Advantages For The Baby: - The Baby Is Always Close The Mother Its Happen - The Baby Thrives On Breastmilk

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Advantages for the baby

• The baby is always close the mother

Its happen when being fed and this strengthens
the bound between them.
• The baby thrives on breastmilk because it is
appropriate food for the baby and contains all the
required constituents. Breastmilk has the correct
types and amounts of : Protein, Fats (of which
95% are absorbed), Carbohydrates (high in
lactose), Minerals (a little low in fluoride and in
iron, Vitamins (a little low in ‘D’ and ‘K’)
• Almost no risk of allergies or atopic diseases
for example : Astma
• No constipation
• Almost no risk obesity and better feeding
habits are acquired after weaning, for example,
breastmilk is not sweet, artificial feeds often
• Dental caries greatly reduced
• Cot deaths do not seem to occur in wholly
breastfed babies and seldom in babies on
supplemented feeding, One of the contributing
factors in these deaths may be the result of
babies being given bottles in their cots and then
choking, either because the milk pours into their
mouths too quickly, so inhale regurgitated milk.
• Breastmilk provides protection againts
infection. In bottle fed babies, there is also
always the danger of bottles being dropped and
so becoming contaminated
• Avoid from Hypocaltemia Hypernatraemia
Hypocaltemia: too little calcium, resulling in convulsions.
Hypernatraemia: too much sodium, caused by the incorrect dilution
of milk powder
• Reduce the incidence Necrotining enterocolitis, Ulcerative colitis,
Multiple aclerosis, and Coronary vascular disease.
Necrotining enterocolitis : this condition may arise in preterm infants
after an exchange transfusion and only affects artificially fed babies.
Ulcerative colitis: seldom found in people who were breastfed.
Multiple aclerosis: this is also rare in people who were breastfed.
Coronary vascular disease: this condition may arise in preterm infants
after an breastfed and this may have an Immunological basis.
The following conditions are
greatly reduced in breastfeed
• Gastro-enteritis , which is common in artificially fed babies.
• Respiratory tract infections, which are also common in artificially fed
babies (possibly aggravated by obesity and by allergies to cow’s milk)
• Otitis media is the medical term for middle ear inflammation.
• Neonatal septicaemia and meningitis: there are less Coll in the gut of
breastfed babies.
• Viral infections. (However, note that because breastmilk has an
antiviral activity it can interfere with the action of polio vaccine in
breastfed infants).
• Thrush/ monthal infection: lactoferrin in breastmilk inhibits the
growth of candida albicans.
• Tuberculosis: leucocytes in breastmilk protect the baby againts
tuberculosis and thrush.

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