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Introduction to Engineering Study

Lecture 1

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Course Description

• The course is designed to help students to achieve personal

professional development as they prepare to move from the
secondary level of education to higher university level of education.
• The course is designed to help freshmen to adapt to the university
environment and develop a better understanding of the essential
academic skills such as information literacy, academic literacy, and
time & study management.
• The course offers students training in those skills that are vital to
the academic learning process.
• Students also learn to self-assess their strengths and weaknesses
during their academic life.
• The course also aims to promote an environment where students
are recognized for having high levels of integrity which is an
indispensable part of their personal and intellectual growth

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to;

Level of PO
CO1 Identify, Understand and Apply
basic knowledge for solving 3
Engineering problems.
CO2 Analyze academic integrity
4 CT
components in higher education
CO3 Apply a variety of study skills and
Recognize various assessments 2 CT
techniques used in higher education
C: Cognitive ; P: Psychomotor ; A: Affective ; S: Soft-skills (CT:
Critical Thinking, TS: Teamwork)

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Topics to be covered(Midterm)
Time Frame CO Topics Teaching Evidence

WEEK 1 NA Introduction to AIUB, EEE & CoE Program and Lectures and
The Course Handouts
Difference between secondary level education
and UG education?
WEEK 2 1 Student Motivation and Employability in Lectures and
Engineering Handouts

WEEK 3 1 Introduction to OBE, COs and POs, OBE Lectures and

Curriculum, Program Semester Flowchart Handouts
Setting Goals and Managing Time
WEEK 4 1 Basic Engineering Mathematics Lectures and Quiz on Basic
Handouts Math
WEEK 5 2 Academic honesty Lectures and Plagiarism
Plagiarism Handouts Checking
W EEK 6 3 Assessment Techniques, Bloom’s Taxonomy Lectures and
and Action Verbs, Levels of Cognitive Domains Handouts


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Lecture 1 Introduction

Topics to be covered(Final)
Time Frame CO Topics Teaching Evidence
WEEK 8 Managing stress in Academic life
Managing Time
WEEK 9 1 Basic Physics for Engineers Quiz on Basic
WEEK 10 3 Various Software Skills for Studies (MS Word,
Excel, Google Scholar, AIUB VUES)
WEEK 11 3 Introduction to Engineering Report Writing (Lab
Reports, Assignments)
WEEK 12 3 Introduction to Self-study Accessing and Report writing
analyzing various information resources: Prim Assignment by
resources (newspaper, journals, books, Self Studying
magazines...), Library Skills (E-library)
Quality Source of Information
WEEK 13 3 Developing Soft Skills for students


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Lecture 1 Introduction


[1] Maier, P & Prince, G. “Effective study skills:

Unlock the potentials”. London: Pearson
Education, 2007.
[2] McWhorter, Kathleen T., “College Reading
and Study Skills”, Longman, Pearson Education,
[3] Brooks, J. “Transferable academic skills”.
Garnet Education; University of reading. (2009)

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Lecture 1 Introduction

• At least 80% class attendance is necessary to sit for the exam. If
there is any assignment given to the students, they have to submit it
before the deadline decided by the course teacher.
• Marking system (Midterm and Final term):
Quiz: 20%
Assignments 20%
Report 20%
Class performance: 20%
Attendance 20%

Total: 100%

• Final Grade/ Grand Total:

Midterm: 40%
Final Term: 60%

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Lecture 1 Introduction

AIUB Mission


(AIUB) is committed to provide quality and excellent computer-based
academic programs responsive to the emerging challenges of the
time. It is dedicated to nurture and produce competent world class
professional imbued with strong sense of ethical values ready to face
the competitive world of arts, business, science, social science and

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Lecture 1 Introduction

AIUB Vision


(AIUB) envisions promoting professionals and excellent leadership
catering to the technological progress and development needs of the

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Engineering Department Mission & Vision

The Faculty of Engineering adheres to the academic thrust of quality
and excellence, call of service and contribute to the betterment and
advancement of society, industry, the engineering profession and
program. It is committed to nurture and sharpen the intellectual
growth and skills of the students through the application and
dissemination of advanced engineering technology

The Faculty of Engineering strives to be among the most successful
and recognized engineering faculty in Asia. It shall endeavor to
integrate new practices and trends, and foster critical thinking,
creativity, innovation, originality and excellence in an environment
that promotes practical and research-based engineering knowledge.

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Overview of EEE Department




IEB and PAASCU Accredited

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Overview of CoE Department




IEB Accredited

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Secondary Level School Vs Undergraduate Study

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Secondary Level School Vs Undergraduate Study

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Lecture 1 Introduction

Differences between High School and University

Study what interests you
University education is the first step in taking control of your own learning. Unlike
high school, where you study certain subjects because they’re compulsory, at university
you can choose a course that suits your interests and abilities.

Student responsibility
At high school, the teacher is
responsible for the way you study a
subject, whereas at university, you are
responsible for identifying the best
way to study and complete your
assignments. A common saying is that
lecturers are experts in their field who
‘teach their subject, not their

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Differences between High School and University

Contact time
Contact time is the time you spend at uni attending lectures and tutorials (tutes). At high school,
you spend about 30 hours a week at school, but you will generally have much less contact time
at university. This doesn’t mean you spend less time on your studies at university – it just means
you’re expected to do a greater portion of your work away from the classroom. This usually
involves research, reading and completing assignments.

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Differences between High School and University

The rules at Curtin aren’t as strict as those at
high school. For instance, there’s no particular
dress code like there is at school and no-one’s
going to call your parents if you miss a class.
Obviously though, a high standard of behavior
is expected and no form of discrimination will
be tolerated.

At AIUB we encourage tolerance and acceptance

of people of all walks of life, and as a result, you
will find the AIUB community a welcoming place
free of prejudice, where you can always feel

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We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for

ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us
or spare us.
Marcel Proust (1871–1922),
French novelist

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Proficient Learner

Being a good learner is a skill

It is not just about sitting in front of your book and reading and
hoping something will ‘stick’, or about completing yet another
problem sheet or exam.

In order to become interested and proficient in the topic you

are studying, you will need to go a bit deeper and your ability to
do this makes you a skilled and lifelong learner, a learner that
not only knows ‘what’, but also ‘how’ and ‘why’.

Knowing ‘how’ and ‘why’ is increasingly important as

knowledge has a shelf life, like so many other things.

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Proficient Learner

Your degree of motivation for your subject will determine how

you study and how much effort you put in.

If you are not very motivated you will more than likely be
someone who will memorise enough facts to get you through
the coursework and exams; you will be what is called a ‘surface

In order to be a Proficient Learner; you need to:

 be responsible for your own learning
 know yourself as a learner
 reflect on your learning.

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Lecture 1 Introduction

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Lecture 1 Introduction


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