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2010 – CS -- 11


Developments in Literacy (DIL) is a US-based 501(c)(3)
nonprofit launched in 1997 by Pakistani-Americans with a
desire to improve the dismal state of education in Pakistan’s
underdeveloped areas. DIL currently operates and manages
150 schools with an enrollment of nearly 15,000 students.
DIL is dedicated to providing quality education to
disadvantaged children, especially girls, by establishing and
operating schools in the underdeveloped regions of Pakistan,
with a strong focus on gender equality and community

No child in Pakistan, no matter how poor . All children should
have equal opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute
toward the socio-economic betterment of their communities.
What They Do ???
DIL establishes, adopts and manages
primary and secondary schools for underprivileged children
in partnership with non-governmental organizations in all
four provinces of Pakistan. In addition, DIL directly operates
community schools in Punjab and Sindh. DIL has developed
an educational approach that incorporates the following

 Local Partnerships-
DIL’s unique approach to establishing
and running schools in close partnership with regional NGOs
and local communities has proven to be the most successful
medium for providing education to students in the most
remote regions of Pakistan.
 Teacher Development-
DIL recently opened the Teacher
Development Center in Islamabad to provide ongoing in-
service training as well as pre-service training for its
teachers. The center, which caters to the needs of the rural
teachers, designs, plans and conducts training sessions
based on student-centered teaching methods.

Curriculum Development-
DIL enhances the standard
government curriculum to prepare students for future
success. The curriculum being developed is based on best
practices used throughout the world and better equips
students to succeed in the global marketplace.
Child-Centered Education-
DIL actively engages in student-
centered teaching at its schools. This approach is an
alternative to the traditional system of repetitive
memorization and has been shown to improve student
achievement. Child-centered education emphasizes creativity
as well as social skills and critical thinking skills.

Access to Technology-
DIL is in the process of implementing a
plan to outfit its schools with computer labs so students will
have greater access to technology. DIL is also developing
educational software specifically designed to supplement
DIL’s curriculum.
 Monitoring and Evaluation-
DIL’s key to success is a robust
monitoring framework and complete financial
transparency. DIL’s monitoring framework consists of a
three-tiered approach that includes local monitors,
regional monitors and national monitoring visits
conducted by members of DIL’s Board of Trustees and
Board of Directors.
Why DIL?

 Focus on Female Education

Female students consist of 60%
of DIL’s student population. This is a great achievement
given that the national literacy rate for women in Pakistan
stands at only 38%.

 Community-Owned Schools
DIL schools are community-
owned and have a village education committee that provides
support to teachers and ensures the community’s
involvement and oversight.
 Activity-Based Learning
In this inquiry-based
approach, students develop knowledge and
understanding through engaging activities that
help to foster creativity and critical thinking skills.

 Low Dropout Rate

The average student dropout rate
for DIL schools in 2007 was only 2.5%, which is an
enormous success considering the national dropout
rate in Pakistan is 45%.
 Addressing the Needs of Rural Teachers and
DIL’s Teacher Development Center works
with rural teachers to improve their teaching skills
and subject content knowledge. DIL collaborates
with the teachers when developing lesson plans and
teaching materials, etc. to ensure that their needs
are fully met.
Schools Statistics

Total Number of Schools: 149

Total Number of Teachers: 666

Total Enrollment: 15,633

Location Partners Number of Schools Students Teachers

Baluchistan SCSPEB 10 464 43

Dir KK 33 1,357 53
Islamabad - 7 842 36
Khairpur 1 NOWA 24 1,983 99
Khairpur 2 IRC 24 1,642 82
Mansehra - 2 273 18
Orangi - 20 2,744 138
Rawalpindi - 22 2,613 134
Sheikhupura CARE 6 3,648 58

Kala Shah Kaku - 1 67 5

Total   149 15,633 666

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