Azaz Teknik Kimia

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Kelompok 1

1. Ahmad Yusuf A.H 2316 106 001

2. Irfan Hanif 2316 106 002
3. Wahyuningsih Indah K 2316 106 003
4. Meitya Nur Syarifa 2316 106 004
5. Ghaluh Parahita 2316 106 005
Hydrocholic Acid is an important industrial
chemical. To make aqueous solution of it
in a commercial great purified HCl is
absorbet in water in a tantalum absorber
in a steady state continouse procres. How
much heat must be remove from the
absorber by the cooling water per 100 kg
of product. If hot HCl at 120o C is fed in to
water in absorber as shown in figure E
28.2? The feed water can be assumed to
be at 25o C , and the exit product HCl
BM n
Kompone %mass Massa n Fraksi
(kg/kgmo (kgmol
n a (kg) (gmol) Mol
l) )
HCl 25 25 36.37 0.687 687.380 0.142
H 2O 75 75 18.02 4.162 4162.042 0.858
Total 100 100 - 4.849 4849.422 1.000

Basis : 100 kg produk

Mol rasio HCl dan H2O = 4.163 kgmol/0.685 kgmol
= 6.055
HCl (g) + 6.055 H2O (l)  HCl.6.055H2O (aq)
Data T boiling point (dari Appendix Himmelblau D.1)

Komponen T bp (K) T bp (oC)

HCl 188.11 -85.04
H2O 373.15 100

HCl (g) + 6.055 H2O (l) 

HCl.6.055H 25oC 35oC
2O (aq)


HCl (g) + 6.055 H2O (l)  HCl.6.055

H2O (aq) ΔH4 =
Spesific heat (cal/goC)
20oC 35oC 40oC

9.09 0.74 0.75

14.1 0.667 0.667 0.680

6.7 0.631 0.645

= n = 0.685
= n x BMcampuran = 4.848

= Δ= Δ

Menghitung Q dengan

= *=


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