at their place of
work, or as they go about
their daily lives.
3. The government maintains
the Armed Forces which are
the agencies supposed to
defend & protect the lives &
property of ordinary
4. the government must act
as the agency which will
enact the law, enforce and
implement the law, & punish
or penalize those who break
the law.
1987 Constitution

the Constitution = is the

most important law of the
country because it contains
the official declaration of
the form of government,
structure & powers, and
rights & duties of citizens.
The constitution is supreme
to all laws of the lands.
All laws are subordinate to
the constitution.

The amendment of an existing

constitution depends on the
desire of the majority of
the people in the country.
There are procedures for such

The PH has a written

constitution. It is the 1986
constitution, approved by the
Constitutional Commission on
Oct 15, 1986. It was ratified
by a national plebiscite on
Feb. 2, 1987.
An unwritten constitution
means that is not found in a
single document only, for it
consist of many important
agreement , laws passed by
the Legislature, or court
decision over a period of
time. An example of an
“unwritten constitution” is
That of Britain. It is found
in many documents, like the
Magna Carta of 1215, the
Statute of Westminster of
1931, and current laws
passed by the parliament.
Most modern countries prefer
a written constitution to an
unwritten constitution,
because a constitution is so
important to the work of the
A good written constitution
must be clear and definite,
it does not confuse or lead
to misunderstanding about
the meaning of the law later
The parts of written
constitution usually are:
1. A preamble which expresses
the ideals of the nation;
2. definition of the national
3. Definition of citizenship;
4. Rights & obligations of
5. rights of suffrage or
6.Functions of the government-
the executive, legislative,
judiciary, etc.;
7. the methods of amending the
8. the date of effectivity of
the constitution.
Making of the Constitution.
1. First PH Republic under
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo; Malolos
Constitution of 1899;
2. 1935 Constitution- the
framework of the government
during the PH Commonwealth &
later on the third PH
3. 1973 constitution; 320
delegates duly elected met
from Nov.10, 1970 to Nov.
30, 1972, to draft a new

Charter- is settlement,
contract or pact.
Other significant events
occurred in the country, while
the Con-Con was meeting;
1. Plaza Miranda Massacre on
Aug. 21, 1971;
2. Local election of Nov. 8,
3. suspension of writ of
habeas corpus from Aug. 21,
1971- Jan. 11, 1972.
Habeas corpus- (law Latin)
“that you have the body.” A
writ employed to bring a person
before court, most frequently
to ensure that the party’s
imprisonment or detention is
not illegal. A writ may be used
to obtain of: 1. the regularity
of extradition process,
2. the right to or amount of
bail, 3. the jurisdiction of
the court that has imposed a
criminal sentence.
4. More demonstration by
students & bombings by
5. declaration of Martial law
on Sept 21, 1972.

Jan. 10-15, 1973, the
charter was ratified by
hastily (hurriedly)
organized citizen assemblies
in a national referendum-
At noon of Jan. 17, 1973,
Pres. Marcos issued a
Proclamation No. 1102
announcing the ratification
of the constitution &
putting it into immediate
The ratification process &
the validity of the 1973
constitution were question
several cases filed before
the Supreme Court. On march
31, 1973, the Supreme court
ruled that the Constitution
was not validly ratified.
But the Court stated that
the charter was legally in
effect due to the
proclamation of Pres.

The 1973 Constitution was

amended several times in
1976, 1980, 1981 & 1984.
Many of its original
provisions- e.g., a parliament
government, a president with
only ceremonial powers, a
National Assembly, etc.- were
never put into operation by
Pres. Marcos. Instead, with
each amendment of the
constitution, the powers of
the President increased.
After the assassination Of Ninoy
Aquino Jr. On August 21, 1983,
the country suffered the worst
economic & political crises in
the post war history. After the
Feb. 1986 PPP, Pres. Corazon
Aquino, the widow of the late
Senator, was inducted into
office, & Pres. Marcos fled the
country for exile abroad.
On March 24, 1986, Pres.
Aquino issued Proc. No. 3
promulgating the “Freedom
Constitution” which served as
the legal basis for her
provisional government. The
Freedom Constitution contained
the following provisions:
1. It adopted the Bill of
Rights of the 1973

2. It abolished the Batasang

Pambansa & granted legislative
powers to Pres. Aquino until
after a new legislature is
3. It provided for appointed
powers of the President;
4. It declared the validity of
the laws, executive orders,
proclamation, letters of
instruction, and rules of the
previous regime, as well as
treaties & contract previously
approved, unless they were
otherwise revoked by new
presidential orders;
5. It provided that the VP
would succeed the President
in case of death, incapacity
or resignation, & in case
the VP cannot succeed, the
cabinet members will choose
from among them a minister
with portfolio to head the
6. It provided for the
holding of local elections
after the plebiscite to
ratify the new constitution;
7. it provided for the of a
new constitution within 60
days by a constitutional
On April 23, 1986, Pres.
Aquino issued Proclamation
No. 9 summoning the
Constitutional Commission
The proclamation provided that
not more than 50 members would
be appointed by the president
from national, regional &
sectoral representatives who
have experience in government
or have recognized competence
in their respective fields.
Only 48 members to the Con-
Com were finally appointed,
representing various
backgrounds. Former Chief
Justice Roberto Concepcion,
at 84, was the oldest
member, and student leader
Jose Luis Gasco, at 22, was
the youngest.
June 1, 1986, the Con-Com began
its work at the old Batasan
Building in Quezon City. The
Con-Com elected officers:
Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma-
President; Former Sen Ambrocio
Padilla-VP; Flerida Ruth
Romero-Secretary General;
Roberto San Andres-Sgt at Arms.
The Con-Com accepted
suggestion delegations &
testimonies from diverse
groups in the country.

