Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

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Cuk Imawan

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Mengapa UI ingin Liberal Arts?

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

"college or university curriculum aimed at imparting general
knowledge and developing general intellectual capacities, in
contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum.“
(The Encyclopædia Britannica Concise )

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Liberal Arts mission: to offer a comprehensive, broad-based education
in the Liberal Arts (the study of language, literature, the natural sciences,
the social sciences, and philosophy) in which you will learn about the
human condition and the physical world. This education teaches you to
explore, to create, to interpret, to weigh ideas, evidence and the claims
of authorities, to think logically, and to adapt to new situations.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

The Value of a Liberal Arts Education
A Harvard education is a liberal education — that is, an education
conducted in a spirit of free inquiry undertaken without concern for
topical relevance or vocational utility. This kind of learning is not only one
of the enrichments of existence; it is one of the achievements of
civilization. It heightens students' awareness of the human and natural
worlds they inhabit. It makes them more reflective about their beliefs and
choices, more self-conscious and critical of their presuppositions and
motivations, more creative in their problem-solving, more perceptive of
the world around them, and more able to inform themselves about the
issues that arise in their lives, personally, professionally, and socially.
College is an opportunity to learn and reflect in an environment free from
most of the constraints on time and energy that operate in the rest of life.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Academic Programs
Our curriculum encourages students to explore many disciplines and to
develop a deep understanding in one area of concentration. …..

 During their first two years at Princeton, students in the A.B. degree program
are encouraged to explore the curriculum. They are required to complete 1
or 2 courses in each of seven general areas:
 epistemology and cognition,
 ethical thought and moral values,
 historical analysis,
 literature and the arts,
 quantitative reasoning,
 laboratory science and technology, and
 social analysis.
All A.B. students must demonstrate proficiency in English composition
through a one-semester writing seminar. They also must become proficient
in a foreign language. Princeton offers courses in more than 18 foreign

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Yale is committed to the idea of a liberal arts education through which
students think and learn across disciplines, literally liberating or freeing
the mind to its fullest potential. The essence of such an education is not
what you study but the result – gaining the ability to think critically and
independently and to write, reason, and communicate clearly – the
foundation for all professions.
 There is no specific class you have to take at Yale, but you are required
to learn broadly and deeply. Depth is covered in your major. Breadth is
covered in three study areas (the humanities and arts, the sciences, and
the social sciences) and three skill areas (writing, quantitative reasoning,
and foreign language). A Yale education instills in students the values,
goals, skills, and knowledge they need to pursue inspiring work, to take
joy in lifetime learning, and to lead successful and meaningful lives.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 MIT is a research university committed to world-class inquiry in math,
science and technology - but you may be surprised to learn that we require
more liberal arts courses than many liberal arts institutions.
 All MIT undergraduates, regardless of major, must complete the following
requirements in order to graduate:
 9 subjects in Math, Science & Technology:
Mathematics 2 subjects, Physics 2 subjects, Biology 1 subject , Chemistry 1
subject , Lab Requirement 1 subject, Restricted Electives 2 subjects,
 8 subjects in Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences:
Distribution Requirement 3 subjects, Concentration Requirement 3-4
subjects, Electives 1-2 subject s.
 In addition, students must satisfy the requirements of their major, the
communication requirement, and the physical education.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Core Curriculum
A Caltech education requires not just the depth of an option
(major), but also considerable breadth in basic science, humanities,
and social science. Caltech’s core curriculum prepares students for
the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research in science
and technology and positions Caltech graduates for leadership
roles in academia and industry. Significant study in the humanities
and social sciences is an important component of Caltech’s core
curriculum, giving our alumni the ability to navigate the societal,
political, and economic factors that influence (and are influenced
by) their work.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

The 21st century is an era in which we are rediscovering the importance
of liberal arts education. Environmental problems on a global scale, issues
concerning the development of environment-friendly forms of energy to
replace fossil fuels, ethnic conflicts and human security, all these issues
are so complex that they can not be solved with the vertically divided
academic disciplines of the past. Now is the time where human resources
with a comprehensive outlook and the qualifications to solve difficult
problems are needed. Since its founding in 1949 the College of Arts and
Sciences at the University of Tokyo has implemented liberal arts
education based on the principle of late specialization, which allows
students to choose their specialization after they have acquired a broad
education and become aware of their aptitudes.

