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ME 259

Heat Transfer
Lecture Slides I

Dr. Gregory A. Kallio

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Mechatronic Engineering &
Manufacturing Technology
California State University, Chico

1/22/05 ME 259 1

Reading: Incropera & DeWitt

Chapter 1

1/22/05 ME 259 2
Heat Transfer as a Course

 Has a “reputation” for being one of the

most challenging courses in ME
 Why??
– Physically diverse: thermodynamics,
material science, diffusion theory, fluid
mechanics, radiation theory
– Higher-level math: vector calculus, ODEs,
PDEs, numerical methods
– Physically elusive: heat is invisible;
developing intuition takes time
– Appropriate assumptions: required to
simplify and solve most problems
 However, Heat Transfer is interesting, fun,
and readily applicable to the real world

1/22/05 ME 259 3
Relevance of Heat Transfer

 Electric Power Generation

 Alternate Energy Systems
 Combustion/Propulsion Systems
 Building Design
 Heating & Cooling Systems
 Domestic Appliances
 Materials/Food Processing
 Electronics Cooling & Packaging
 Cryogenics
 Environmental Processes
 Space Vehicle Systems

1/22/05 ME 259 4
Definition of Heat Transfer

 Flow of energy due solely to a temperature

– all other forms of energy transfer are
categorized as work
– from 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, heat
flows in direction of decreasing temperature
– heat energy can be transported through a
solid, liquid, gas, or vacuum

1/22/05 ME 259 5
Heat Quantities
Quantity Text Notation SI Unit English Unit

heat Q Joule (J) Btu

(heat transfer)

heat rate q Watt (W) Btu/hr

(heat transfer rate)
(heat energy rate)
(rate of heat flow)

heat flux q” W/m2 Btu/hr-ft2

(heat rate per unit area)

heat rate per unit length q’ W/m Btu/hr-ft

volumetric heat generation q W/m3 Btu/hr-ft3

(rate of heat production per
unit volume)

Conversions: 1 Btu = 1054 J

1 kcal = 4184 J

1/22/05 ME 259 6
Relationship Between the Study of
Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics

 1st Law of Thermodynamics for Closed

Q  W  Esys
 Thermodynamics - allows calculation of total
heat transferred (Q) during a process in which
system goes from one equilibrium state to
another (i.e., the “big picture”)
 Heat Transfer - provides important physical
laws that allow calculation of instantaneous
heat rate, length of time required for process to
occur, and temperature distribution within
material at any time (i.e., the “details” required
for design)

1/22/05 ME 259 7
Heat Transfer Modes

 Conduction
– transfer of heat due to random molecular or
atomic motion within a material (aka
– most important in solids
 Convection
– transfer of heat between a solid surface
and fluid due to combined mechanisms of
a) diffusion at surface; b) bulk fluid flow
within boundary layer
 Radiation
– transfer of heat due to emission of
electromagnetic waves, usually between
surfaces separated by a gas or vacuum

1/22/05 ME 259 8
Heat Transfer Modes - Conduction

 Rate equation (Fourier & Biot, 1820) is known

as Fourier’s law; for 1-D conduction,
dT dT
qx  kA or qx  k
dx dx

 where qx = heat rate in x-direction (W)

q”x = heat flux in x-direction (W/m2)
T = temperature (°C or K)
A = area normal to heat flow (m2)
k = thermal conductivity of material
(W/m-K); see Tables A.1-A.7

1/22/05 ME 259 9
Heat Transfer Modes - Conduction

 Steady-state heat conduction through a plane

T1 k T2

q (T1>T2)

qx  constant   k
if k  constant, then  constant
dT T2  T1 T T
  , qx  k 1 2
dx L L

1/22/05 ME 259 10
Heat Transfer Modes - Conduction

 Example: What thickness of plate glass would

yield the same heat flux as 3.5 of glass-fiber
insulation with the same S-S temperature
difference (T1-T2) ?

