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Lower Extremity

1. List Bones of Lower Extremity
Fuction ; Locomotion
Carry weight of entire erect body
There are bones found in Lower Limb
▪ Hip
1) Illum
- Largest
- Share 40% acetabulum
- Location : Ant & Sup
2) Pubis
- Smallest
- Share 20% Acetabulum
- Location : Ant & inf
3) Ischium
- Share : 40% acetabulum
- Location : Post & info
▪ Femur
- Location : oblique inferior medialy
- Distal femur (2) Condyle
-> Supporting the Wt of the
▪ Patella - Largest Sesamoid bone
Fxns; 1) Add Stability to jt.
2) Inc. the effiency of quads
3) Reduces Friction
4) Bony protection
▪ Tibial - Largest,weight bearing bone (90%)
- Location : Medial bone
▪ Fibula - Slender,Non wt bearing
- Location: Lateral bone
- No part in knee jt
▪ Tarsals
1) Talus - Primary connection
between the lower leg and foot for mobility
- No Ms attachment
2) Calcaneous /Os Calcis
- Largest ,Strongest
- 1st to ossify
- Mc Fx
3) Navicular
4) Cuboid
5) Cuneiform
▪ Phalanges
2. Type of bones in Lower
Long Bones - Longer than they are
wide,include the femur ( the longest bone in
the body ).
Fuction: Support the weight of the body and
facilitate movt.
Example of Long Bone: Femur ,Tibia ,Fibula,
Flat Bones- Can provide protection,like a
shield, flat bones can also provide large areas
of attachement.
Funtion : protect internal organs such as the
brain,heart, or pelvic organs
Example of Flat bone : ilium,ischium,pubis

Short Bones - Located in the wrist,ankle jts

Function : provide stability and some movt.
Example of Short bone -
Irregular Bones- vary in shape and structure
and therefore do not fit into any other Types
Function : often have a fairly complex
shape,which helps protect internal organs.
Example of : pelvis ( Pubis,ilium,ischium )
protect organs in the pelvic cavity.

Sesamiod bones- These small,round bones

are commonly found in tendon of the
hands,knees and feet.
Function : To protect tendons from stress and
Example of : patella, first metatarsal
3.Joints of the Lower Extremity
• jt. name: acetabulofemoral jt
Type: ball and socket jt
mov't allowed: hip flexion, extension,
adduction, IR and ER
Supporting Ligament: iliofemoral
▪ Leg
 Jt Name : Superior Tibiofibular jt /forgotten jt
Type: Synovial Plane
Mov`t allowed : DF ,PF
Supporting Lig: Ant & Post Tibiofibular Lig
Jt Name : Distal Tibiofibular Lig
Type: Syndesmosis
Mov`t allowed : small amount of gliding movt .
Supporting Lig: Ant & Post
Ligaments,interosseous lig,inferior transverse lig
Knee Joint :
Jt. Name :Tibiofemoral jt/ knee jt
Type : synovial hinged jt
Mov`t allowed : knee flex, ext
- Uni -axial
Supporting Ligaments: ACL,PCL,MCL,LCL

Jt. Name: Patellofemoral jt

Type : Modified hinged jt
Movt allowed : knee flex, ext
- Uni-axial
▪ Ankle
Jt. Name: Talocrural jt/Ankle Mortise
Type : Synovial Hinge / Ginglymus
Mov`t allowed: Ankle Df,Pf
- Uni-axial
Supporting Ligaments : - Lateral Collateral Lig
- Medial Collateral Lig
▪ Foot
Jt Name : Subtalar Jt/ Talocalcaneal Jt
Type: Synovial plane
Mov`t allowed : Sagital- DF, PF
Transverse : ABD,ADD
Frontal : Enversion , Inversion
- Triplanar
Supporting Ligaments: Medial and Lateral
(Talocalcaneal ) Lig
Interosseous Lig
Jt Name : Transverse Tarsal jt/Chopart jt
Type: Synovial plane
Mov`t allowed: foot inversion & eversion
Supporting Lig: plantar calcaneonavicular lig
dorsal talonavicular lig
Jt Name : Tarso Metatarsal jt /Lisfranc`s jt
Type: Synovial Plane
Mov`t allowed : Foot DF,PF
Supporting Lig: Deep Transverse Metatarsal Lig

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