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IEC61508 & Functional Safety

System Selection

MOST Process Control and SafetyNet Systems


• Discuss IEC 61508

• Use a typical application to bring it alive
Introduction to the standards

 The umbrella ….

“IEC 61508:2002. “Functional Safety of

Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
Safety-related Systems”.

• The industry specific beneath the umbrella ...

“IEC 61511:2003. “Functional Safety - Safety
Instrumented Systems for the Process
It’s all in the title

Operate in some way to protect

Functional Safety of

Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic

PLCs, DCS etc. can have

high software content
Safety-related Systems

Related to safety, but not entirely

responsible for it
What sorts of hazards?

 All hazards that might lead to risk of:

- injury
- death

 Doesn’t cover risk to:

- the environment
- plant and production capacity
- but you could use it if you wanted to
It’s all about risk reduction

Residua l Tolera ble EUC

risk risk risk

If you’ve tried everything else to reduce

the risk (re-design, bunds, de-manning),
then you need to use a E/E/PE Safety-
EUC - is “EquipmentNecessa
Under ry System
Control” which Incre a s ing
risk reduction ris k
is controlled by the “Basic Process Control
System” or BPCS
Actua l risk reduction

The bigger the necessary risk reduction, the more

excellent the safety system needs to be - it has to
have more “integrity”.
What is SIL?

• Safety Integrity Level - safety
uirem ent
• In bands - SIL4 highest
S I L r e q
integrity, SIL1 lowest
• Standard talksetabout
m e he P
th LaC “safety function”
- think
s st t as a “safety loop”
to ofuthis
h a ot j
Pa control
N loop, it’s made up of:
The • a sensor (like a transmitter)
• a logic solver (like a safety PLC)
• a final element (like a valve)
How “good” is each Safety
Integrity Level?
Probability of failure to protect on
Safety Low demand
Integrity Mode of Operation
Level (prob. of Failure on Demand)

4 >= 1 0 -5 to 1 0 -4

3 >= 1 0 -4 to 1 0 -3

2 >= 1 0 -3 to 1 0 -2

1 >= 1 0 -2 to 1 0 -1

SIL4 - better than 1 in 10,000 demands (= years)

SIL3 - better than 1 in 1000 demands
SIL2 - better than 1 in 100 demands
SIL1 - better than 1 in 10 demands
What determines the SIL?

The SIL you can claim is constrained by:

i r e m
 the design processes used requ ty. ck.
e r i c he
smeasures o
 the design techniques fand t h e a uth aused s to
a ll o fying ser h cts
u c t, e r ti d U d u
c r o
 the tolerance p rodof the
t h esystem
o r E nto hardware
ed p faults
ie d y
b eS I r tif i
t i f d e
 thec erprobability e cke tofs tah failure n - cto provide protection
o r a c h duc e no
F are pro an us
f ie d uc
 the
er ti proportion y o of faults that lead to safe failure
n c Bu t
What do you need from a
functional safety system?

Identify the level of

risk reduction required

Express this as a
safety integrity
level for each
safety function

You need a safety

system that meets
the required SIL
3 Basic Questions

• Are all the components suitable?

• How often must the safety function operate?

- and when it does, can it act quickly enough?

• Is the probability of failure low enough?

Suitable Components

Safe Failure Hardware Fault Tolerance

Fraction 0 1 2
< 60% Not allowed SIL 1 SIL 2
60% to < 90% SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3
90% to < 99% SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 4
 99% SIL 3 SIL 4 SIL 4
What makes the products

• Hardware Fault Tolerance

• Safe Failure Fraction

Safe failures = good failures
Dangerous = bad failures
Dangerous detected = good failures
Suitable Components

Safe Failure Hardware Fault Tolerance

Fraction 0 1 2
< 60% Not allowed SIL 1 SIL 2
60% to < 90% SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3
90% to < 99% SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 4
 99% SIL 3 SIL 4 SIL 4
How often will it operate?
Low Demand

• Think automotive “ABS” and ESD

• Integrity failure rate is “to protect on demand”
Integrity measure is “will it fail, when needed?”
Typically a back-up to an operation system
• Demands will be once a year or less
(and no more often than twice the proof test interval)
• Proof testing required
How often will it operate?
High Demand

• Think automotive steering and machine guarding

• Integrity failure rate is “failure rate per hour”
Integrity measure is “how often might it fail?”
Often the sole guardian of safety
•Demands will be more than once per year
- but perhaps better to think “continuous”
• Proof testing won’t improve the integrity measure
Is the safety function fast