Finally, it approve the new

charter on Oct. 15 1986, one
month behind the original
The two members voted
against the new charter-
Jose E. Suarez & Jaime S.L.
Tadeo, & film director Lino
Brocka had resigned earlier
on Sept 1, 1986
On Feb. 2, 1987, a national
plebiscite ratified the new
constitution. Therefore, the
new charter has paved way
for a stable political
environment in the country.
Contents of the 1987
The new constitution
established a Presidential
government. It consist of a
preamble, 18 articles &
ordinance, as follows:

Preamble-Expressing the
ideals of the nation
Article 1.- National

Article 11.- Declaration of

Principles & State Policies

Article 111.-Bill of Rights

Article 1V.- Citizenship

Article V- Suffrage
Article V1- Legislative
Article V11- Executive
Article V111- Judicial
Article 1X- Constitutional
Article X- Local Government

Article X1- Accountability of

Public Officials

Article X11- National Economy

& Patrimony

Article X111- Social Justice &

Human Rights
Article X1V- Education,
Science, & Technology, Arts,
Culture & Sports.

Article XV- Family

Article XV1 General provisions

Article XV11- Amendments or

Article XV111 Transitory

Ordinances – Apportioning
the seats in the Congress to
different legislative
district in the country.
New features of the 1986

1. Instead of imploring the

aid of Divine Providence, the
Filipino people now invoke
the aid of Almighty God in
promulgating the constitution
2. The PH is declared a
nuclear free zone where no
nuclear weapons may be
stationed (Article 2, Sec.
8), & 30 others.
Amendments to the
3 ways:
1. by a vote of the three-
fourth of all members of
2. by a constitutional
3. by people through
initiative upon a petition
of at least twelve percent
of the total number of
registered voters, of which
every legislative district
must present at least three
percent of its registered
However, no amendment by
initiative is authorized
within five years after the
ratification of the
constitution (End).
Final Exam cover Chapter 27 to 38,
Diplomacy, Contemporary PH, Aquino
Administration. 1987 Constitutions:
nature of State & Government; Element
of State, Origin of State; Social
contract theory; Forms of Government;
concept of Human right; citizenship
suffrage; LGU’s Independent
Constitutional Commission.
We, the sovereign Filipino
people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to
build a just and humane
society and established a
Government that shall embody
our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good,
Conserve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and our posterity
the blessings of independence
and democracy under the rule
of law and a regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain
and promulgate this
Meaning of Preamble.

Preamble is derived from the

latin “preambulare” which
means “to walk before.” It is
an introduction to the main
subject. It is the prologue of
the Constitution.
Preamble not essential in a
It is significant to
note, that majority of the
constitutions of the world
contain a preamble.
Object & value of Preamble.
1. Sets down origin &
purposes of the
It serves two very important
A. It tells us who are the
authors of the Constitution &
for whom it has been
promulgated; and
b. It states the general
purposes which are intended
to be achieved by the
Constitution and the
government established under
it, and certain basic
principles underlying the
fundamental charter.
2. May serve as an aid in its
Sources of Constitution’s
The National Territory
(Article 1).
The national territory
comprises of the PH
archipelago, with all the
islands and waters embraced
therein, and all other
territories over which the
PH has sovereignty or
jurisdiction, consisting of
its terrestrial, fluvial ,
and aerial domains,
including its territorial
sea, the seabed, the
subsoil, the insular selves,
and other submarines areas.
The waters around, between,
and connecting the islands
of the archipelago,
regardless of their breadth
and dimensions, form part of
the internal waters of the
Necessity of constitutional
provision on National
1. Binding force of such
provision under
international law.
2. Value of provision
defining our national
3. Acquisition of other

National Territories of the

1. The PH archipelago with
all the islands & waters
embraced therein;
2. All other territories
over which the PH has
sovereignty or jurisdiction;
3. the terrestrial, fluvial
and aerial domains including
the territorial sea, the
seabed, the subsoil, the
insular selves, & other
submarine areas thereof;
4. The internal waters.
Meaning archipelago= is
derived from Greek word
pelagos meaning “sea.” As
defined as a sea or part of
sea studded with islands,
often synonymous with the
island groups, or as large
group of islands in an
extensive body of water, such
as sea.
Other territories over which
the PH has sovereignty or