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Institut Teknologi

• Columbia • Caltech
• Georgetown • MIT
• Harvard
• John Hopkins
• Princenton
• Chicago
• Pennsylvania
• Ithaca
• Cornell
• Stanford

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

California Institute of Technology

Caltech's core curriculum includes

1. five terms of mathematics
2. five terms of physics
3. two terms of chemistry
4. one term of biology
5. two terms of introductory lab courses
6. two terms of science writing
7. twelve terms of humanities courses

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

General Institute Requirements:

1. Science Core
• Calculus (two courses)
• Physics (two courses)
• Chemistry (one course)
• Biology (one course)
2. Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences (eight courses)
3. Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (two course)
4. Laboratory (one or two courses)
5. Writing (two phases--basic competency in expository writing and
more specialized forms of writing in chosen field)
6. Physical Education (four courses)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Columbia University

The Core Curriculum is the cornerstone of a Columbia education. Central to the intellectual
mission of the Core is the goal of providing all Columbia students, regardless of their
major or concentration, with wide-ranging perspectives on significant ideas and
achievements in literature, philosophy, history, music, art, and science. The skills and habits
honed by the Core—observation, analysis, argument, imaginative comparison, respect for
ideas, nuances, and differences—provide a rigorous preparation for life as an intelligent
citizen in today’s complex and changing world.
1. Literature Humanities (two courses/one year)
2. Contemporary Civilization (two courses/one year)
3. Art Humanities (one course)
4. Music Humanities (one course)
5. Foreign Language (four terms)
6. Logic and Rhetoric (one course)
7. Major Cultures (two terms from List of Approved Courses)
8. Physical Education ( two terms from List of Approved Courses)
9. Science (three terms from List of Approved Courses)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

• Writing (two Freshman seminars)
• Foreign Language ("proficiency" in one or "qualification" in two)
• Distribution Requirements (nine courses, four from Groups 1 and 2 and five from Groups 3
and 4)
1. Group 1--Physical and Biological Sciences (at least two courses)
2. Group 2--Quantitative and Formal Reasoning (at least one course)
3. Group 3--Social Science and History (at least two courses)
4. Group 4--Humanities and the Arts (at least two courses)

• General Education Requirements
• Literature (two courses)
• Math/Science (two courses)
• Social Science (two courses)
• History (two courses)
• Theology (two courses)
• Philosophy (two courses)
• Foreign Language (mastery through intermediate level)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

HARVARD  Core Curriculum:
 Foreign Cultures
 Historical Study (two courses)
 Literature and Arts (three courses)
 Moral Reasoning (one course)
 Science (two courses)
 Social Analysis (one course)
 Quantitative Reasoning
 Expository Writing (one course)
 Foreign Language (one or two courses)

• Major Program (varies by department)
• Distribution Requirement (30 credits in areas outside major/department)
• Natural Sciences
• Mathematics or other Quantitative Studies
• Humanities
• Social or Behavioral Sciences
• Engineering
• Writing (four courses across the curriculum)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Writing (one term, no exemptions)
 Foreign Language ("demonstrated proficiency"--may place out)
 Distribution Requirements:
 Epistemology and cognition (one course)
 Ethical thought and moral values (one course)
 Historical analysis (one course)
 Literature and the arts (two courses)
 Quantitative reasoning (one course)
 Science and technology with laboratory (two courses)
 Social analysis (two courses)

• Writing (first-year and major requirements)
• Language (one year of college-level study or the equivalent)
• General Education Requirements:
1. Culture, Ideas, and Values (three-quarter courses)
2. Natural Sciences, Applied Science and Technology, and Mathematics
3. (three courses, no more than two in same subarea)
4. Humanities and Social Sciences (three courses, at least one in each subarea)
5. World Cultures, American Cultures, and Gender Studies (at least one course
in two of the three subareas)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 General Education Courses (must be completed in first two years)
 Humanities and Civilization (six quarter courses)
 Natural and Mathematical Sciences (six quarter courses)
 Social Sciences (three quarter courses)
 Foreign Language (competency examination given annually--AP, study abroad,
 and course work options)

• Writing (writing seminar in first year and several writing across the university
• Language
• General Requirement (ten courses required, two in each of Sectors I, II, and III; one
each in Sectors IV, V, and VI; and one additional course either in Sector IV, V, or VI
or in Sector VII)
1. Sector I: Society
2. Sector II: History and Tradition
3. Sector III: Arts and Letters
4. Sector IV: Formal Reasoning and Analysis
5. Sector V: The Living World
6. Sector VI: The Physical World
7. Sector VII: Science Studies
8. Quantitative Skills Requirement (1 designated course)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Liberal Arts Requirements & Lists (School of Business) Sometimes Called Restricted
 To graduate you will need at least 60 Liberal Arts (LA) credits. Some of your liberal
arts electives will meet Major requirements and Liberal Arts Requirements.
 Liberal Arts Electives Required of all Accounting and Business Administration
 3 credits Macroeconomics ECON 12100
 3 credits Microeconomics ECON 12200
 4 credits Calculus MATH 10700, or MATH 10800, or MATH 10803, or MATH 11100
 3-4 credits Statistics MATH 14400, or MATH 24300, or MATH 24400, or MATH 24402, or
 3-4 credits Writing WRTG 16300
 3-4 credits Computer Science COMP 11000 or COMP 17100
 3 credits Speech SPCM 11000 or SPCM 11500
 3 credits Applied Ethical Issues HRM 32000
 The School of Business requires at least: (Restricted Business or Accounting Electives)
 6 credits Social Science Liberal Arts
 6 credits Humanities Liberal Arts
 3 credits Natural Science Liberal Arts in Biology or Chemistry or Physics
 3 credits “Business Oriented Cultural Diversity Liberal Arts Elective”

