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A propaganda technique is an improper

appeal to emotion used for the purpose
of swaying the opinions of an audience .
0 Propaganda has been around since the
beginning of time. It is basically a type of
message aimed at influencing the behavior,
opinions, and decisions of people. Propaganda
doesn't necessarily have to take a moral path
and can often be misleading and even
exaggerated. Mainly used in politics,
propaganda is hugely influenced by methods
of influence used in public relations and
advertising. Propaganda is often defined as
the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor
for the purpose of helping or injuring an
institution, a cause or a person.
0 This technique involves encouraging people to think
or act in some way simply because other people are
doing so.
0 When a product or an idea is linked with another to
create the impression that they share positive
attributes, the technique being used is known as
transfer. This technique can be used to create positive
and negative feelings about an entity.
0 This propaganda technique is capable of creating
highly emotional responses and therefore, generally
the imagery for association tends to be visual. The use
of Swastika by the Nazi Party led to negative
associations for the symbol when in actuality it was
an identifier for health and prosperity. Till today the
use of the Swastika can cause negative perceptions in
the minds of people.
0 Using slogans or simple catchphrases, propagandists
make generalized statements attractive to their
audience. Usually these statements involve ideas of
love, honor, glory, peace, family values, freedom,
patriotism -- anything general enough to inspire pride.
These statements usually say very little, so they
cannot be proved or disproved
0 A testimonial makes an association between a
respected or authoritative person and the cause. The
hope is that the respected person will lead others to
follow his ideas. It is similar to a celebrity
endorsement of a product.

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