Definition: … the period of time between a

failure in the EUC ….. and the occurrence of
the hazardous event if the safety function is
not performed

The clock is
ticking …
….. can it be
defused in time?
Is the probability of failure low
Safety Low demand
Integrity Mode of Operation
Level (prob. of Failure on Demand)

4 >= 1 0 -5 to 1 0 -4

3 >= 1 0 -4 to 1 0 -3

2 >= 1 0 -3 to 1 0 -2

1 >= 1 0 -2 to 1 0 -1

• Manufacturers calculation (FMEAD)

• Amount of field failure data
3 Basic Questions

• Are all the components suitable?

• How often must the safety function operate?

- and when it does, can it act quickly enough?

• Is the probability of failure low enough?

Emergency Shut Down
Input devices
e.g. temperature or

MOST e.g. shut-off valves,
SafetyNet dump valves etc.

Basic requirement - normally

energised outputs must de-energise
on detection of emergency or internal

Control room
Our safety function

• SIL2
• Low demand
• Process safety time > 10s

Pressure 8810 8851 8811 Valve

Transmitter SafetyNet SafetyNet SafetyNet
AI Controller DI/DO
Some convenient assumptions!

• Everything is certified to SIL2

• 1oo1 - to simplify failure probability calculations

• MTTR = 0 (ie if it fails, shut down)

• PFDavg = 1/2 T 1 du

3 Basic Questions

• Are all the components suitable?

• How often must the safety function operate?

- and when it does, can it act quickly enough?

• Is the probability of failure low enough?

Are all the components suitable?

• Certificate confirms
- design processes, techniques & measures
- calculation of safety parameters

• Hardware fault tolerance and safe failure fraction

- Type A: HFT = 1
- Type A: HFT = 0 + SFF > 60%

- Type B: HFT = 1 + SFF > 60%

- Type B: HFT = 0 + SFF > 90%
Is the safety function fast

 No Process Safety Time >

Response Time?

Pressure 8810 8851 8811 Pilot &
Transmitter SafetyNet SafetyNet SafetyNet Control Valve
AI Controller DI/DO

2 x 50ms + 2 x 30ms + 2 x 100ms + 10ms + 4s

Worst case response time = 4.37 seconds < 10 second PST

How often must the safety
function operate?

Once a Demand rate >

Continuous What is the & twice proof
year or less
Demand test frequency

Low Demand Mode -

calculate PFDavg
of the safety loop
The mathematics for
PFDavg = 1/2 T1 du

• Dangerous undetected failures

- only revealed on demand
• Failure probability grows with time from last test
Probability of Failure on Dem and


Proof Test Interval Time

Is the probability of failure
low enough?
Repeat for next
safety function!

 No PFDavg < limit

for target SIL?

Pressure 8810 8851 8811 Pilot &
Transmitter SafetyNet SafetyNet SafetyNet Control Valve
AI Controller DI/DO

DU = 100 x10 -9 DU = 20 x10 -9 DU = 100 x10 -9 DU = 50 x10 -9 DU = 1400 x10 -9
T1 = 8760 hours T1 = 8760 hours T1 = 8760 hours T1 = 8760 hours T1 = 8760 hours
PFDavg = 5x10 -4 PFDavg = 1x10 -4 PFDavg = 5x10 -4 PFDavg = 3 x10 -4 PFDavg = 6.1 x10 -3

Pressure Tx: 1/2 (8760 x 100 x 10-9) = 4.38 x 10-4  5 x 10-4

PFDavg = 7.5 x10 -3

Does it meet SIL 2?

Safety Low demand

Integrity Mode of Operation
Level (prob. of Failure on Demand)

4 >= 1 0 -5 to 1 0 -4

3 >= 1 0 -4 to 1 0 -3

>= 1 0 -3 to 1 0 -2 PFDavg 7.5 x 10-3

>= 1 0 -2 to 1 0 -1

3 Basic Questions

• Are all the components suitable? 

• How often must the safety function operate? 

- and when it does, can it act quickly enough?

• Is the probability of failure low enough?
Why use 61508/61511?

• It’s the gold standard

• It’s the basis for new standards
• Mathematics is always right
• You can explain what you did and why
IEC61508 & Functional Safety
System Selection

MOST Process Control and SafetyNet Systems

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