1. Pending PH claim to
Sabah, etc.

2. future claims by the PH

to other areas.
Other areas included in the
PH archipelago.
1. Territorial sea- part of
the sea extending 12
nautical miles (19 kms) from
the low- water mark. It is
also called the “marginal
sea,” or the “marine belt,”
2. The seabed (or sea floor or
sea bottom). Refers to the
land that holds the sea, lying
beyond the seashore, including
mineral & natural resources.
3. The subsoil-refers to
everything beneath the surface
soil and the seabed, including
mineral & natural resources.
4. Insular shelves (continental
shelves)- they are the submerged
portions of a continent or
offshore island, which slope
gently seaward from the low
waterline to a point where a
substantial break in grade occurs,
at which point the bottom slopes
seaward at a considerable increase
in slope until the great ocean
depths are reached;
and connecting the islands
of the archipelago,
regardless of their breadth
and dimensions, form part of
the internal waters of the
5. other submarine areas-
refer to all areas under the
territorial sea.
Among oceanographic terms
used are seamount , trough
trench, basin, deep, bank,
shoal , and reef.

Seamount= a submarine
mountain rising above the
deep sea floor;

trough= a long but shallow

depression in the bed of the
Bank= the rising ground
bordering a lake, river, or
sea or forming the edge of a
cut or hallow;

Shoal= a sandbank that makes

the water shoal; depth of
water of six fathoms or
Reef= a chain of rocks or
ridge of sand at or near the
surface of water; a
hazardous obstructions.
Three fold division of
navigable waters.
1. Inland or internal waters=
they part of the sea within
the land territory. They are
considered in the same light
as rivers, canals, and lakes
within the land territory of a
state. They are sometimes
called national waters;
2. Territorial sea= It is
the belt of water outside
and parallel to the
coastline or to the outer
limits of the inland or
internal water waters; and
3. High or Open Sea= they
are water that lie seaward
of the territorial sea.
The archipelagic concept or
principle of territoriality.
= that an archipelago shall
be regarded as a single
unit, so that the waters
around, between, and
connecting the island of the
irrespective of their breath
and dimensions, form part of
the internal waters of the
state, subject to its
exclusive sovereignty.
Week 12. Declaration of
State Principles and
Policies. (Art. 11).
Principles= a comprehensive
& fundamental law, doctrines
or assumption; a primary
source: origin.
Policy= 1. a definite course or
methods of action selected from
among alternatives and in the
light of given condition to
guide present & future
2.a high level over all plan
embracing the general goals
& acceptable procedures,
esp. Of a governmental body.
The PH is a democratic and
republican state.
Sovereignty resides (Stay)
in the people & all
government authority
emanates from them (Sec. 1).
The PH, a democratic &
republican state.

A republican government is a
democratic government by
representative chosen by the
people at large. The
essence, of a republican
government is indirect rule.
The people have established
the government to govern
themselves. Its officers
from the highest to the
lowest are servants
(housekeeper) of the people
& not their masters. power
and authority.
They can exercise the powers
delegated to them by the
people who remain as the
ultimate source of political &
Manifestation of a democratic &
republican state.
1. Existence of a bill of
rights (Art. 111)
2. The observation of the rule
of the majority;
3. the observance of the
principle that ours is a
government of laws, & not of
4. The presence of elections
thru popular will (Art. V).

5. The observance of the

principle of separation of
powers and the system of
checks & balance (Art. V1,
6. The observance of the
principle that the
legislature cannot pass
irrepealable laws (see Art.
V1, Sec. 26);
7. The observance of the law
on public officers (Art.
8. The observance of the
principle that the state
cannot be sued without its
consent (Art. XV1, Sec. 3).
Sovereignty of the people.

Sovereignty=implies the
supreme authority inherent
in the state by which it is
1. Exercised indirectly thru
public officials.
Sovereignty is exercised
thru duly elected &
appointed public officials
who, as public servant, are
accountable to the people.
2. Exercised directly thru
suffrage. Actual sovereignty
is exercised by the people
thru electoral process. The
popular will is best
expressed when electoral
processes are free, clean &
honest, on the basis of
universal suffrage & thru
secret vote.
The PH renounces war as an
instrument of national
policy (Sec. 2).

Civilian authority is at all

times supreme over the
military (Sec. 3).
The Prime duty of the
Government is to serve &
protect the people. (Sec. 4)
the maintenance of peace &
order, the protection of
life, liberty, & property,
and promotion of the general
welfare are essential for
the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessing of
democracy.(Sec. 5).
The separation of the church
& state shall be inviolable
(Sec. 6)

inviolable –mean secure from

violation; secure from
assault or trespass.
State Policies.

The state shall pursue an

independent foreign policy.
(Sec. 7)
PH consistent with the
national interest, adopts &
pursue a policy of freedom
from nuclear weapons in its
territory (Sec. 8)
The state shall promote a just &
dynamic social order that will
ensure the prosperity &
independence of the nation & free
the people from poverty thru
policies that provide adequate
social service, promote full
employment, a rising standard of
living, and an improved quality
of life for all (Sec. 9).
The State shall promote social
justice in all phases of
national development (Sec. 10).

