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Model United Nations

Club Débat

Explication de MUN
Basis : What are MUN ?

=> Session of big debates between delegates of predetermined countries.

// UN real sessions

=> Different committees ( Disarmament, Political , Economical and Social, Environment and
Human Rights ) => Committees present at ISYMUN

=> Understand situation, problem and position of your country in the debate/ global policies. +
MUST follow the chosen country's’ policy

The debate is ruled by two ‘referees’ called ‘Chairs’ who are there to assure the good progress of
the debate.
Progression of a MUN session :

- The delegations are going to try to solve a worldwide problematic.

Disarmament : - small arms sales control

- Biological and Chemical weapons

Political : - The global cocaïne trade

- The Israeli - Palestinian conflict

Human rights : - protection worker's rights in developing countries

- trafficking of children

Eco Soc : - Resource allocation

- tax avoidance & the world of Dark Money

Environment : - Animal culture & the environment

- Combating trade in wildlife

Delegates are coming with their clauses => Going to debate on it

Clauses are solutions proposed by delegates to solve the problem

Main Rules to respect during the Debate :

=> The ONLY allowed language is English

=> Delegates HAVE to respect their country’s policy

=> Use of PARLIAMENTARY language ( no familiarities )

=> Using ‘I’ is not allowed => Presented as a delegate or a delegation

=> Use of PLACARDS to make the voice of your country ( for vote, participation… )

=> You MUST wear a correct suit / outfit

Parliamentary procedures :
1. Point of Order

=> Question to the Chair regarding the rules of the conference

1. Point of Personal Privilege

=> Only way to interrupt the speaker ( speech incomprehensible or unintelligible )

1. Point of Inquiry to the Chair ( ≈ Point of order ) => Questions on where the debate is or about the
rules of the debate
2. Motion to enter Caucus ( Stop the whole debate for a certain amount of time for a new lobby )
3. Motion to table a clause ( Vote for the consideration of a clause ) If +, the clause will be submitted after all the
others for ensuring the quality and the efficiency of the committee
4. Motion to divide the House
=> Motion to the Chair to
make everyone voting ( no cheat ) => Rarely used
I : Lobbying

Each session of MUN begin with a lobbying.

=> Consists in going around and present your clause ( if you have one ) or finding clause where
your country may agree.

=> Leads to teamwork and participate to the clause by signing it to show your approval

=> Lasts a few minutes before the debate

Clauses need signatures !! Several countries may propose their clause together
II : Open debate

=> Presentation of the clause usually on the screen and also presented by the proposer in front
of the other delegates ( one delegate even if it is a collaborative clause )

=> Then the floor is open to amendments ( modification of the clause in front of the
delegations), but also speakers wishing to vote in favor or against the clause.

=> The ‘open debate’ is the main part of the session

III : Close Debate

=> Floor is open to some points of view

=> Amendments aren’t in order ( except if you’re against the clause )

IV : Voting Procedure

=> Last part of the debate on one clause

=> Could be vote on the clause or on the amendment

=> Three possibilities :

- Voting for the clause / - Voting against the clause / - Abstention

=> It happens after the whole debate = all the parts of it

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