Ali Med Soc Presentation

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Healthcare in Rural Communities

By: Hamza Ali

Main Concerns of Rural Communities

• Low population size as a result of people not wanting to

live in these areas
• Lower incomes as a result of lower opportunities of
• Longer travel distances as a result of there being a low
population density
• A lack of basic resources

• Rural areas are considered anything outside of the

metropolitan area (city with over 50000 residents).
• 19.3% of the United States Population lives in rural areas
• Rural communities receive less attention when compared
to urban areas
• Because of the concerns listed previously, a reform in
the system of healthcare is necessary to provide the best
quality life
Example of Rural Landscape
Leading Causes of Disease

• Rural communities have a higher rate of:

• Smoking
• Obesity
• Inactivity in times of leisure
• These conditions result in an overall higher rate of death
Leading Causes of Death

• Urban and rural communities have the same top 5 causes

of death, but those in rural communities have a
significantly higher death rate
• Heart Disease
• Cancer
• Unintentional injury
• Chronic lower respiratory disease
• stroke
Healthcare Issues in Rural Communities

• The main healthcare issues people in rural communities

face are:
• A lack of funding for more healthcare facilities
• Poor response times for EMS
• The major issues in rural healthcare stems from:
• A lack of health literacy
• A low amount of physicians working in rural areas
Rural Physician Recruitment and Retention

• Only 9% of the nation’s physicians work in rural areas

• There are far fewer specialists who work in rural areas
• Many physicians working in rural areas live in places directly adjacent to
metropolitan areas
• Results in healthcare facilities being generally far away from
people in rural areas
• With healthcare facilities being so far from people, many people choose not
to go to hospitals for regular checkups and screenings
Solution for Physician Recruitment

• Medical schools have decided to help rural communities

by making it their mission to take in students who will
serve the underserved communities in the surrounding
• Ex) North East Ohio Medical University
Health Literacy

• Many issues in healthcare stem from a lack of understanding in patients

• “studies have linked limited health literacy to misunderstanding
instructions about prescription medication, medication errors, poor
comprehension of nutrition labels, and mortality” (“National Action
Plan”, 2010)
• Examples of health literacy
• Wearing a seatbelt
• The rate of people in rural communities wearing seatbelts is lower.
An increase would result in fewer people dying from accidents.
• Importance of routine screening
• Can catch illnesses early before they become something very hard
Solutions for Rural Health

• There has been an increase in instilling health literacy in youth

• Bills have been trying to get passed which make CPR training a requirement
for students to graduate high school
• Currently 39 states in which these bills have been passed
• The passage of these bills would prove to be very important for rural
• With rural communities have wait times for EMS double on average when
compared to urban areas, they have a higher rate of dying from
emergency situations of heart failure and stroke
• If CPR was administered, many people could be kept alive long enough for
EMS to arrive

• People in rural areas face barriers which people in urban areas

don’t often have to deal with
• Lower and more spread out population
• Financial issues
• Lower income
• Lack of funding for construction projects
• Inability to retain and recruit physicians
• Decreased health literacy
• These factors result in a lower quality of care provided to rural
Conclusion (Cont.)

• Attempts have been made to fix the needs people in rural

areas have
• Programs and bills which promote growth of infrastructure
• Programs which promote healthy learning
• There is much work to be done in order to improve
healthcare in rural communities, and with time will come
more advancements in the treatment of people in rural

• Alexander, B. (2018, January 9). America's Rural Hospitals Are Dangerously Fragile.
• Retrieved
• April 18, 2018, from
• Coutre, L. (2017, September 1). Cleveland Clinic operating income soars for first half of
• 2017.
• Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• Flex Program. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• Moy, E. (2017, January 13). Leading Causes of Death in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan
• Areas — United States, 1999–2014. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• New Census Data Show Differences Between Urban and Rural Populations. (2016,
• December
• 8). Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
References (Cont.)

• Phillips, S. (2015). Data Shows Rural Hospitals At Risk Without Special Attention from
• Lawmakers. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• Rosenblatt, R. (2000). Physicians and rural America. Western Journal of Medicine,348-351.
• Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• States where CPR Training is Mandatory for High School Graduation. (2017). Retrieved
• April
• 18, 2018, from
• Temple, K. (2017, April 19). Rural Health Literacy: Understanding Skills and Demands is
• Key
• to Improvement. Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• What is Rural? (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2018, from
• rural

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