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Health & Safety

In the Engineering Environment

Introduction to the Course
• Unit 1 Health & Safety

• 16 lesson @ 2.5 hours until 18th Jan

Introduction to the Course

• 3 Assignments
– 1st Issue date: 05/10/16 Due date: 19/10/16
– 2nd Issue date: 30/11/16 Due date: 07/12/16
– 3rd Issue date: 04/01/17 Due date: 18/01/16

– Assignments can be submitted before

these dates
Fact or Fiction?
• Children must wear safety glasses when
playing conkers…..
Fact or Fiction?
• Sweets can not be thrown into the audience
at pantomimes………
What factors affect H&S?

You tell me….

3 Types of Legislation and Regulation
• Acts – These are laws
• Statutory Instruments – These are laws
• Legal Publications – Maybe advice or law
Acts of Parliament (Primary
The primary legislation comprises the Acts of
Parliament, including the Health and Safety at
Work etc Act 1974.

These have then been debated in parliament

and require another act to change them.
Statutory Instruments (Secondary
Legislation or Regulations)
Statutory instruments are pieces of secondary
legislation made under specific Acts of
Parliament. These cover a wide range of
subjects, including control of asbestos at work,
diving, escape and rescue from mines, ionising
radiation and working at height.
Legal Publications
Statutory Instruments and/or Approved Codes
of Practice (ACOPs).

An approved code of practice is intended to

provide a safe working environment. Not
following the ACOP makes if very difficult for a
company to justify.
HASAWA (Umbrella Act)
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (also
referred to as HSWA, the HSW Act, the 1974 Act or
HASAWA) is the primary piece of legislation
covering occupational health and safety in Great
Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local
authorities (and other enforcing authorities) is
responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of
other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to
the working environment. This sits above the other
legislation and regulation as an encompassing
umbrella act.
HASAWA Objectives
• Securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at
• Protecting persons, other than persons at work, against
risks to health or safety arising out of or in connection
with the activities of persons at work;
• Controlling the keeping and use of explosive or highly
flammable or otherwise dangerous substances, and
generally preventing the unlawful acquisition,
possession and use of such substances.
It is not designed with blame in mind, just to preserve the
health, safety and welfare of all.
Regulations - Presentations
• HAWASAW 1974
• RIDDOR 2013
• PPE at work 1992
• COSHH 2002
• Manual Handling Operations Regs 1992
• Environmental Legislation & EU Directives
(Environmental Protection Act, Clean Air Act,
Control of Waste Act)

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