The state must give preferential

attention to the welfare of the
less fortunate members of
community- poor, unschooled, the
disabled, the underprivileged-
those who have less in life.
The state values the dignity
of every human person &
guarantees full respect for
human rights (Sec. 11).
The state recognizes the
sanctity of family life and
shall protect & strengthen the
family as a basic autonomous
social institution. It shall
equally protect the life of the
mother & the life of the unborn
from conception.
The natural & primary right
& duty of parents in the
rearing of the youth for
civic efficiency(dynamic,
productive), & the
development of moral
character shall receive the
support of the government.
(Sec. 12).
The State recognizes the
vital role of the youth in
national building and shall
promote & protect their
physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual & social well
It shall inculcate in the
youth patriotism &
nationalism, & encourage
their involvement in public
& civic affairs. (sec. 13)
The State recognizes the
role of women in nation
building, & ensure the
fundamental equality before
the law of women & men (Sec.
The State shall protect &
promote the right to health
of the people & in still
health consciousness among
them.(Sec. 15).
The State shall protect &
advance the right of the
people to a balanced &
healthful ecology in accord
with the rhythm and harmony
of nature (Sec. 16).
The state shall give priority
to education, science, &
technology, arts, culture
(Sec. 17).
The State shall affirms
labour as primary social
economic force. It shall
protect the rights of
workers & promote their
The State shall develop a
self reliant & independent
national economy effectively
controlled by Filipinos (Sec.
The State recognizes the
indispensable role of private
sector, encourage private
enterprise, & provides
incentives to needed
investment (Sec. 20).
The State shall promote
comprehensive rural
development & agrarian
reform (Sec. 21).

It covers all phases of

rural development- eco.,
social, political, cultural,
& even industrial.
The state shall encourage
non-governmental, community
based, or sectoral
organizations that promote
the welfare of the nation
(Sec. 23).
The State recognizes the
vital role of communication
& information in nation
building. (Sec. 24).
The State shall ensure the
autonomy of the local
government ( Sec. 25).

Autonomy= liberty, self

governing with the
The State shall guarantee
equal access to opportunities
for public service, &
prohibit political dynasties
as may be defined by law
(Sec. 26).
The State shall maintain
honesty & integrity in the
public service & take
positive & effective
measures against graft &
corruption (Sec. 27).
Subject to reasonable
conditions prescribed by law,
the State adopts & implements
a policy of full disclosure
of all its transaction
involving public interest
(Sec. 28).(end).
WEEK 13- Concept of Human
Rights. (Art. X111, Sec. 17)

Concept- idea, theory,


There is hereby created an

independent office called the
Commission on Human Rights
(Sec. 17.)
The Commission shall composed
of a:
Four members, who must be
natural-born citizens of the
PH & a majority of whom shall
be members of the bar.
The term of office & other
qualification &
disqualification of the
Members of the Commission
shall be provided by
law.(Sec. 17.2).
Independence- The Commission is
independent of the three (3)
branches of the government. By
directly creating the
Commission, the Constitution
seeks to safeguard the body from
undue pressure from other
branches of the government
regardless of which political
party is in power.
Reasons for creation of the

The martial law period from

1972-1981, violation of human
rights were rampant. Opponents &
critics of the regime & even
innocent civilian were arrested
& detained by military without
charges filed against them.
It is estimated that more
than 70,000 persons were
detained during the said
1. Military abuses/human
rights violation attributed
(connected to, associate) to
martial law regime.
Among the acts or cases
attributed to the martial regime
are arbitrary arrest, torture,
solitary detention, hamletting
(i.e., people were forced to
vacate their homes & herded in a
place against their will), food
blockades, extrajudicial killing
(Salvaging), massacres & force
disappearance of individuals.
Military abuses were
tolerated if not abetted by
the government.
After lifting martial law,
person could be arrested &
detained indefinitely without
charges filed against them
through Arrest, Search &
Seize Orders (ASSOs) & later,
Preventive Detention Action
(PDA) of the President under
decrees issued by him under
Amendment No.6 to the 1973
Until now, it is claimed,
there are still structural
imbalances in our society
that can pave way for human
rights abuses; hence, the
need for an independent
Human Rights Commission.
2. Primacy of Human Rights.

Article 111 (Bill of Rights)

makes an enumeration of the
rights of the people, while
Article 11, Sec. 11- declares
that “the State values the
dignity of every human person &
guarantees full respect for
human rights.”
The creation of the Commission
on Human Rights gives further
stress to the primacy of human
rights in our constitutional
hierarchy of values & reaffirms
our nation’s commitment to their
protection. It is am assurance
to the citizens that the rule of
law and not of men shall reign
in our land.
The powers & function of
Human rights ( Article X111,
Sec. 18).
1. Investigate, on its own or
on complaint by any party,
all forms of human rights
violations involving civil &
political rights;
2. Adopt its operational
guidelines & rules of
procedure, & cite for
contempt for violation
thereof in accordance with
the Rules of Court;
3. Provide appropriate legal
measures for the protection of
human rights of all persons
within the PH, as well as
Filipinos residing abroad, and
provide for preventive measures
& legal aid services to the
underprivileged whose human
rights have been violated or
need protection.
4. Exercise visitorial powers
over jails, prisoners, or
detention facilities;

