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Interest Rate Changes &
Differences Between Interest
Rates Can Be Explained by
Several Variables
 Term to Maturity.
 Default Risk.
 Tax Treatment.
 Marketability.
 Call or Put Features.
 Convertibility.

Finance 308 2
Need to Understand Yields
 Individual and institutional investors must
understand why quoted yields vary so they can
determine whether the extra yield is worth the
 Financial managers of corporations or
government agencies in need of funds must
understand why quoted yields vary, so they can
estimate the yield they would have to offer in
order to sell new debt securities.

Finance 308 3
Selected Rates of Interest,
February 9, 2005 (Wall Street Journal)
Financial Security Interest Rate (%)
Dealer Commercial Paper, 3 months 2.70%
GE Capital Commercial Paper, 90 to 119 days 2.68%
Banker’s Acceptances, 90 days 2.70%
U.S. Government Securities
13 weeks Treasury bills 2.480%
26 weeks Treasury bills 2.710%
10 year Treasury notes 4.03%

Finance 308 4
Selected Rates of Interest,
February 9, 2005 (Wall Street Journal)
Financial Security Interest Rate(%)
AA Municipals (General Obligations) 7-12 year 3.35%
AA Municipals (General Obligations) 12-22 year 3.65%
High Quality Corporate Bonds 1-10 year 4.10%
Medium Quality Corporate Bonds 1-10 year 4.46%
High Quality Corporate Bonds 10+ years 5.14%
Medium Quality Corporate Bonds 10+ years 5.49%
High Yield Corporate Bonds 6.88%
Finance 308 5
Yield Curve
 The Term to Maturity of a financial claim is the
length of time until the principal amount
becomes payable.
 The relationship between yield and Term to
Maturity on securities that differ only in length
of time to maturity is called the Term Structure
of Interest Rates. Shown by the Yield Curve.
 The Yield Curve is the graph of the relationship
between interest rates on particular securities
and their yield to maturity. Same default risk.

Finance 308 6
Term (Maturity) Structure

 May Be Studied Visually by Plotting a

Yield Curve at a Point in Time
 The yield curve may be ascending, flat,
or descending.
 Several theories explain the shape of
the yield curve.

Finance 308 7
Yield Curves in the 2000s

Finance 308 8
Yield Curve (February 10, 2005)

Source: Bloomberg Web Site:
Finance 308 9
The Expectations Theory of
the Term Structure
 The slope of the yield curve reflects investors’
expectations about future interest rates.
 Ascending: future interest rates are expected to
 Descending: future interest rates are expected to
 Long-term interest rates represent the
geometric average of current and expected
future (implied, forward) interest rates.
Finance 308 10
The Expectations Theory of
Term Structure (concluded)
 Investors are assumed to trade in a
very efficient market with excellent
information and minimal trading costs.
 Other theories discussed later presume
less efficient markets.

Finance 308 11
Expectations Theory Notations
t 1 = The actual market rate of
interest on a one year
security today (time t)

R = The current rate of interest

t 10
for a 10 year security

f = The one year interest rate one

t+1 1
year in the future

Finance 308 12
Term Structure Formula from
Expectation Theory
1 t Rn    1 t R1 1 t 1f1 1 t 2 f1   1 t n1f1  

where :
R  the observed market rate,
f  the forward rate,
t  time period for which the rate is applicable ,
n  maturity of the bond.
Finance 308 13
An Implied One Year Forward
Rate From the Term Structure

 1 t Rn   n
t  n 1 f1     1
 1 t Rn 1  
n 1

Finance 308 14
Finding a One-Year Implied
Forward Rate
 Using term structure of interest rates from January 29,
1999, find the one-year implied forward rate for year
 1-year Treasury bill 4.51%
 2-year Treasury note 4.58%
 3-year Treasury note 4.57%

 1  .0457  3 
3 f1   2
 1  0.0455 or 4.55%
 1  .0458 

Finance 308 15
Expectations Theory
Year One year Expected
Coupon Rate Yield
1 8.75% 8.75%
2 9.20% 8.97%
3 9.65% 9.20%
4 10.45% 9.51%
5 10.85% 9.97%
Finance 308 16
Liquidity Premium Theory