1/22/05 ME 259 11
Heat Transfer Modes - Conduction

 Insulation “R-value”:
L ft 
" R - value" 
 Btu 
 hr - ft - F 

 where 1 W/m-K = 0.578 Btu/hr-ft-°F

1/22/05 ME 259 12
Heat Transfer Modes - Convection

 Rate equation (Newton, 1700) is known as

Newton’s law of “cooling”:

q  h(Ts  T ) or q  hAs (Ts  T )

Fluid flow, T Ts (>T)

 where q” = heat flux normal to surface

q = heat rate from or to surface As
Ts = surface temperature
T = freestream fluid temperature
As = surface area exposed to fluid
h = convection heat transfer coefficient

1/22/05 ME 259 13
Heat Transfer Modes - Convection

 The convection heat transfer coefficient (h)

– is not a material property
– is a complicated function of the many
parameters that influence convection such
as fluid velocity, fluid properties, and
surface geometry
– is often determined by experiment rather
than theory
– will be given in most HW problems until we
reach Chapter 6

1/22/05 ME 259 14
Heat Transfer Modes - Convection

 Types of Convection
– Forced convection: flow caused by an
external source such as a fan, pump, or
atmospheric wind
– Free (or natural) convection: flow induced
by buoyancy forces such as that from a
heated plate
– Phase change convection: flow and latent
heat exchange associated with boiling or

1/22/05 ME 259 15
Heat Transfer Modes - Radiation
 Rate equation is the Stefan-Boltzmann law which gives
the energy flux due to thermal radiation that is emitted
from a surface; for a black body:

Eb  Ts4
 For non-black bodies,

E  Ts4

 where E = emissive power (W/m2)

 = Stefan-Boltzmann constant
= 5.67x10-8 W/m2-K4
 = emissivity (0< <1) of surface
Ts = surface temperature in absolute
units (K)

1/22/05 ME 259 16
Heat Transfer Modes - Radiation

 Radiation incident upon an object may be

reflected, transmitted, or absorbed:
G G



G = irradiation (incident radiation)
 = reflectivity (fraction of G that is reflected)
 = transmissivity (fraction of G that is transmitted
 = absorptivity (fraction of G that is absorbed)
 = emissivity (fraction of black body emission)

 E and the interaction of G with each

participating object determines the net heat
transfer between objects
1/22/05 ME 259 17
Heat Transfer Modes - Radiation

 Heat transfer between a small object and

larger surroundings (As<<Asur):
q"   (Ts4  Tsur
) or q  As (Ts4  Tsur


 , As Ts

 where  = emissivity of small object

As = surface area of small object
Ts = surface temperature of small
object (K)
Tsur = temperature of surroundings (K)
1/22/05 ME 259 18
Conservation of Energy – Control

 Control volume energy balance:

mass out

mass in W

– from thermodynamics:
 i ui  Pi vi  Vi2 / 2  gzi  
Q  W   m

 e e e e e / 2  gze  

m u  P v  V 2

e dt

– Incropera & DeWitt text notation:

Ein  Eout  E g  E st

1/22/05 ME 259 19
Conservation of Energy – Control

 Energy rates:
E in  all heat and work rates entering CV
E out  all heat and work rates exiting CV
E  rate of energy generationwithin CV

E st  rate of energy storage within CV

– where:
 dT
Est  cvV for ideal gases and
incompressible substances

E st  0 if steady - state conditions exist

1/22/05 ME 259 20
Conservation of Energy – Control

 Surface energy balance:



– since a control surface is a special control

volume that contains no volume, energy
generation and storage terms are zero; this

E in  E out  0

1/22/05 ME 259 21
Summary: The Laws Governing
Heat Transfer

 Fundamental Laws
– Conservation of mass
– Conservation of momentum
– Conservation of energy
 Heat Rate Laws
– Fourier’s law of heat conduction
– Newton’s law of convection
– Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiation
 Supplementary Laws
– Second law of thermodynamics
– Equations of state:
» ideal gas law
» tabulated thermodynamic properties
» caloric equation (definition of specific heat)

1/22/05 ME 259 22
Objectives of a Heat Transfer

– Calculate T(x,y,z,t) or q for a system
undergoing a specified process
» e.g., calculate daily heat loss from a house
» e.g., calculate operating temperature of a
semiconductor chip with heat sink/fan

– Determine a configuration and operating
conditions that yield a specified T(x,y,z,t) or q
» e.g., determine insulation needed to meet a
specified daily heat loss from a house
» e.g., determine heat sink and/or fan needed to keep
operating temperature of a semiconductor chip
below a specified value

1/22/05 ME 259 23
Classes of Heat Transfer Problems

 Thermal Barriers
– insulation
– radiation shields
 Heat Transfer Enhancement (heat
– boilers, evaporators, condensers, etc.
– solar collectors
– finned surfaces
 Temperature Control
– cooling of electronic components
– heat treating & quenching of metals
– minimizing thermal stress
– heating appliances (toaster, oven, etc.)

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