5. Establish a continuing
program of research,
education, & information to
enhance respect for the
primacy of human rights;
6. Recommend to the Congress
effective measures to
promote human rights & to
provide for compensation to
victims of violation of
human rights, or their
7. Monitor the PH
Government’s compliance with
international treaty
obligations on human rights;
8. Grant immunity from
persecution to any person
whose testimony or whose
possession of documents or
other evidences is necessary
or convenient to determine
the truth in any
investigation conducted by it
or under its authority;
9. Request the assistance of
any department, bureau,
office, or agency in the
performance of its
10. Appoint its officers &
employees in accordance with
the law; and
11. Perform such other
duties & functions as may be
provided by law.
Week 14. Citizenship and
the citizens of the PH
(Article 1V, Sec. 1).
1. those who are citizens of
the PH at the time of the
adoption of this
2. Those whose fathers or
mothers are citizens of the

3. those born before Jan 17,

1973, of Filipino mothers,
who elect PH citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority;
4. Those who are naturalized in
accordance with the law.

Meaning of citizenship &

1. Citizenship= is a term
denoting membership in a
political society, which
membership implies,
a duty of allegiance on the
part of the members & duty
of protection on the part of
the State.
2. Citizen= is a person
having the title of
citizenship. He is a member
of democratic community who
enjoys full civil &
political rights, & is
accorded protection inside &
outside the territory of the
Along with other citizens,
they compose the political

Difference of Nationality
and Nationals.
National=embracing all who
owe allegiance to a state,
without thereby becoming
Nationality= means adopted
land, native land, and
political home.
the national of the State
include not only its citizens who
enjoy full civic & political
privileges but also all others
who are not its citizens. While
all citizens are national of a
state, not all nationals are
citizens of a state.
Meaning of subject & alien.
1. A citizen is a member of a
democratic community who enjoys
full civil & political rights.
In Monarchial state, he is
often called “subject.”
2. An Alien is a citizen of
country who is residing in or
passing thru another country.He
is popularly called foreigner.
General Ways of acquiring

1. Involuntary methods. By
birth, because of blood
relationship or place of
2. Voluntary methods. By
naturalization, except in
case of collective
naturalization of the
inhabitants of a territory
which takes place when it
cede by one state to another
as a result of conquest or
These two (2) modes of
acquiring citizenship
correspond to the two kinds
of citizens- Natural born
and naturalized citizens.
Two rules that govern
citizenship by birth.

1. Jus sanguinis- Blood

relationship is the basis for
the acquisition of citizenship
under this rule. The children
follow the citizenship of the
parents or one of them.
2. Jus soli or jus loci.
Place of birth serves as the
basis for acquiring
citizenship under this rule.
A person becomes citizen of
the state where he is born
irrespective of the
citizenship of the parents.
This principle prevails in
the U.S.
Meaning of Naturalization.
= is the act of formally
adopting a foreigner into the
political body of the state &
clothing him with the rights &
privileges of citizenship. It
implies the renunciation of a
former nationality & the fact of
entrance to a similar relation
towards a new body politic.
Nature of Naturalization.

An Alien does not have a

natural, inherent or vested
rights to be admitted to
citizenship in a state.
Citizenship is a matter of
grace, favour or privilege
which a sovereign government
may confer on, or withhold
from, an alien or grant to
him under such conditions as
sees fit without the support
of any reason whatsoever.
Citizenship in our Republic,
be it ever so small & weak, is
always a privilege; & no
alien, be he a subject of the
most powerful nation in the
world, can take such
citizenship for granted or
assume it as a matter of
The rule is that in case of
doubt concerning the grant of
citizenship, such doubt should
be resolved in favour of the
state & against the applicant
for naturalization
Ways of acquiring citizenship by
1. By judgement of the court.

2. by direct act of Congress.

3.By Administrative proceedings.

RA N0. 9139, known as “the
Administrative Naturalization law
of 2000,”
(p.207, PH Const., H De Leon &
one other, 2011)
Qualifications for

1. He must be at least 21
years of age.
2. He must have resided
continuously in the PH for at
least 10 years.
3. He must own real estate
property in the PH or must
have profitable trade or
lawful occupation.
4. He must behaved well
during his entire stay in the
5. He must be able to speak &
write English or Spanish &
any Filipino dialect.
6.He must enrolled his
children, if he is married, in
any public or private school
where PH history & civics are
Persons Disqualified from
1. Person who do not believe
in organized government.
2. Persons who advocate
violence to impose their
3. Polygamists or person who
believe in having more than
one spouse.
4. Persons convicted of
crimes involving immorality.
5. Persons who are insane or
suffering from an incurable
or contagious disease.
6. Persons who do not mingle
socially with Filipinos & do
not like to embrace Filipino
customs, traditions, &
7. Citizens of other
countries with whom the PH is
at war.

8. Citizens of other
countries which do not permit
Filipinos to become
naturalized citizens.
Loss of Citizenship (Sec. 3,
Art. 1V, PH Const).

