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The Relationship Between the Level of

Cellphone Use and the Level of the

Study Habits of the Pupil in Angel
Villarica Central School
Norie E. Bustamante
Pressie Mae P. Diocampo
Liahmie V. Undayoy
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to find out the Relationship of the Level of Cellphone
Use and the Level of the Study Habits of the Pupils of Angel Villarica
Central School.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of cell phone use of Angel Villarica Central School pupils in
terms of:

1.1 text messaging;

1.2 calling;

1.3 mobile gaming; and

1.4 internet access?

2. What is the level of the study habits of Angel
Villarica Central School pupils in terms of:
2.1 time preferred;
2.2 learning environment; and
2.3 time spent?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the
cellphone use and the study habits of the pupils
in Angel Villarica Central School?


Table 1. Level of Cellphone use in
Angel Villarica Central School Pupils
Indicators Mean
Calling 3.35 Often

Internet Access 3.43 Very Often

Text Messaging 3.38 Often

Mobile Game 3.63 Very often

Overall 3.47 Very Often

Level of Cellphone use in Angel
Villarica Central School Pupils
Table 1 presented the result of the data which revealed that in
the first indicator which is calling, the mean score is 3.35
and interpreted as often. For internet access the mean
score is 3.43 and interpreted as very often. For text
messaging the mean score is 3.38 and interpreted as often.
For mobile game the mean score is 3.63 and interpreted as
very often. The overall mean score of the level of cellphone
use in Angel Villarica Central School is 3.47 and interpreted
as very often.
The data implied that the indicators namely: calling and text
messaging, both has a descriptive equivalence was often which
indicates that cell phone was generally used, therefore it was being
describe as moderate; internet access and mobile game, both has a
descriptive equivalence of very often which means that cell phone
was use all the time and it was being describes as very high. The
over all mean score of the level of cell phone use in Angel Villarica
Central School has a descriptive equivalence of very often which
indicates that cell phone was used many times. The level describes
as high.
Cell phones are being used by the students frequently. They
used it even in the school or in a public place (Tindell &
Bohlander,2012). Most of people nowadays owned cell phones. It
shows that there is a widespread use of cell phones all over the
world and it is not controllable. Even a young toddler know how to
operate a cell phone. It is very clear that not only a college and high
school students owned cell phone but also an elementary students
have it too. Some of the students using cell phones during their
vacant time as a form of leisure, source, and spreading of
information, but some are just for entertainment only (Bacatan,, 2006).
Allweb (2005) emphasized that the concept of mobile
learning is quite new, it has developed at a fast rate and is
becoming popular with all age groups. Cellular phone
applications are becoming easier to use while offering
complex learning and education factors. Mobile learning
can reach all fields of study and no limits to what you can
learn to cellular phone applications and you can use cell
phones to get new facts about the business, culture, social
issues, education and entertainment.
Table 2. Level of study habits of Angel
Villarica Central School Pupils
Indicators Mean

Time Preferred 3.63 Very Often

3.76 Very Often

Time Spent 3.73 Very Often

Overall 3.71 Very Often

Level of study habits of Angel Villarica
Central School Pupils
Table 2 presented the result of data which revealed that in the
first indicator which is time preferred, the mean score is
3.63 and interpreted as very often. For learning
environment, the mean score is 3.76 and interpreted as
very often. For time spent, the mean score is 3.73 and
interpreted as very often. The overall mean score of the
study habits of the pupils in Angel Villarica Central School is
3.71 and interpreted as very often.
The data implied that the indicators namely: time
preferred, learning environment and time spent, all has
a descriptive equivalence of very often which means
that the study habits of the pupils done many times
and was described as high. The overall mean score of
the level of study habits of Angel Villarica Central
School has a descriptive equivalence of very often
which indicates that the study habits of the pupil done
many times. The level describes as high.
The study of Valk, Rashid,, (2010) supported the result
above that cellphone can improve the study habits of
students. They can get more learning on technology. Ebele, &
Olofu, (2016) If the students will pursuit harder for their
academic performance so will they can get a high test score. It
is a matter of time and it involves a highly active behavior of
students. Study habits needs time and the students needs a
positive thinking when studying. Santos, (2016) said that
every student has its own time preferred for their study time
The Western Government University, (2012) also stated
that study environment has a big influence on how the
student be able to learn and preserved the information
and be able to apply it in real life situation. Moreover,
Fleming, (2017) stated that it is also important to
consider how much time you spent for your study.
Students should study at least an hour each subject at
a time.
Table 3 Significance of the Relationship of Cellphone Use and
Study Habits of the Pupils in Angel Villarica Central School

Study Habits
Time Learning
Use Time Spent Overall
Preferred Environment
.518* .453* .406* .530*
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
.487* .393* .421* .501*
Internet Access
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
.551* .518* .400* .567*
Text Messaging
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
.496* .419* .425* .516*
Mobile Game
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
.640* .557* .515* .660*
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Significance of the Relationship of Cellphone Use and Study
Habits of the Pupils in Angel Villarica Central School

