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September 29, 2018 2

Functions of CNS
 Integration
 Control
 Coordination
 Communication

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Parts of CNS
 Brain
 Cerebrum
 Cerebellum
 Brainstem
 Thalamus
 Hypothalamus
 Medulla
 Pons
 Mid brain
 Reticular formation system (RFS)
 Spinal Cord
September 29, 2018 4
Functions of various parts of CNS
Motor, Sensory and association area
1. Govern muscular movement
2. Interpretation of sensory input
3. Evaluation and integration of stimuli, makes
4. Correlation of incoming stimuli with appropriate
outgoing motor neurons.
Perception Emotion
Sensation Intelligence
Memory Reasoning
Sight Sound Taste Hearing

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Synergizes motor movement relative to:
1. Posture
2. Coordination
3. Balance

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1. Relay sensory input to cerebrum, a
relay center
2. Crude awareness area of brain
3. Recognition of pain

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1. Controls and integrate the ANS (Chief
regulator of visceral activity)
2. Recieves and interprets sensory input from
3. Principal intermediatory between N.S &
endocrine system is a pituitory gland
4. Regulates body temperature
5. Regulates thirst and hunger
6. Regulates water balance
7. Helps maintain walking state and sleep
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 Conduction pathway for sensory and motor
impulses between brain and spinal cord
 Respiratory center, controls breathing
 Vasomoter center, control center for heart
and blood pressure
 Other reflex centers that are located here;
Swelling, sneezing, vomiting, coughing,

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Neurotransmitters of CNS
 50 Neurotransmitters
 Excitatory
 Acetylcholine
 Glutamine

 Aspartate

 Inhibitory
 Glycine

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 Sends impulses to higher centers and lower centers.
 Reinforcing and back ground agent of the CNS.
 Inhibition of exaggerated movements.
 Perception of pain.
 State of wakefulness and sleep.

Reticular Activating System

Level of alertness or depression
Behavioral arousal

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Classification of drugs of CNS
 Stimulants
 Corticostimulants
 Medullary stimulants
 Spinal cord stimulants

 Depressants

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Effects of stimulation of CNS

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Effects of depression of CNS

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Terms used
Different stages of depression
 Sedation: Slight depression, animal awake
 Hypnosis: Greater depression, animal
asleep, can be awakened
 Narcosis: Greater depression, animal
asleep, can be awakened but return to sleep
 Anesthesia: Loss of sensation, animal
asleep cannot be awakened, amnesia,

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 Analgesia: Alleviation of pain, patient is alert
 Tranquilizer: Some sedation and hypnosis, but
mainly alters behavior and thus animal’s reaction to
his environment very little or no analgesia
 Cataleptic anesthesia or dissociative
anesthesia: The patient is characterized by
superficial sleep, good analgesia and amnesia.
Non response to external stimuli,rigid limbs,
delirium characteristics, many reflexes are present,
good analgesia and amnesia
 Basal anesthsia: Light anesthesia is induced with
one agent – the basal anesthetic – and then
surgical anesthesia is maintained with another
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 Definition: Loss of sensation
General anesthesia:
Loss of sensation by unconscious
Local anesthesia:
Loss of sensation with conscious

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 Objectives:
4 basic components of a balanced
1. Sensory block: Analgeisa
2. Mental block: Amnesia or hypnosis
3. Motor block: Relaxation
4. Reflex block: Hyporeflexia

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 Ideal properties of anesthesia:
 Non irritant
 Non explosive
 Easy to be administered
 Controllable
 No sensitization to myocardium
 Smooth induction and recovery
 Economical
 Stable
 Non toxic
 Safe

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 Stages of anesthesia
1. Exciting stage
2. Delirium stage
3. Surgical stage
1. Plane I
2. Plane II
3. Plane III
4. Plane IV
4. Medulary paralysis

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Classification of general
anesthetics (based on physical

 Volatile anesthetics
 Gaseous anesthetics
 Non volatile anesthetics

September 29, 2018 21

Classification of general
anesthetics (based on mode of
Two types
1. Inhalant anesthetics
a) Volatile anesthesia e.g chloroform,
ether, vinyl ether, trichloroethylene,
b) Gaseous anesthesia e.g Nitrous oxide,
2. Injectable anesthetics
a) General anesthetics e.g Barbiturates,
chloral hydrate, propofol, midazolam
b) Dissociative anesthetics e.g Ketamine,
Phencyclidine, Tiletamine
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Inhalant anesthetics
 Chloroform
 Ether
 Chloroform – ether mixture
 Veniyl ether
 Halothane
 Nitrous oxide
 Cyclopropane

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Movement of inhalation
Inhaled air Alveolar air

Arterial blood

Brain Other tissues

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Three phases
1. Induction
2. Maintenance
3. Emergence (recovery)

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Factors affecting
Three factors affecting these phases
1. Blood solubility of gases
2. Potency of the gases to depress CNS
3. Lipid solubility of the gas

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Blood gas solubility
 Lower the solubility, shorter is the time of
induction and short time of recovery
 Lower blood / gas partition coefficient i.e.,
lower the solubility, greater the changes in the
depth of anesthesia with minor changes in
gas concentration.
 Nitrous oxide < Isoflurane < Enflurane
Halothne Ether < Methoxyflurine.
 Fastest to slowest induction

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MAC value
 Relative potency of anesthetic gas is
based on MAC value (minimum
inhibitory concentration). Less MAC
value, more potent it is.
 More potent to least potent
 Methoxyflurine < Halothane < Isoflurane
< Enflurane < Ether Nitrous oxide .