 Long-term securities have greater risk and

investors require greater premiums to give up
 Long-term securities have greater price variability.
 Long-term securities have less marketability.
 The liquidity premium explains an upward
sloping yield curve.
 Investors are not indifferent between
purchasing long-term vs. short term securities
Finance 308 17
Liquidity Premium Theory
 Today’s long-term rates reflect the geometric
average of intervening short-term rates plus a
premium that investors demand for holding long-
term securities instead of a series of short-term
risky investments.
 The liquidity premium increases as maturity
increases, because the longer the maturity of a
security, the greater its price risk.
 Thus, an investor would not be indifferent between
a 5-year bond and a series of five 1-year bonds.

Finance 308 18
Market Segmentation Theory
 Maturity preferences by investors may affect
security prices (yields), explaining variations
in yields by time
 Market participants have strong preferences
for securities of particular maturity and buy
and sell securities consistent with their
maturity preferences.
 If market participants do not trade outside
their maturity preferences, then
discontinuities are possible in the yield curve.

Finance 308 19
Market Segmentation Theory
 For instance, commercial banks may
prefer short-term investments while
pension funds and life insurance
companies make generally long-term
investments that coincide with their
long-term liabilities.

Finance 308 20
Preferred Habitat Theory
 The Preferred Habitat Theory is an extension
of the Market Segmentation Theory.
 The Preferred Habitat Theory allows market
participants to trade outside of their preferred
maturity if adequately compensated for the
additional risk.
 The Preferred Habitat Theory allows for
humps or twists in the yield curve, but limits
the discontinuities possible under
Segmentation Theory.
Finance 308 21
Which Theory is Right?
 Day-to-day changes in the term
structure are most consistent with the
Preferred Habitat Theory.
 However, in the long-run, expectations
of future interest rates and liquidity
premiums are important components of
the position and shape of the yield

Finance 308 22
Yield Curves and the Business
 Interest rates are directly related to the level of
economic activity.
 An ascending yield curve notes the market

expectations of economic expansion and/or inflation.

 A descending yield curve forecasts lower rates

possibly related to slower economic growth or lower

inflation rates.
 Security markets respond to updated new information
and expectations and reflect their reactions in security
prices and yields.

Finance 308 23
Interest-rate and Yield-curve
Patterns Over the Business Cycle

Finance 308 24
Default Risk Is the Probability
of the DSU Not Honoring the
Security Contract
 Losses may range from “interest a few days
late” to a complete loss of principal.
 Risk averse investors want adequate
compensation for expected default losses.
 Measured as the difference paid on a risky
security and the rate paid on a default-free
security, all other factors held constant.

Finance 308 25
Default Risk, cont.
 Investors charge a default risk premium
(above riskless or less risky securities) for
added risk assumed
 DRP = i - irf
 The default risk premium (DRP) is the
difference between the promised or nominal
rate and the yield on a comparable (same
term) riskless security (Treasury security).
 Investors are satisfied if the default risk
premium is equal to the expected default

Finance 308 26
Risk Premiums (2/02)
Exhibit 6.5
Notice that as bond rating quality declines, the default risk premium increases.



Corporate bonds: Aaa 6.51 5.61 0.90

Corporate bonds: Aa 6.95 5.61 1.34
Corporate bonds: A 7.37 5.61 1.76
Corporate bonds: Baa 7.89 5.61 2.28

Twenty-year Treasury bond yield.


Source: Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15 and Dow Jones Market Data

Finance 308 27
Default Risk, Cont.