Table 3 shows the significance of the relationship between cellphone

use and study habits of the pupils in Angel Villarica Central School.
The results of the data indicates that when calling is correlated with
time preferred the mean score is .518 with a p-value which is less
than 0.05; with learning environment, the mean score is .453 with a
p-value which is less than 0.05; with time spent, the mean score is
.406 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; and with the overall
study habits, the overall mean score is .530 with a p-value which is
less than 0.05 which indicates significant relationship.
The second indicator which is internet access when
correlated with time preferred, the mean score is .487
with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with learning
environment, the mean score is .393 with a p-value
which is less than 0.05; with time spent, the mean
score is .421 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; and
with the overall study habits, the overall mean score is
.501 with a p-value which is less than 0.05 which
means that their is a significant relationship.
The third indicator which is text messaging when
correlated with time preferred, the mean score is .551
with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with learning
environment, the mean score is .518 with a p-value
which is less than 0.05; with time spent, the mean
score is .400 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; and
the overall study habits, the overall man score is .567
with a p-value which is less than 0.05 which shows that
their is a significant relationship.
The fourth indicator which is mobile gaming when
correlated to time preferred, the mean score is .496
with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with learning
environment, the mean score is .419 with the p-value
which is less than 0.05; with time spent the mean score
is .425 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; and with
the overall study habits, the overall mean score is .516
with a p-value which is less than 0.05, which shows
that their is a significant relationship.
On the other hand, the indicator of dependent variable which
is time preferred, when correlated with calling the mean
score is .518 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with
internet access, the mean score is .487 with a p-value
which is less than 0.05; with text messaging, the mean
score is .551 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with
mobile gaming, the mean score is .496 with a p-value which
is less than 0.05; and with overall cellphone use, the overall
mean score is .640 with a p-value which is less than 0.05.
This means that their is a significant relationship.
The learning environment when correlated to calling, the
mean score is .453 with a p-value which is less than 0.05 ;
with internet access, the mean score is .393 with a p-value
which is less than 0.05 ; with text messaging the mean
score is .518 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with
mobile gaming, the mean score is .419 with a p-value which
is less than 0.05; and with overall cellphone use, the overall
mean score is .557 with a p-value which is less than 0.05,
this means that there is a significant relationship.
When the time spent is correlated with calling, the mean
score is .406 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with
internet access, the mean score is .421with a p-value which
is less than 0.05; with text messaging, the mean score is
.400 with a p-value which is less than 0.05; with mobile
gaming, the mean score is .425 with a p-value which is less
than 0.05; and with overall cellphone use, the overall mean
score is .515 with a p-value which is less than 0.05, which
also shows that their is a significant relationship.
The data implies that when correlating the overall mean
score of cellphone use and the overall mean score of
the study habits of the pupils, it has an overall mean
score of .660 with a p-value of 0.000 which is less than
0.05 which shows that there is a significant relationship
between the two variable. This implies that cellphone
can help the student to have an effective tools for
study. Therefore the result of the data leads to the
rejection of the null hypothesis.
The result of the study was supported on the study of
Anderson (2006) states that cellphone is not the
hindrance of learning to a student instead it can help
them to enhance their performance. Students can
easily ask question by using their cellphone for
convenient because sometimes teacher is not around.
He also said that cellphone is not a distraction, but a
way of engaging students to the new generation of
technology for learning.



1. The Level of Cellphone use in Angel Villarica Central

School Pupils in terms of calling, internet access, text
messaging and mobile game has an overall mean score
of 3.47 with a descriptive equivalence of very often.
This means that the indicators used many times. Based
on the gathered data, it shows that the used of
cellphone can help the student during their study time.
2. The level of the Study Habits of Angel Villarica
Central School Pupils in terms of time
preferred, learning environment and time
spent has an overall mean score of 3.71 with a
descriptive equivalent of very often. This
means that the indicators done many times.
3. Significance of the Relationship of Cellphone Use and
Study Habits of the Pupils in Angel Villarica Central
School when correlating the overall mean score of
cellphone use and the overall mean score of the study
habits has an overall mean score of .660 with a p-value
of 0.000 which is less than 0.05. It shows that there is a
significant relationship between cellphone use and the
study habits of the pupils. This means that cellphone
can help the students in their study.
1. The Level of Cellphone use in Angel Villarica Central School Pupils
is very often. This means that the indicators used many times.
2. The level of the Study Habits of Angel Villarica Central School
Pupils is very often. This means that the indicators done many
3. There is a significant relationship between the level of cellphone
use and the level of the study habits of the pupils in Angel Villarica
Central School.

Administrator. The administrator should allow the students to

bring and use their cellphone in school and impose a policy
that the student use their cellphone only when their
subject teacher integrate it in their classroom activity.

Teacher. The teachers should innovate a classroom activity

that could integrate cellphone as a tool to be used.
Students. The students should only use their
cellphones intelligently. They should only use
their cellphones in the classroom in a proper
way and only when the teacher allowed them.

Researchers. The future researcher should make

another study through experimentation of
using cellphone in classroom discussion.

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