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Seminar Presentation On
Presented By
Sagar M. Devmane
Jaykumar B. More
Sujay M.Mane
Guided by
Prof. Hapse M.M



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Table of Content

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Need for Energy Audit
• Definition and the Concept
• Primary Objectives of energy audit
• Terms used in Illumination

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• An energy audit is tool to improve energy efficiency
and it is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy
flow for energy conservation in a building.
• Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use,
an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses acc
ording to greatest to least cost effective opportunities f
or energy savings.
• It is very useful to reduce the amount of energy input
into the system without negatively affecting output.

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• Energy audit has been gaining continuous attention due t
o its vital role in the business organizations of reducing e
nergy cost & management of energy expenses.
• Energy audit sometimes called as ‘energy assessment’ or
‘energy study’.
• The motive of energy audit is to identify opportunities of
energy efficiency by finding out answers of where , why,
and how energy is being used in the facility.
• Energy auditing services are offered by energy services c
ompanies (ESCOs), energy consultants & engineering fi

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Need for Energy Audit
• A well done energy audit will always help owners to
understand more about the ways energy is used in
their organization , and help to identify area where
waste can occur and where scope for improvement
• The primary objective of the energy audit is to
determine ways to reduce energy consumption per
unit of product output or to lower operating cost. The
energy audit provides the benchmark or reference
point, for managing and assessing energy use across
the organization and provides the basis for ensuring
more effective use of energy.
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Need for Energy Audit
• The energy audit would give a positive orientation to
the energy cost , reduction, preventive maintenance ,
and quality programs which are vital for production
and utility activities .
• In general , the energy audit is the translation of
conservation ideas and hopes into reality , by lending
technically feasible solution with economic and other
organization consideration within a specified time

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General audit procedure of energy audit can be s
ummarised in three steps,

Evaluate Identify Report

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Definition & the Concept
• Energy Conservation Act, 2001, defined Energy Audit a
s "the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of ene
rgy including submission of technical report containing r
ecommendations for improving energy efficiency with c
ost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy
• Energy audit is a survey made by professionals and the c
lient organization together.
• Energy audit is the key to systematic approach for decisi
on-making in the area of energy management.
• Energy audit aims to bring stability between total energy
inputs and its use. S.B Patil College of Engineering 8
 Primary Objectives of energy audit

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Terms used in Illumination
• Illumination:-When the light falls on upon any surface
the phenomenon is called illumination.
Illumination = flux(lumens)/ area .
• Luminous Flux: It is defined as the total quantity of light
energy emitted per second from luminous body like a lamp
• Lumen:- lumen is the unit of luminous flux.

• Lamp Efficiency: it is the ratio of luminous flux to power

input to a lamp.
• Lamp efficiency = lumens / watts.

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• Space to Height Ratio: It is defined as horizontal distance
between adjacent lamps to the height of their mounting .

• Utilization Factor: It is the ratio of total lumens reaching

the working plane to the total lumens given out by the lamp

• Maintenance Factor: It is the ratio of illumination under

normal working condition to the illumination when
everything is perfectly clean.

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Ground Floor
No. Section Tube Bulb
1 Class Room 12 -
2 Computer Lab 7 -
3 Practical Lab 140 -
4 Admin Office 42 -
5 Seminar Hall 7 -
6 Open Space - 60
Total 208 60

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First Floor
No. Section Tube Bulb
1 Class Room 64 -
2 Computer Lab 18 -
3 Practical Lab 20 -
4 HOD Cabin and 30 -
5 Open Space 30
Total 132 30

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Second Floor
No. Section Tube Bulb
1 Class Room 24 -
2 Computer Lab 38 -
3 Practical Lab 26 -
4 HOD Cabin 1 -
5 Library 56 -
6 Seminar Hall 10
7 Open Space 28
Total 155 28

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Electricity Bill:
Above data used and we are calculated the Energy Consumption in
energy consumption of single tube (require time to 7 hrs.)
28watt * 7hrs = 196 watt/hrs
Monthly energy consumption of single tube
196 * 30 = 5880 watt/hrs
Annual energy consumption of single tube
196 * 365 = 71540 watt/hrs
No. of units of single tube
71540 / 1000 = 71.54 units
Annual energy consumption for total tubes (495 tubes)
495 * 71.54 = 35412.3 units
Annual energy cost for total tubes (unit cost = 12.5 Rs {1000< })
35412.3 * 12.5 = 442653.75
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Thank you !

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