 Default Risk Premiums Increase (Widen) in

Periods of Recession and Decrease in
Economic Expansion
 In good times, risky security prices are bid
up; yields move nearer that of riskless
 With increased economic pessimism,
investors sell risky securities and buy
“quality” widening the DRP.
 “Flight to Quality” during periods of

Finance 308 28
Default Risk, cont.
 Credit Rating Agencies Measure and Grade
Relative Default Risk Security Issuers
 Cash flow, level of fixed contractual cash
payments, profitability, and variability of
earnings are indicators of default riskiness.
 As conditions change, rating agencies alter
rating of businesses and governmental

Finance 308 29
Corporate Bond-Rating Systems

Finance 308 30
Tax Effects on Yields
 The Taxation of Security Gains and Income Affects the
Yield Differences Among Securities
 The after-tax return, iat, is found by multiplying the pre-
tax return by one minus the marginal tax rate.
iat = ibt(1-t)
 Municipal bond interest income is currently tax exempt.
(See footnote 4, on page 147.)
 Capital gains for individuals are taxed differently than
ordinary income such as corporate bond interest.
 Maximum rate of 15% for gains on securities held by
individuals for more than one year (effective May 5, 2003).

Finance 308 31
Should you buy a municipal or a
corporate bond?

0% 7% 10(1 - 0.00) = 10.0%

10 7 10(1 - 0.10) = 9.0
20 7 10(1 - 0.20) = 8.0
30 7 10(1 - 0.30) = 7.0
40 7 10(1 - 0.40) = 6.0
50 7 10(1 - 0.50) = 5.0

Tax Equivalent Yield (TEY) is a useful

concept, especially for wealthy individuals
and fully-taxed corporations.
Finance 308 32
Differences in Marketability
Affect Interest Yields
 Marketability -- The costs and rapidity with
which investors can resell a security.
 Cost of trade.
 Physical transfer cost.
 Search costs.
 Information costs.
 Liquidity.
 Securities with good marketability have higher
prices (in demand) and lower yields.

Finance 308 33
Contract Options and Yields
 Varied Option Provisions May Explain Yield
Differences Between Securities
 An option is a contract provision which gives
the holder the right, but not the obligation, to
buy,sell, redeem, or convert an asset at some
specified price within a defined future time

Finance 308 34
Contract Options and Yields
 A Call Option Permits the Issuer (Borrower) to
Call (Refund) the Obligation Before Maturity
 Borrowers will “call” if interest rates decline.
 Investors in callable securities bear the risk of
losing their high-yielding security.
 With increased call risk, investors demand a
call interest premium (CIP).
 CIP = ic – inc > 0
 A callable bond, ic, will be priced to yield a higher
return (by the CIP) than a noncallable, inc, bond.

Finance 308 35
Call Option on Bonds
 Most corporate and municipal bonds and some
U.S. Government bonds contain a call option in
their contracts.
 Similar to a Mortgage
 Many corporate bonds have a Deferred Call
provision rather than an Immediate Call provision.
 With corporate bonds, the premium initially set is
usually one year’s interest above the par value. A
municipality may be able to call its bonds without
any premiums being paid.

Finance 308 36
Contract Options and Yields
 A put option permits the investor (lender) to
terminate the contract at a designated price
before maturity
 Investors are likely to “put” their security or
loan back to the borrower during periods of
increasing interest rates. The difference in
interest rates between putable and
nonputable contracts is called the put interest
discount (PID).
 PID = ip – inp < 0
 The yield on a putable bond, ip, will be lower
than the yield on the nonputable bond, inp, by
the PID.
Finance 308 37
Contract Options and Yields
 A Conversion Option Permits the Investor to
Convert a Security Contract Into Another
 Convertible bonds generally have lower yields,
icon, than nonconvertibles, incon.
 The conversion yield discount (CYD) is the
difference between the yields on convertibles
relative to nonconvertibles.
 CYD = icon – incon < 0. Investors accept the lower
yield on convertible bonds because they have
an opportunity for increased rates of return
through conversion.
Finance 308 38
 Term Structure of Interest
 Expectations
 Liquidity Premium
 Market Segmentation
 Preferred Habitat
 Use of Yield Curve
 Default Risk
 Tax Equivalent Yield
 Options
 Put
 Call
 Convertible

Finance 308 39

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