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• Nama Anggota :

• Fayyadh Z H (161144008)

• Hanna Pepani (161144010)

• Ilmi hasya (161144013)

• Insani Nf (161144014)

• M Faris F N (161144017)

• Noer wahyuni (161144020)

• Ria Widi (161144024)

• Rizal Amri (161144027)

Definition of Precast Concrete

• Precast concrete is a concrete material that has been made in the factory with the
appropriate shape, which will be used for building construction, then the molded
concrete will be transported and installed to the location of the building construction.
Quality of concrete

• quality pracast concrete is a measure of strength for qualified concrete materials into several
levels, ranging from K-100 to K-500. the definition of K on the quality of concrete is the
compressive strength of concrete for per cm2 and anka 100-500 shows weight (Kg). Then the
meaning of the quality of concrete K-100 that has a minimum strength of 100 kg / cm2
• According to the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (SNI), the quality of concrete is
divided into three Class :
- Beton Class I : K-100, K-125 K-150, K-175 and K-200
- Beton Class II : K-225, K-250 and K-275
- Beton Class III : K-100, K-125 K-150, K-175 and K-200

• For first-class concrete used is not for structural work. The quality of second class
concrete is widely used for the work of road structures, foundations, columns. whereas
for class three concrete is a special concrete used to withstand heavier loads than the
previous class of concrete. commonly used for truck parking area block, concrete water
channel, ground plane.

• Variable panel shapes

The final product of concrete precast is a concrete panel, where the concrete panel has a large
area that facilitates the process in building construction. in addition, the resulting concrete
panels can also follow the desired design. then the concrete can be molded into various shapes
according to the wishes and needs. especially for curved shapes, some architectural details.
• Easy installation
How to install precast concrete panels is to use the connections to be linked using bolts. the
advantage of using this is the presence of concrete panels of the same size and precision, so
there will be no gaps between concrete panels connected. so we don’t need to use formwork.
• Quality precacst concrete
precast concrete has a quality that is really guaranteed because the process of making is done
with a good and correct method, and the care is also highly considered in accordance with
applicable regulations.
• Fast installation time
Precast concrete can significantly cut project implementation time. This is because the use of
this concrete allows the project work can be done in overlapping. For example, when structural
work is still in the foundation stage, the execution may coincide with the preparation of precast
concrete for floor columns. In this way, when the bottom structure work is done, the columns
are also ready to be paired.

• Expensive cost
The precast concrete need additional cost to transport the concrete from the manufacturer to
the project site. Again, this is because precast concrete is not made at the construction site, but
rather in a special precast plant. Precast also often cost a lot of unexpected. For example, when
the installation of precast concrete elements, additional costs are need for the connection.
• Additional weight equipment
The precast concrete need a complete heavy equipment for installation. Conventional
handyman tools alone can not be used to install these structural components perfectly.

Source :
• Concrete production is the process of mixing together the various ingredients—water,
aggregate, cement, and any additives—to produce concrete. Concrete production is time-
sensitive. Once the ingredients are mixed, workers must put the concrete in place before
it hardens. In modern usage, most concrete production takes place in a large type of
industrial facility called a concrete plant, or often a batch plant.
In general usage, concrete plants come in two main types, ready mix plants and central mix
plants. A ready mix plant mixes all the ingredients except water, while a central mix plant
mixes all the ingredients including water. A central mix plant offers more accurate control
of the concrete quality through better measurements of the amount of water added, but
must be placed closer to the work site where the concrete will be used, since hydration
begins at the plant
• A concrete plant consists of large storage hoppers for various reactive ingredients like
cement, storage for bulk ingredients like aggregate and water, mechanisms for the addition of
various additives and amendments, machinery to accurately weigh, move, and mix some or all
of those ingredients, and facilities to dispense the mixed concrete, often to a concrete mixer

• A wide variety of equipment is used for processing concrete, from hand tools to heavy
industrial machinery. Whichever equipment builders use, however, the objective is to produce
the desired building material; ingredients must be properly mixed, placed, shaped, and retained
within time constraints.
• Quality control: Because precast concrete is mixed, poured and cured in a factory,
ideal conditions and exacting measurements can be maintained throughout the process.
Unfortunately, the logistics of site casting make this far more challenging.You are subject
to the humidity and temperature of the day you are doing the casting.You have to do the
work using far less precise tools. The result is an inferior quality product even under the
most ideal conditions!
• Labor efficiency: Precast is much more labor efficient. Because work is done in a
factory, the effort is maximized through the use of tools and machinery that simply isn’t
available on the job site. Therefore, with site casting, work that might be done with
machines has to be instead performed by hand. This is much more labor intensive, thus
increasing labor costs and making the process more costly. Additionally, because machines
aren’t involved, the labor needed for on-site casting needs to be skilled rather than
unskilled. Thus, not only are more labor hours required, but those labor hours are more
• Curing conditions: Because curing conditions can be controlled in a factory, they can
be accelerated without sacrificing strength or quality. That simply isn’t the case on site.
While you can do certain things to accelerate curing on site, they are difficult and
generally not worth the logistical hassle and costs. Furthermore, they run the risk of
lower quality concrete, as delicate variables are hard to account for.
• Full strength: Because concrete gains strength over time, it isn’t fully strong immediately
after drying. However, with precast concrete, that hardening process takes place before
arriving on the job site. That’s not the case with site cast concrete. Before you can raise the
concrete into place, you have to wait for site cast concrete to harden fully. This can delay
construction and increase costs. It is much more time and cost efficient to have fully hardened
concrete slabs ready to be placed the moment they arrive.
• Furthermore, because precast receives a strength test during quality control inspections in
the factory, you do not need to conduct strength tests on site. Strength tests are extremely
crucial for ensuring that your building is safe, so if you are doing on site casting, then this is a
step that cannot be skipped. Again, because this process is outsourced to the factory with
precast concrete, your job site will be much more time and cost-efficient.
• Insulation: Because precast concrete is factory made, certain elements can be
incorporated within the concrete that cannot be added to site cast concrete. Added
insulation is one of the most common elements. By adding additional insulation materials
within the concrete slab, you can save both labor and architectural design space when
constructing a building. Rather than hanging and lining the interior of your building with
insulation, the slabs that you lift into place with have the insulating power of traditional
concrete with additional hung insulation.

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