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Development of Naturally

Occurring Termite Mound Clay For

Use Of Refractory In High
Temperature Metallurgical

Project proposal
Ethiopia is a resource rich country. Nevertheless,
despite the relative abundance of local raw
materials needed for the production of refractory
for its process industries, Ethiopia is heavily
engaged in the importation of these materials.
The aim of this study is to find out the possibility
of using Ethiopian termite mound clay, as a major
raw material in the production of refractory
Because Termite mound clay has not been utilized
in Ethiopia.
Refractory materials are materials that are capable
of withstanding high temperature both physically
and chemically.
The metallurgical industries are the major
consumers of refractory products.
These materials are usually used in the industries
for furnace construction, smelting vessels for
holding, transporting metal and slag, in heating
Refractory is defined as materials which have
the ability to withstand high temperature
without breaking or deforming.
So, Any material can be described as a
‘refractory’, if it can withstand the action of
abrasive or corrosive solids, liquids or gases
at high temperatures.
The basic functions of refractory materials
1. To ensure the physical safety of
personnel and installations between the
hot material (the processed product) and
the outer shell of the processing tool and
2. Reduce heat loss.
Most refractory materials are made
from naturally occurring high melting
point oxides.
They include silica (SiO2), Alumina
(Al2O3), Magnesia (MgO), Chromium
oxide (Cr2O3), Zirconia (ZrO) and iron
oxide (Fe2O3).
They are either used in natural form
without any formal processing or in
roasted condition
It is unfortunate that despite vast clay
deposits in ethiopia, the Country‘s
metallurgical industries still depend on
imported refractories to meet local
consumption and as a result, a lot of
hard earned foreign currencies are
spent in the process.
statement of the problem
Development of products which can be produced
from a country’s natural resources is very
important as far as the industrialization of a nation
and saving foreign currency is concerned.
Presently, industries in Ethiopia import all
refractory-related consumables, as the demand
cannot be met locally.
This project can have great impact on the
industrialization of a nation and save foreign
Aim and objectives of the work
the aim of my work is to develop naturally occurring
termite mound clay for use of refractory in high
temperature metallurgical applications
Specific objectives of this research are as follows:
To carry out chemical analysis of the clay under study.
To prepare brick samples out of the termite mound clay
for evaluation
To determine the physical and mechanical properties of
the prepared samples.
To construct a portable electric resistance furnace that
can melt 5kg of aluminum scrap using termite mound clay
To test the furnace constructed.
significance of the study
The development of naturally occurring termite mound
clay is significant in the following ways
It will contribute significantly to the effort to use
termite mound clay in high temperature metallurgical
applications and highly reduce the cost of imported
It will also contribute significantly to promote the use
of termite mound clay in foundry business
It will contribute significantly in the training of
students in casting practice.
It will improve working conditions of foundry men and
encourage youths to venture into the foundry work.
This will be involved the actual production of refractory
from the collected raw materials to the final shaped
(formed) product.
1. Mixing
The ground particles will be thoroughly mixed. This will
done for two purposes;
i) For even distribution of the coarse and fine particles
ii) For making moulding easy
2. Moulding
The brick samples will be formed into the required shape
and size with the aid of a wooden box type of mold which
could produce three samples at one go.
3. Drying
The molded refractory will be dried to remove its
moisture. Drying will carried out very slowly and
under particular set of conditions of humidity and
The sample bricks will be air dried until when they
were physically seen to be dry.
From the drying floor the samples will be then put
in an oven operating at 105oC for twelve hours to
remove all the remaining moisture.
4. Firing
The dried refractory will be burnt for verification and
development of stable mineral forms.
In this step the already dried bricks will be passed
through a furnace at a controlled temperature over a
certain fixed duration.
The samples will be fired at a temperature of 1000,0C.
At this temperature, the soaking time was six hours
5. Testing of the brick samples to establish their
stability characteristic properties.
6. Constructing the furnace with it and test its
•To save foreign currency of importation of
•To bring technology transfer for basic metal
industries and the country.
•To promote termite mound clay uses for furnace
•Industries for developing a melting
furnace for different applications.
•Defense University.
•Small and medium enterprises
Materials, Equipment and Tooling Cost and
Financial Requirements

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