Englissh Reproduction by Me

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the reproduction system is

a series of organs and
subtances used by living
things to multiply
 1. Testes
 Testes are human genitals located in the scrotum and there is a pair. The
shape of the testes is oval. The function of the testes is as a producer of male
sex cells (spermatozoa) and has sex hormone testosterone
 2. Epididymis
 Epididymis, the outer channel of the testes as a place of maturation and
temporary storage of sperm cells.
 3. Vas deferens

 vas deferens, the advanced long channel of the epididymis, which serves to
transport the sperm before it is expelled toward the seminal vesicles
 4. Seminal vesicles
 Seminal vesicles, which is a gland that produces semen which is nutritive for
 5. Urethra
 Urethra, the channel on the penis that works for the exit sperm and urine.
 6. Penis
 the penis is to insert the sperm into the female reproductive apparatus. penis
function is to ejaculate, that is by removing sperm through the urethra
 7. Scrotum
 Scrotum, is a sac inside which there is a testicle, its function as a temperature
regulator for sperm
 8.The cowper gland / prostate gland
 Cowper gland ,which produces mucus to lubricate the sperm ducts as it exits
the body.
Inside reproduction organs


Outside reproduction organs perineum
Outside reproduction system
 1. Mons pubis, is a slightly protruding part that is visible from the outside

and is the part that covers the pubic bone (symphysis pubis))
 2. Labia majora, is an advanced mons pubis downward and backward,
many containing many venous plexuses.
 3. Labia minora, are the thin folds of tissue behind the majora, have no hair
follicles. there are many blood vessels, smooth muscle and nerve endings.
 4. Clitoris, is an organ that is erectile and very sensitive to stimulation
 5Vestibule, is the dividing cavity between the minora labia on the right
and left sides. Each of these sections will secrete fluids such as mucus in
the hole of the Bartholini and Skene ducts to facilitate the entry of the penis
during intercourse.
 6. Hymen, is a thin membrane membrane covering the vaginal opening. a
normal hymen there is a small opening for menstrual blood flow
 7. bartholin gland, is a gland located on both sides of the vaginal lips, and
plays a role in removing the lubricant during contact
 8. Perineum, is located in the lower edge of the vulva with the front of the
anus. the perineum stretches during intercourse
Inside Reproduction

 1. Vagina
 the vagina acts as the entrance and way out of the uterus
 2. Uterus
 The uterus is where the fertilized embryo is attached to
grow and develop into a fetus that is ready to be born
 3. Ovarium
 The ovaries are the sex-producing organs in women. This
organ is two pieces and is located on the right and left
 4. Oviduks/ fallopian
 tubesOviduct is a pair of channels connecting the ovaries
with the uterus

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