September 29, 2018 28

Lipid solubility
 Lower lipid solubility, shorter induction
 Higher lipid solubility, greater induction
 Same for emergence or recovery
 Nitrous oxide < Ether < Enflurane <
Isoflurane < Halothane < Methoxyfluorine
 Least lipid soluble to most lipid soluble

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 CHCl3
 Non explosive, non inflammable
 Rapid induction & emergence
 Different actions with different route
 Externally
 Orally
 Inhalation

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 Externally
 Skin cleaner due to fat solvent
 Coolant and sedative effect due to evaporation
 Rubefacient action when applied with friction

 Orally
 Irritant : so cause reflex salivation therefore mix
with demulcents
 In the stomach
 Carminative

 Antizymotic

 Antispasmodic effect

So used in gastrointestinal sedative mixture

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 Inhalation
 Powerful CNS depression so used as general
anesthetic in horses and cattle but not in sheep &
 Hypotension, arrythemia & respiratory depression
 Irritation of respiratory tract leads to increase in
salivation and bronchial secretion – increased
danger of pneumonia so head should lie
 It sensetizes myocardium to epinephrine & may
produce vagal arrest
 Toxic for liver & kidney
 Little effect on uterus & foetus
 Muscle relaxation is good
 Analgesia occurs before the onset of anesthesia
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 Therapeutic doses produce narcosis in
5 – 10 minutes and anesthesia in 10 –
20 minutes. Period is extended in cold &
open air
 Sheep & cats are more susceptible to
its toxic effects
 Acute toxicity leads to death due to
respiratory failure & heart arrest
 Delayed toxicity occurs in the form of
fatty changes in different tissues
September 29, 2018 33
 C 2H 5 – O – C 2H 5
 Inflammable & explosive
 Irritant to respiratory mucosa
 Less toxic than chloroform
 Increased salivary and bronchial
 Muscle relaxation, analgesia good

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Chloroform – Ether mixture
 Less inflammable ( Ether)
 Less toxicity ( chloroform)
 Less irritant ( Ether)

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 Inflammable, explosive
 Low toxicity
 Rapid induction
 Myocardial sensitization

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Nitrous oxide
 Non inflammable
 Pleasure in induction
 Non toxic
 Maintain after thiopental sodium
 Longest anesthetic

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 Similar to chloroform

Vinyl ether
 Rapid induction

Trichloro – ethylene or Trilene

 Can produce full surgical anesthesia

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Injectable anesthetics
 Barbiturates
 Thiobarbitone
 Pentobarbitone
 Hexobarbitone
 Secobarbitone
 Chloral hydrate
 Etomidate
 Propofol
 Midazolam

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 Superficial sleep
 Good analgesia
 Poor relaxation
 Poor hyporeflexia
 Myotonia
 Examples
 Ketamine
 Phencycladine
 Tiletamine

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 Depress CNS
 Respiratory center depression
 Analgesia and relaxation not good
 Perivascular leakage cause necrosis
 Morphine and atropine as preanesthetic
 Thiobarbitone rapid induction & recovery due
to redistribution effect
 Used as basal anesthetic or to induce
anesthesia then use maintenance anesthesia
September 29, 2018 41
Chloral hydrate
 Irritant
 Hypnotic effect due to metabolite
 Hypnotic effect not true anesthesia
 Premedication Promethason
 Hepato toxicity problem ?
 Used in horse
 Induction slow – Recovery prolonged

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 Simple evaporative compound, lipid soluble
 Short & smooth induction & recovery
 Rapidly metabolized
 Termination due to metabolism , not due
 Anesthetic effect same as Thiobarbitone
 Perivascular leakage no necrosis
 Compatable with preanesthetic drugs & inhalant
 Can be used as maintenance anesthtics
 Excellent quality of smooth induction & recovery
 Specie difference due to rate of metabolism
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Pre – anesthetic medication
It facilitates anesthesia and surgery by
1. Rapidity and smoothness of induction
2. Reducing anxiety
3. Providing analgesia and amnesia
4. Compromising the side effects of
anesthesia e.g., salivation,
5. To reduce dose of anesthetics
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 Opioids
 Morphine
 Mepredine
 Fentanyl
 Tranquilizers
 Acepromazine
 Xylazine
 Anticholinergic drugs
 Atropine
 Scopolamine
 Muscle relaxants
 Glyceryl guacolate ether (GGE)
 Gallamine
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