Manage Change Nov 2008

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O What is change?
O Forces for change
O Why do people resist change?
O How to manage change and your role as an agent of change

O a 






O ue flexible and adaptable in the way they organize for work

O Create staff & managers that question the way things are done
and come up with new solutions and products / services and
value the customer.
O Have Supervisors & Managers that can lead & manage change

3  a   !

O ÿolitical - Changes in Government ÿolicy. E.g. Employment Law

O Economic environment- Government policy or external factors like the
price of oil
O Social & cultural.- E.g. The changing role of women in society
O Technological- E.g. IT & robots in manufacturing
O Competition - Responding to, and keeping ahead of new products &
Other forces:
O Internal factors- E.g. re- organizations, expansion, contraction & cost
reduction programmes.
O Globalization- increased competition from overseas &
free trade blocs

O Security of employment
O Donࣛt think the changes will work
O Donࣛt think that they will cope with the new tasks or technology
O Loss of money
O Loss of status or position of power
O Loss of friends
O ureak up of existing teams and familiar working patterns
O Move away from existing areas
O Lack of trust

O Communicate vision - where the organization will be!!

O Keep communicating to all people connected to the organization -
regular updates
O Inform and involve people in the decisions and changes
O Sell the benefits of the change to people
O Identify your change champions - people that are influential and
welcome the change
O Train, counsel & educate people through the change
O Reward people for change ( ÿraise, recognition and financial)
O Take a step by step approach and prove it works.
O Review progress and adapt if necessary
O Explain what the change is and why its important / why things
will be better!!!
O Lead by example and take ownership of problems
O Encourage participation and the team to take ownership of
solving problems- build the team!!!!!
O ue enthusiastic
O ÿraise
O uuild relationships with all who are affected by the change and
try to win them over
O Train and support people through the change
O Update people on what is happening
O Review progress and listen to what people are saying!!
O Adapt if necessary, but donࣛ t lose sight of the objective of
O An issue is held in baa by
ࣚDrivingࣛ and ࣚRestrainingࣛ forces
O Organizations are ࣚdynamic
systemsࣛ. Successful change
means a shift forward to form a
new equilibrium
O Forces = persons, ideas, habits,
customs and attitudes
O Examine balance of power
O Identify key players
O Identify opponents & allies
O Identify how to influence each

http://ic- http://www.qd-
O ×

feels most managersࣛ
focus on  aa  
O Two more areas need attention.
Management of:
O  have a negative
attitude & show negative
behaviour. Work on ÿ&u
O ½   seem to
support change (behaviour)
Work on ÿ&u - give more
information (Issue M)
O ÿ a

 are not
convinced. Use ÿ&ÿ

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