1. Voluntarily.-
a. By naturalization in a
foreign country;
b. By express
renunciation of citizenship;
c. Subscribing to an
oath of allegiance to
support the constitution &
laws of a foreign country;
d. By rendering service
to, or accepting commission
in the AF of a foreign
2. Involuntarily.-
a. by cancellation of his
certificate of naturalization
by the court;
b. By having been declared
by competent authority, a
deserter in the PH AF in time
of war.
The voluntary loss or
renunciation of one’s
nationality is called

PH can deport undesirable

alien for such acts as:
1. Spreading or supporting
anarchism, violence & other
subversive ideologies;
2. Smuggling of prohibited
drugs, Cigarettes, liquor,
and arms;
3. Forgery & counterfeiting
4. carnapping & hijacking;
5. immorality;
6. illegal gambling;
7. disrespect to Filipino
flag, customs & traditions;
8. espionage;
9. child prostitution.(PH
History & Government,
(G.Zaide & Sonia Zaide, 6th n
ed. P.198)
Refugees- are stateless persons
who have fled their home
country for the safety & asylum
of another country.
The United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), take care of refugees
if they become an international
problems, such as Palestinian &
the Constitution provides a
special right to citizenship
called “Recognition.”

Recognition- as a Filipino
citizen is given to a person
who was born of a Filipino
father or mother after Feb. 2
1973, the date of the 1973
To enjoy this right, the
person must apply to the
Immigration Office for a
Recognition Certificate. He
or she may be a child or an
adult. He will enjoy the
rights of a natural born
Filipino citizen, even if he
also a citizen of another
Rights with corresponding
Citizens should realize
that for every right there
must be a corresponding
duty. They have rights of
which they cannot deprived,
but they have also duties
which they must not neglect.
Duties & Obligation of
Citizens (As special being, a
citizens is part of society,
and has a Social
Responsibilities, as
enumerated briefly).
1. to be loyal to the
a. Pride’s in one’s
b. Absolute & permanent
allegiance to his government.

2. To love & defend the

a. Love of country shown
not by words but by deeds.
b. Readiness to sacrifice
his life in defense of his
3. To contribute to the
development & welfare of the
a. Many ways of
contributing to country’s
b. Working together for
the common good.
4. To uphold the Constitution
& obeys the laws.

5. To cooperate with duly

constituted authorities.

6. To exercise rights
responsibly & with due regards
for the rights of others.
7. To engage in gainful work.
A. Duty to be useful &
productive members of society.
B. Duty to work hard. The
essence of life is work. Every
citizen should bear in mind
that only by hard & sustained
work can men & nations live &
8. To register & vote. Suffrage
is both a privileges & a duty
which every qualified citizen
must perform.
A. Duty to vote responsibly.
B. Duty to guard & protect
the integrity of his vote. ( PH
Const, H. De Leon & One other, 2011 ed.,
Loyalty to The Republic.

Filipinos owe allegiance to the

RPH, their native land.
Loyalty to the republic is
synonymous with love of
country. One who truly loves
his country will not do any
evil act to destroy or harm it.
Honoring the Flag & Public

The Flag symbolizes the freedom,

dignity, honor & ideals of the
nation. It is the people’s duty
to treat it with respect.
Filipinos everywhere must be
proud of their flag, whose sun
represent liberty;
The stars, the unity of
Luzon, Visayas & Mindanao; &
the three colors represent
(white) equality, (blue)
truth & justice, and (red)
courage & patriotism. They
are obliged to salute it with
pride, cherish it with loving
care, & if need be to die
gladly for it.
Public officials, service men
& the police be accorded due
respect because their duty is
to serve the public.

Prime duties of the citizens=

the defense of the state
against its enemies in time
of war.
Contributing to the Country’s

Filipino citizens have a duty

to contribute their share to
the development & welfare of
their country.
Any citizen who does not
work to develop himself &
his natural environment is
wasting his God-given
talents & resources.
Cooperating with Government
The citizens are duty bound to
cooperate with government
officials, to improve the
socio-economic conditions of
the country. They cannot do
much for the national welfare
if the people do not cooperate
with them.
Cooperation with the government
officials take various forms:
1. Obey the law of the land &
of their local community;
2. Promptly paying taxes & fees
levies by the government;
3. Helping the police to
maintain peace & order;
4. Denouncing the acts of
graft & corruption in the
5. refusing to bribe or
influence public officials
in the performance of their
duties. (end).
Week 15. Suffrage

Suffrage may be exercised by all

citizens of the PH not otherwise
disqualified by law, who are at
least eighteen years of age, & who
shall have resided in the PH for
at least one year & in the place
wherein they propose to vote for
at least six months immediately
preceding the election.
No literacy, property, or
other substantive
requirement shall be imposed
on the exercise of suffrage.
Suffrage= is the right &
obligation to vote of
qualified citizens in the
election of certain national
& local officers of the
government & in the decision
of public questions submitted
to the people.
Nature of suffrage.

