Pronounce Congratulation

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Mira : Chris, would you like to try these cookies?

Chris : Sure, thanks. What is the occasion?
Mira : I just graduated at last grade on my English course
Chris : Well done! Congratulation!
Mira : Thanks. Let’s go celebrate it.
Chris : Good idea
Simbol Cara Baca Contoh
ɪ Hampir mirip seperti: sate Minute (mɪnɪt)
Ae Hampir mirip seperti: ember atau bebek Dress (draes)
ɒ A ditambah sedikit O Lot (lɒt)
ʌ Seperti ə (jembatan) + ɑː Love (lʌv)
ʊ Seperti ə (jembatan) +u Foot ( fʊt)
ɜː Seperti ə (jembatan) + r Learn (lɜːn)
ə Seperti mengucapkan: jembatan About (ə’bɒʊt)

Simbol Cara Baca Contoh

iː i Sea (si:)
U: u Two (tu:)
ɑː a Father (fɑːðər)
ɔː o War (wɔːr)
eə ea Various ( veəriəs)
Simbol Cara Baca Contoh
eɪ ei Break (breɪk)
aɪ ai High (haɪ)
əʊ eu Show (ʃəʊ)
aʊ au Now (naʊ)
ɔɪ oi Choice (tʃɔɪs)
ɪə Iye Here (hɪər)
eə Eye Fair (feər)
ʊə Ue Poor (pʊər)
Simbol Cara Baca Contoh
dʒ Je (pengucapan tebal) Age (eɪ dʒ)
ð dj Smooth (smu:ð)
ʒ Z+h Pleasure (Plɜʒər)
ŋ ng Sing (sɪŋ)
Simbol Cara Baca Contoh
p p Copy (kɑpi)
t t Button (bʌtən)
k k School (sku:l)
tʃ Che Nature (neɪ tʃə)
f f Coffee ( kɔːfɪ)
Θ Tsa Thing (Θɪŋ)
s s Sister (sistər)
ʃ Syi National (naeʃənəl)
h h Ahead (əhɜd)
Mira : Chris, would you like to try these cookies?
(wʊd yu laɪk tʊ traɪ ðiz kʊkis)
Chris : Sure, thanks. What is the occasion?
(ʃʊr, Θæŋks. Wʌt ɪz ði ə’keɪʒən)
Mira : I just graduated at last grade on my English course
(aɪ dʒʌst grædʒuɪted ət last greɪd ɔn maɪ iŋglɪʃ kɔrs
Chris : Well done! Congratulation!
(wæl dʌn ! Kən’ grætjʊ’leɪʃən)
Mira : Thanks. Let’s go celebrate it.
(Θæŋks. Læts goʊ sæləbreɪt ɪt)
Chris : Good idea
(gʊd aɪdi.ə)

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