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia


Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Liberal Arts di PT di USA:
• Bagian dari ciri khas dan karakter PT
• Sebagai kurikulum Universitas
(mata kuliah wajib bagi semua mahasiswa)

• Secara umum materinya:

- Bahasa & Literacy
- Sosial & Budaya
- Art & Humaniora
- Olah raga
- Sains
- Quantitative Reasoning
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
Liberal Arts di PT di USA: Kondisi UI saat ini:

• Bagian dari ciri khas dan • Bagian dari ciri khas dan
karakter PT karakter UI?
• Sebagai kurikulum Universitas  PDPT - UI
(mata kuliah wajib bagi semua

• Secara umum materinya: • Kurikulum PDPT UI:

- Bahasa & Literacy - Bahasa Inggris
- Sosial & Budaya - Seni / Olah Raga
- Art & Humaniora - MPKT (bhs indonesia, dan
- - Olah raga materi yg lebih ke arah Sosial
& Humaniora)
- Sains
- Quantitative Reasoning ???
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
Liberal Arts di PT di USA: Kondisi UI saat ini:
• Secara umum materinya: • Kurikulum Universitas saat ini:
- Bahasa & Literatur - Bahasa Inggris (3 sks)
- Sosial & Kultur - Seni / Olah Raga (1 sks)
- Art & Humaniora - MPKT (6 sks) (lebih ke arah
- Olah raga Sosial & Humaniora)
- Sains (Natural Science Liberal
Arts ):
Physical sciences (Physics,
Astronomy, Physical
Geography, Chemistry)
 Life Sciences (Biology, - MPKT B ( 6 sks)
Environment) (dengan penyesuaian level UI)
- Quantitative Reasoning
Perlu disusun kurikulum khas/
-  Mathematic
karakter UI
 Calculus
Umumnya wajib lulus 2  4 MK Mengandung Kearifan lokal
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
Mata Kuliah PS

MK Wajib Fakultas/ Rumpun Ilmu

3 SKS Bahasa Inggris

1 SKS Seni/Olah raga
2 SKS Agama
18 SKS MK Wajib UI
Liberal Arts ala UI
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
 Kompetensi apa yang harus dimiliki oleh Sarjana UI?
 Keterampilan apa yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat?

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Tempo, Ed. 14-20 Mei 2007

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
“Job Outlook 2003”

 Communication skills (4.7 average)

 honesty/integrity (4.7)
 teamwork skills (4.6)
 interpersonal skills (4.5)
 motivation/initiative (4.5)
 strong work ethic (4.5)

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia


Rel Teacher Centered Learning dan belum terintegrasi



Rel Student Centered Learning dan Terintegrasi

Tahun ke

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia



Rel SCL Rel SCeL & terintegrasi

Tahun ke

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia



Rel Student Centered e-Learning & terintegrasi

Tahun ke

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia



Rel Student Centered Learning

Tahun ke

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Pokok Bahasan MPKT A Pokok Bahasan MPKT B

1. Bumi Tempat Tinggal

1. Logika, Filsafat, dan Kita
2. Manusia, Akhlak, Budi 2. Lingkungan Hidup
Pekerti dan Masyarakat
3. Permasalahan
3. Bangsa, Negara, dan
Lingkungan Hidup
4. Bahasa Indonesia
4. Penalaran Kuantitatif

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Bumi tempat tinggal kita
o Planet bumi
o Keseimbangan energi di bumi
o Pengenalan Geologi dan lempeng tektonik
o Proses biogeografi, Bioma dan Biogeokimia
o Daya dukung Bumi
o Material baru dan terbarukan
 Lingkungan hidup
o Ekosistem
o Diversitas biologi & Restorasi ekologi
o Energi dan Lingkungan
o Pertumbuhan dan populasi manusia
o Konsep lingkungan sehat
o Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan
 Permasalahan lingkungan
o Topologi Permukaan
o Kesehatan lingkungan
o Atmosfer bumi dan cuaca
o Pengolahan limbah
o Perencanaan untuk keberlanjutan masa depan
o Pengaruh perkembangan teknologi terhadap lingkungan
o Kerusakan lingkungan