1.A mere privilege. Suffrage

is not a natural rights of
the citizens but merely a
privilege to be given or
withheld by the lawmaking
power subject to
constitutional limitations.
2. A political right. It
enable every citizen to
participate in the process
of government to assure that
it can truly be said to
derive its power from the
consent of the governed.
Scope of Suffrage
1. Election
2. Plebiscite
3. Referendum
4. Initiative
5. Recall
Election=the people choose
their official for a definite
& fixed periods & to whom
they entrust, for the time
being as their
representatives, the exercise
of powers of the government.
Plebiscite= it is the name
given to a vote of the people
expressing their choice for or
against a proposed law or
enactment submitted to them.
Referendum= It is the
submission of a law or part
thereof passed by the
national or local
legislative body to the
voting citizens of the
country for their
ratification or rejection.
Initiative= it is the
process whereby the people
directly propose & enact
Recall- it is a methods by
which a public officer may
be removed from office
during his tenure or before
the expiration of his term
by a vote of the people
after registration of
petition signed by a
required percentage of the
qualified voters.
Qualification of voters.
1. a citizen of the PH;
2. not otherwise disqualified by
3. at least 18 years of age;

4. have resided in the PH for at

least one (1) year & in the place
wherein he proposes to vote for
at least six (6) months preceding
the election.
Commission on Election- is
the constitutional body that
supervises elections
(Article 1X, Sec. C). It is
composed of a Chairman & six
Procedure for election.

All elections follow a

procedure fixed by law under
the Constitution & the
Election Code. Qualified
voters go to the polls on
election day & cast their
There are polling precincts,
which usually school or other
public building. The election
inspectors, poll clerks &
watcher supervise the
procedure inside the
precincts. The voters fills
out his ballot in complete
The finished ballots are
placed inside the sealed
ballot box until the time
for counting
Kinds of Elections:
1. General;
2. National;
3. local;
4. Special
General Elections- elections
for all national & local
officials held simultaneously
on the same day. the first
general elections in the PH
were held on the first Tuesday
of June 1928, when members of
PH Legislature & local
officials were elected under
the Jones Law of 1916.
National Elections- a national
elections is an election for
national officials, such as the
Pres., VP., & members of Senate.
The first national elections in
our country were held on Sept
14, 1935, when Quezon & Osmena,
won as President & VP
respectively of the PH
Local Elections = are
elections for local
officials in the regions,
provinces, cities, &
municipalities. The first
local election were held on
Nov. 8, 1947.
Special Elections = are
election held on the date
different from that of the
regular elections.
Elections for Constitutional

First time- July 10, 1934, a

nationwide election was held
for 202 delegates to the PH
National Convention of 1935
The second election was held
on Nov. 10, 1970, for the
320 delegates who were
elected to make the 1973
The 1986 Constitution was
written by delegates who were
appointed by the President &
not elected by the people. In
the opinion of Pres. Aquino, it
was urgent to have anew
constitution & there was no
time or money to hold an
election for delegates to the
Constitutional Commission.
Plebiscite means that a
certain question of public
interest is put to a popular
vote for approval or

Initiative- is the direct

participation of the
electorate in law making.
Under the 1986 Constitution,
the public will be given the
opportunity to directly
propose & enact laws after a
petition signed by a fixed
number of registered voters.
The petition must be signed
by at least ten percent of
the total number of
registered voters, of which
every legislative district
must at least ten percent of
the registered voters.
The main aim of the initiative
is to enable the electorate to
pass needed law without going
thru the Congress or the local
legislative body. Initiative
has been used in many nations
in Switzerland & in some
states in the U.S as pure or
direct form of democracy.
Referendum is when a question or
a law passed by Congress is
referred directly to the
electorate for its approval or
rejection. The 1986 Constitution
provides for the possibility of
referendum to enable the people
to approve or reject any law or
part thereof.
Recall is a procedure to remove
an elected official before the
expiration of his term of office.
According to the local government
Code, the recall procedure is
started when at least 25 percent
of the registered voters in a
province, city or municipality
petition the COMELEC to remove a
local official. (end).
Week 16 Independent
Constitutional Bodies
(Article 1X)
A. Common Provisions
The Constitutional
Commissions, which shall be
independent, are the CSC, the
Commission of Election, and
Commission on Audit (Article
1X, Sec. 1)
Independent constitutional
1. Directly created by the
Constitution- their creation is
established in the Constitution
because of the extraordinary
importance of their function and
the need to insulate them from
undesired political interference
or pressure.
Their independence cannot be
assured if they were to be
created merely by statute.

Under the Constitution,

these agencies are the Civil
Service Commission, the
Commission of Election,
the Commission on Audit, the
Commission on Human Rights
(Art. X111, Sec. 17-19), and
the Office of Ombudsman (Art.
X1, Secs. 5-14). The Electoral
Tribunals and the Commission on
Appointments in Congress (Art.
V1, Secs. 17-19) are likewise
directly created in the
2. Supreme with their own
sphere. In the exercise of
their powers & functions, they
are supreme within their own
sphere & may, therefore,
considered in that respect,
coordinate, and co-equal with
the President, Congress, and
the Supreme Court.
Like the organs of the
government , however, their
acts are subject to scrutiny
by the Supreme Court on
Certiorari= to be more fully
informed; to review most of
the cases that it decide to
No members of a
Constitutional Commission
shall, during their tenure,
hold any other office or
employment (Art. 1X, Sec. 2).
The Constitutional
Commissions shall appoint
their officials and
employees in accordance with
law.(Art. 1X, Sec. 4).
The Commissions shall enjoy
fiscal autonomy. Their
approved annual
appropriation shall
automatically & regularly
released. (Art. 1X, Sec. 5)
Each Commissions en banc may
promulgate its own rules
concerning pleading &
practice before it or before
any of its offices. Such
rules shall not diminished,
increase, or modify
substantive rights.(Art. 1X,
Sec. 6)
Rules of Procedure.

