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Work and Energy

Force – basically, a push or a pull.

Force – basically, a push or a pull.

F = ma

m = mass (kg)
a = acceleration (m/s2)
F = force (kg-m/s2 or N)
Work – a force does work when after being
acted on an object, there is a displacement.
Did she applied Work?
Did she applied Work?
Work – force multiplied by distance.

W = Fd

W = Work (N-m or J)
F = force (kg-m/s2 or N)
d = distance (m)
1. A boy kicked a 10-kg ball with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 and
it rolled over at a distance of 5 meters. How much work did
the boy exerted?
2. A 100 N force is applied to move an object a horizontal
distance of 5 meters at constant speed. Calculate the work
3. A 100 N force is applied at an angle of 30o to the
horizontal to move a 15 kg object at a constant sped for a
horizontal distance of 5 m. How much work is done?
4. An upward force is applied to lift a 15 kg object to a height
of 5 meters at constant speed. Measure the work applied.
Energy – cannot be created nor destroyed;
it can, however, be transformed.
- Law of Conservation of Energy

Two basic forms of Energy: (the unit in Joules)

Potential Energy – energy due to position.

Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion

Potential Energy – energy due to position.
Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion
Potential Energy – energy due to position.
Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion
Potential Energy – energy due to position.
Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion
Potential Energy – energy due to position.
Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion
Potential Energy – energy due to position.

PE = mgh

PE = potential energy (N-m or J)

m = mass (kg)
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
h = height (m)
Kinetic Energy – energy due to motion.

KE = ½mv2

KE = kinetic energy (N-m or J)

m = mass (kg)
v = velocity (m/s)
5. A ball hits on a floor from a height of 19.6 m. Determine
the velocity with which the ball strikes the ground.
6. An object of mass 10 kg is initially at rest, which is
subjected to a force of 20 N. Calculate the kinetic energy of
the body after 10 s.
7. Calculate the potential energy of a rock with a mass of 55
kg while sitting on a cliff that is 27 m high.
8. What distance is a book from the floor if the book
contains 196 Joules of potential energy and has a mass of 5

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