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Rotation Example

Year 7 Coordinate Geometry

Q: Rotate the object 100 CCW about the origin
STEP 1: Draw
lines from each
point on the
image to the
point of rotation
(in this case it
is the origin)
STEP 2: Using a
measure 100 CCW
from the line 𝑂𝐴
STEP 3: Measure
the length of line
𝑂𝐴. (In this case
it is 9.8 cm).
Then measure the
same length (9.8
cm) from the
origin, to the mark
on the page
indicating 100
from 𝑂𝐴. Label
this point A’.
STEP 4: Repeat
Steps 2 & 3
for points B
and C

Point B
Point C
STEP 5: Joint
points A’, B’
and C’
together to
form the image

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