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

 Penunjang Penalaran Kuantitatif
o Sains dan metode ilmiah
o Peta konsep
o Merancang presentasi dengan PowerPoint
 Penalaran Numerik
o Visualisasi Informasi dengan Gambar dan Grafik
o Relasi dan Fungsi
o Karakterisasi grafik
o Interpretasi grafik
 Penalaran Logika
o Penalaran Induktif
o Penalaran Deduktif
o Berfikir kritis
o Strategi pemecahan masalah
 Penalaran Statistik
o Pengambilan dan pengorganisasian data
o Distribusi dan visualisasi data
o Karakterisasi dan interpretasi data
o Penyalahgunaan statistik
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
Tatap Muka CML

3 kali CL, 2 kali diskusi FG 3 kali CL, 2 kali diskusi FG

masing2 terdiri dari masing2 terdiri dari
4 kali pertemuan 1 kali diskusi HG 4 kali pertemuan 1 kali diskusi HG
1 kali Presentasi 1 kali Presentasi

3 kali PBL, 3 tahap diskusi HG 3 kali PBL, 3 tahap diskusi HG
masing2 terdiri dari masing2 terdiri dari
4 kali pertemuan 1 kali Presentasi 4 kali pertemuan 1 kali Presentasi

Bahasa Latihan di setiap Bahasa Latihan di setiap
Indonesia sesi tatap muka Indonesia sesi tatap muka

• Semua dilakukan di kelas normal • Semua dilakukan di kelas komputer

• Materi dicetak dan dibagikan ke mahasiswa

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Blended e-Learning
Kegiatan Tatap Muka Terstruktur Online di SCeLE
2 kali CL, 2 kali diskusi FG Forum & upload tugas
masing2 terdiri dari 6 kali
pertemuan 2 kali diskusi HG Forum & upload tugas
2 kali Presentasi Forum & upload tugas

2 kali PBL, masing2 terdiri 4 tahap diskusi HG Forum & upload tugas
dari 6 kali pertemuan
2 kali Presentasi Forum & upload tugas
Penalaran kuantitatif Latihan di setiap
sesi tatap muka
• Semua kegiatan dilakukan di kelas normal.
• Materi versi digital di SCeLE dan dapat diunduh secara online.
Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
Kegiatan Tatap muka di kelas Terstruktur di luar kelas Mandiri di luar kelas

FG diskusi ke-1
di kelas/ labkomp LTM-Laporan bacaan:
pendahuluan, isi, penutup
FG diskusi ke-2
CL Borang2 dikumpulkan manual Membaca materi.
MPKT A HG diskusi ke-3 di kelas Mendapatkan buku
Borang, PPt, Lap.
dikumplk. di kelas Membuat PPt,
Laporan Akhir

FG diskusi ke-1 LTM- Peta konsep:

di kelas biasa peta & uraian singkat
FG diskusi ke-2 Forum FG
CL Membaca materi.
MPKT B HG diskusi ke-3
Semua materi
Forum HG
HG diskusi ke-4 online di SCeLE
Membuat PPt/Lap. Borang, PPt, Lap. Akhir
dikumpulkan online di SCeLE
Presentasi ke-1
Forum Kelas
Presentasi ke-2

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Kegiatan Tatap muka di kelas Terstruktur di luar kelas Mandiri di luar kelas

HG diskusi ke-1
di kelas/ labkomp LTM-Laporan bacaan:
pendahuluan, isi, penutup
HG diskusi ke-2
PBL Borang2 dikumpulkan manual Membaca materi.
MPKT A HG diskusi ke-3 di kelas Mendapatkan buku
Borang, PPt, Lap.
dikumplk. di kelas Membuat PPt,
Laporan Akhir

HG diskusi ke-1 LTM- Peta konsep:

di kelas biasa peta & uraian singkat
HG diskusi ke-2 Forum HG
PBL Membaca materi.
MPKT B HG diskusi ke-3 Semua materi
Forum HG
HG diskusi ke-4 online di SCeLE
Membuat PPt/Lap. Borang, PPt, Lap. Akhir
dikumpulkan online di SCeLE
Presentasi ke-1
Forum Kelas
Presentasi ke-2

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

Kegiatan Tatap muka di kelas Terstruktur di luar kelas Mandiri di luar kelas

Bhs Latihan dilakukan di

sesi tatap muka Membaca materi.
Indonesia setelah diskusi Mendapatkan buku

Latihan dilakukan di
Penalaran Membaca materi.
sesi tatap muka Semua materi
kuantitatif setelah diskusi online di SCeLE

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

1. Borang 14% (B1: 4 x 1%, C1: 3%, C2: 7%)
2. LTM 16%
3. Makalah (Borang B2 & Makalah) 10%
4. UTS 25%
5. UAS 25%
6. Psychomotoric Activity 10%

Cuk Imawan, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia

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