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• Hookworm = Ancylostoma caninum, braziliense

• Erythematous, serpiginous, pruritic, cutaneous
eruption caused by accidental percutaneous
• Using their proteases, larvae penetrate through
follicles, fissures, or intact skin of the new host. After
penetrating the stratum corneum, the larvae shed their
natural cuticle. Usually, they begin migration within a
few days.
• Larvae lack the collagenase needed to penetrate the
basement membrane and invade the dermis
• Albendazole is the treatment of choice
• Toxocara species, the ascarid of dogs and cats
• severe infection and can suffer from seizures,
myocarditis, and encephalitis. Death has also
been reported in some cases.
• Ingesting embryonated eggs
• Organ = Liver, lungs, eye, heart, and brain

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