Each Commission en banc is

authorized to promulgate its own
rules governing pleading &
practice before it or any of its
offices. Such rules shall not
diminish, increase or modify
substantive rights as
distinguished from procedural
Each Commission shall decide by a
majority vote of all its members any
case or matter brought before it
within sixty days from the date of
its submission for decision or
resolution. A case or matter is
deemed submitted for decision or
resolution upon filing of the last
pleading, brief, or memorandum
required by the rules of the
Commission or by Commission itself.
Unless otherwise provided by
this Constitution or by law,
any decision, order, or
ruling of each Commission may
be brought to the Supreme
Court on certiorari by the
aggrieved party within thirty
days from receipt of a copy
thereof.(Art. 1X, Sec. 7).
Rendition of decision &
judicial review.
1. Decision by a majority
vote. Any case or matter
brought before each Commission
must be decided by a a
majority vote of all members
within sixty (60) days from
the days of its submission for
decision or resolution.
The period begins to run from
the filing of the last
pleading, brief, or memorandum
required by the rules of the
Commission or by the
Commission itself.
What is Pleading. 1. formal
document in which a party to a
legal proceeding (esp. A civil
lawsuit) sets forth or respond
to allegations, claims,
denials, or defenses. The main
pleadings are the plaintiff’s
complaint & the defendant’s
answer .(Bryan A. Gardner, Ed., Black’s
Law Dictionary, 8th ed.2005).
What is a Plaintiff= the
party who brings a civil suit
in a court of law.(Bryan A.
Gardner, Ed., Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th

What is a defendant= a person

sued in a civil proceeding or
accused in a criminal
proceeding. .(Bryan A. Gardner, Ed.,
Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th ed.2005).
2. Appeal on certiorari to
Supreme Court. An Aggrieved
party may bring any decision,
order or ruling of each Commission
to the supreme court or certiorari
within thirty (30) days from
receipt of a copy thereof. By
certiorari, a party raises a
question of law in the Supreme
Court . The finding of fact made
By a commission are conclusive
upon the Supreme Court.

Congress is empowered to
prescribe by law the manner &
period of review of the
decision, order, or ruling of
each Commission.
B. The Civil
Service Commission.
The civil service shall be
administered by the Civil
Service Commission composed of
a Chairman & two Commissioners
who shall be natural born
citizens of the PH &, at the
time of their appointment.
(Art. 1X, B, Sec.1).
at least 35 years of age,
with proven capacity for
public Administration, & must
not have been candidates for
any elective position in the
election immediately
preceding their appointment.
Composition of the Civil
Service Commission.
A Chairman; and
two (2) Commissioners.
It is a collegiate body, envisioned to
enhance its independence on the theory
that it will be more resistant to
political pressure or influence than a
body headed by a single individual.
Qualification of Members.
1. natural born citizens of the

2. at least 35 years of age at

the time of their appointment;

3.they must be a person with

proven capacity for public
4. They must not have been
candidates for any elective
position in the elections
immediately preceding their
Appt & term of office.
1. the members shall be
appointed by the President
with the consent of the
Commission on Appointment for
a term of seven years without
reappointment .
2. First Commissioner- 7
years; another Commissioner-
five years (5); third
Commissioner – three (3)
Reason for the creation of the

The creation of an independent

centralized agency having
direction & control over the
civil service system &
empowered to enforce civil
service legislation was
believed essential to the
operation of the system, & its
inclusion in the constitution,
an additional safeguard for
the successful implementation
of the merit system.
A civil Service Commission
created by statute is subject
to reorganization or abolition
at any time.
The civil service embraces
all branches, sub-divisions,
instrumentalities, &
agencies of the government,
including government-owned
or controlled corporation
with original charters (Art.
1X, B, Sec. 2).
Civil Service means that
professionalized body of men
& women who have made of the
government service a life time

Scope of Civil Service.

(Art. 1X, B. Sec. 2).
Constitutional classification
of positions in the Civil
1. Competitive- appointment are
made according to merit & fitness
to be determined by competitive
2. Non-competitive= these
positions are policy determining,
primarily confidential, or highly
technical in nature.
Late Reporter:

Local Government Code: HRM

B-11 (2-5, Sat),

Romo, Vego, Viloria,

Condesa, Yllagan.
Local Government:

L/G =refers to a political

subdivision of nation w/c
constituted by laws & has
substantial control of local
affairs, with officials
elected or otherwise locally
In the PH, it refers to
Provinces, cities,
municipalities & Barangays.

PD 557=(Sept 2. 1974)
declares all then existing
barrios & barrios thereafter
to be created as Barangqys
Constitution directs the
creation of autonomous
regions for Muslim Mindanao
& for the Cordillera by an
organic to be enacted by
Congress for each autonomous
region subject to a
plebiscite as provided in
section 18.
Importance of Local
= As local affairs can best
be regulated by the people
in the locality

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