Studying Consumer Behaviour of Women On The Buying Habits of Packaged Groceries

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WOMEN ON THE BUYING HABITS OF Proactive Procrastinators
• A consumption driven economy coupled with the love for food and a fast-changing lifestyle
has led to rapid expansion of Indian packaged grocery Industry

• By 2025, India is expected to become third largest consumer economy spending 400 billion
US dollars as per Boston Consultancy group

• Food and grocery is the soul of the retail market representing approximately 60% of the
market size while other significant contributors like Apparels represent a meagre 8% of the
market size.

PACKAGED • Growth of packaged grocery depends on multiple factors that can be broadly divided into 3

GROCERIES • 1. Supply side

2. Demand side
3. Regulatory

• The challenges to the industry is mostly from the supply side, India has been plagued by the
problem of a weak infrastructure resulting in supply chain constraints and operational

• The sector is thus driven purely by demand and is highly unorganized, about 97% of food
and grocery market is unorganized and catered by convenience stores, street market, kirana
stores etc.
Visited a Big Bazaar located in Vasant Square
Mall, Vasant Kunj
Big Bazaar in the mall is seen in three floors
1st floor – textiles Store Layout
2nd floor - Domestic appliances
3rd floor - groceries, fruits and other
domestic utilities
• Two sisters of age group 30 years to 35 years with their mother(age around 60-
65years), are carrying a list of groceries required and purchase was made in the
order of the list. During the purchase of packaged pulses price comparison
between brand is made and the one with less price was bought

• A lady of age around 30 years with her husband and small child entered and
were doing impulse shopping. Very less purchase was made

• Two women from Thailand age group around 28 years to 32 years were looking

for certain list of groceries for short period and were taking help of the sales

• A lady of age around 30 years with her husband was carrying a list and was

– IN STORE taking the help of the sales team in the store.

• Single lady of age around 30 years to 35 years who was married has made
purchase based on the brands in a very short time

• One lady of age 32 years with her mother(south Indians) were observing the
packaged date and ingredients mixed in the package before purchase

• One lady with two of her nephews was making purchase from the influence of
the children.
Need Recognition:

• It is observed that some prepare list whenever they run out of stock - some go for impulse buying
• Most of the respondents purchase groceries on a monthly basis
• Planned purchase is preferred over unplanned
• Based on the products the level of involvement varies
• For examples, for biscuits, dairy products and confectionary, low involvement is observed. In the case of
pulses and flour, high involvement is observed. Various risks like personal risk, risks related to quality are

Information Search:

• Most of the data is available online and also offline

• Respondents search for the product in the store whenever she visits the store.
• The general information that is searched for on the packaged groceries are price, date of packaging and
Evaluation of Alternatives:

• It is observed that the alternatives for packaged groceries are evaluated as per the “attribute based decision” and sometimes
attitude based decision
• The main factors that are considered during alternative evaluation are price, quality, brand and offers on the item
• The consumers are generally not brand loyal, and they like to experiment, thus there is not much comparison involved


• Most of the respondents prepare a list before coming for purchase

• Respondents also make purchase on the different platforms like online and in store. Although with the advantages of online include
convenience, 24*7 accessibility and time saving, people also make offline buying from stores like Big Bazaar, D-mart, etc.,.
• According to the consumer responses, respondents spend an average of 30 – 40 minutes during the purchase of the groceries and
the most of the purchase is made on monthly basis

Post Purchase:

• Revisit of the store is dependent on the post purchase evaluation of the products purchased
• If the quality, service and promotional activities are observed good comparing the other stores, then the customer may change the
store for other purchase

Health Personal

Financial Psychological
Monthly Household
Name Age Hometown Religion Occupation Marital Status
Priya Singh 29 Bhubaneshwar Hinduism IT Employee >75000 Married
Sri Lakshmi 33 Hyderabad Hinduism IT Employee >75000 Married
Akansha Neeraj 28 Delhi Hinduism IT Employee >75000 Married
Swati Sharma 28 Jaipur Hinduism Banker >75000 Married
Lakshmi Devi R 29 Trivandrum Hinduism IT Employee >75000 Unmarried
Anjali Kamal 28 Trivandrum Hinduism IT Employee >75000 Unmarried
Nihaa Bai 28 Trivandrum Muslim IT Employee >75000 Unmarried
Anusha Paul 30 Kanur Christian Homemaker >75000 Married
Raghavi Chouhan 31 Bhopal Hinduism Homemaker >75000 Married
Madhavi Hada 27 Ujjain Hinduism >75000 Unmarried
Mrs. Swati Agarwal 35 Kolkata Hinduism Homemaker >75000 Married

Shilpa Jhunjhunwala 25 Kolkata Hinduism CS >50000 Unmarried

• Almost all our respondents are from Tier II cities originally. But most of them
have moved to Tier I cities now

• Most of our respondents’ religion is Hinduism. Only, 1 respondent each is from

Muslim and Christian background

• Almost 50% of our respondents are unmarried, while just more than 50%
respondents are married

INFERENCES - • All our unmarried respondents are working currently, while half of the married
respondents are working, and half are homemakers. Most of the working
respondents are in the IT sector serving various positions based on their

DEMOGRAPHICS experience level.

• The income bracket of all respondents except 1 is more than INR 75000

• All respondents except 1 are living in nuclear families with an average family
size of 4 members.

• Parents of all the respondents have an education level of post-graduation

• Husband’s and father’s occupation in case of married and unmarried

respondents respectively vary a lot from business, profession and service
•It is quite evident that the culture and groups such as friend circles,
family etc. play a very important role in shaping the purchase
decisions of the members.
•As India is a collectivist society, most people tend to follow the norms
of the society and purchase accordingly
•Working woman's purchase decision are less affected by beliefs and
Most of the respondents were graduates and were working professionals.

Barring one respondent, all of them hailed from families where both parents were highly educated
(Graduate/Post Graduate).

However, none of our respondent was the primary earner in their families.

The respondents and the other earning members of their families are involved in service industry mostly
doing desk jobs and no manual labor.

The respondents are educated and can be discerning in their purchase of packaged items

Sedentary lifestyle of respondents and their family members can affect their purchase of grocery items
10 out of 12 of families are of Family size four and above

Major relations in the family are Parents for Unmarried and In-Laws for Married

From most of the responses, Family members are the key influencers for the purchase of packaged

However, the respondents themselves are acting as the Initiators, Information Gatherers and
Decision Makers for the purchase of packaged Groceries

In most of the cases, earning members in the family are acting as the purchasers

The working professionals are in contact with Only 5 respondents be involved in their
their colleagues and hence they have an society groups  these people’s purchase
influence on their purchase behavior. behaviors are moderately influenced by these.

Those respondents who stay with their

friends (not with their parents) were highly
influenced by their friends.
•Sedentary lifestyle of respondents will make them fitness conscious
and will influence them to buy healthy packaged items
•Purchasing power of respondents is high so they can afford to buy
quality packaged items
•Educated background and knowledge about various aspects of
balanced diet influences them to buy quality packaged items
•High disposable income and young age leads to impulse purchase by
respondents exhibiting affective decision making
•Internal desire to impress people in their social circle makes them
purchase quality branded packaged goods
Targets External Influencer Internal Influencer
• Two Career Households
• Brand Conscious • Doctor • Brand conscious
• Health Conscious • Peer Group • Health Conscious
• Middle and Upper Middle • Religious Preachers • Quality

Marketing Communication Channels

• TV Ads
• Print Ads
• Radio spots
• Pamphlets
• Store App

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